Virtual Assistants Overview
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Concepts and Terminology
Quick Start Guide
Accessing the Platform
Navigating the XO Platform
Building a Virtual Assistant
Help & Learning Resources
Release Notes
Current Version
Recent Updates
Previous Versions
Request a Feature
Conversation Designer
Dialog Tasks
Mock Scenes
Dialog Tasks
Navigate Dialog Tasks
Build Dialog Tasks
Node Types
Intent Node
Dialog Node
Dynamic Intent Node
GenAI Node v2
Configure GenAI Node v2
GenAI Node
GenAI Prompt
Entity Node
Form Node
Confirmation Node
Message Nodes
Logic Node
Bot Action Node
Service Node
Webhook Node
Script Node
Process Node
Agent Transfer
Node Connections
Node Connections Setup
Sub-Intent Scoping
Entity Types
Entity Rules
User Prompts or Messages
Voice Call Properties
Knowledge AI
Knowledge Graph
Build a Knowledge Graph
Manage FAQs
Knowledge Extraction
Import or Export Knowledge Graph
Prepare Data for Import
Importing Knowledge Graph
Exporting Knowledge Graph
Auto-Generate Knowledge Graph
Knowledge Graph Analysis
Answer from Documents
Alert Tasks
Small Talk
Digital Skills
Digital Forms
Digital Views
Session and Context Variables
Context Object
Intent Discovery
NLP Optimization
ML Engine
Model Validation
FM Engine
KG Engine
Traits Engine
Ranking and Resolver
Training Validations
NLP Configurations
NLP Guidelines
LLM and Generative AI
LLM Integration XO GPT Module
Prompts & Requests Library
Co-Pilot Features
Dynamic Conversations Features
Event Handlers
Contextual Memory
Contextual Intents
Interruption Management
Multi-intent Detection
Amending Entities
Default Conversations
Conversation Driven Dialog Builder
Sentiment Management
Tone Analysis
Default Standard Responses
Ignore Words & Field Memory
Test & Debug
Talk to Bot
Utterance Testing
Batch Testing
Conversation Testing
Conversation Testing Overview
Create a Test Suite
Test Editor
Test Case Assertion
Test Case Execution Summary
Health and Monitoring
NLP Health
Flow Health
Actions Overview
Azure OpenAI
Google Maps
Microsoft Graph
Open AI
Agent Transfer Overview
Custom (BotKit)
NiceInContact(User Hub)
Configure Tokyo and Lower versions
Configure Utah and Higher versions
External NLU Adapters
Dialogflow Engine
Test and Debug
Dashboard Filters
Overview Dashboard
Conversations Dashboard
Users Dashboard
Performance Dashboard
Custom Dashboards
Custom Meta Tags
Create Custom Dashboard
Create Custom Dashboard Filters
LLM and Generative AI Logs
NLP Insights
Task Execution Logs
Conversations History
Conversation Flows
Conversation Insights
Feedback Analytics
Usage Metrics
Containment Metrics
Universal Bots
Universal Bot Definition
Universal Bot Creation
Training a Universal Bot
Universal Bot Customizations
Enabling Languages
Manage Assistant
Team Collaboration
Plan & Usage
Usage Plans
Support Plans
Conversation Sessions
Multilingual Virtual Assistants
Get Started
Supported Components & Features
Manage Languages
Manage Translation Services
Multiingual Virtual Assistant Behavior
Feedback Survey
Masking PII Details
IVR Settings
General Settings
Assistant Management
Manage Namespace
Data Table
Table Views
App Definitions
Data as Service
Build a Travel Planning Assistant
Travel Assistant Overview
Create a Travel Virtual Assistant
Design Conversation Skills
Create an ‘Update Booking’ Task
Create a Change Flight Task
Build a Knowledge Graph
Schedule a Smart Alert
Design Digital Skills
Configure Digital Forms
Configure Digital Views
Train the Assistant
Use Traits
Use Patterns
Manage Context Switching
Deploy the Assistant
Use Bot Functions
Use Content Variables
Use Global Variables
Use Web SDK
Build a Banking Assistant
Design Conversation Skills
Create a Sample Banking Assistant
Create a Transfer Funds Task
Create a Update Balance Task
Create a Knowledge Graph
Set Up a Smart Alert
Design Digital Skills
Configure Digital Forms
Configure Digital Views
Add Data to Data Tables
Update Data in Data Tables
Add Data from Digital Forms
Train the Assistant
Composite Entities
Use Traits
Use Patterns for Intents & Entities
Manage Context Switching
Deploy the Assistant
Configure an Agent Transfer
Use Assistant Functions
Use Content Variables
Use Global Variables
Intent Scoping using Group Node
Analyze the Assistant
Create a Custom Dashboard
Use Custom Meta Tags in Filters
API Reference
API Introduction
Rate Limits
API List
koreUtil Libraries
SDK Reference
SDK Introduction
How the Web SDK Works
SDK Security
SDK Registration
Web Socket Connect and RTM
Widget SDK Tutorial
Web SDK Tutorial
BotKit SDK
BotKit SDK Deployment Guide
Installing the BotKit SDK
Using the BotKit SDK
SDK Events
SDK Functions
Installing Botkit in AWS
BotKit - Blue Prism
BotKit - Flight Search Sample VA
BotKit - Agent Transfer

Intro to Bots Admin Console
Administration Dashboard
User Management
Managing Your Users
Managing Your Groups
Role Management
Manage Data Tables and Views
Bot Management
Inviting Users
Sending Bulk Invites to Enroll Users
Importing Users and User Data
Synchronizing Users from Active Directory
Security & Compliance
Using Single Sign-On
Two-Factor Authentication for Platform Access
Security Settings
Cloud Connector
Analytics for Bots Admin
  1. Docs
  2. Virtual Assistants
  3. Builder
  4. Dialog Task
  5. Navigating Dialog Tasks

Navigating Dialog Tasks


How to Access the XO Platform?

Note: “Virtual Assistant”, “VA” and “Bot” refer to the same concept and are used interchangeably.


This article takes you through the major features you can access via the Dialog Builder.

The Dialog Builder is a key component of the XO Platform and you can use it to develop full conversations between your VA and your users – from design, to development, training and testing.

Providing Conversation, Logic and NLP based tools, the Dialog Builder gives you multiple opportunities to develop your conversational VA. You can Design, Build and Train from within a familiar interface, which improves development efficiency and enhances results.


The purpose of the Dialog Builder is to combine human interaction and business logic, to enable your organization to collaboratively implement standards, processes and practices into valuable Virtual Assistants.

Here are a few other ways in which the Dialog Builder can benefit your organization:

  • Simplifies and streamlines VA development by providing access to tools and connecting to a wide variety of services.
  • Facilitates the application of business processes to Conversational VA Development.
  • Encourages innovation through clear, collaborative processes to Design, Build and Train AI-powered, Conversational Virtual Assistants.

Explore Dialog Tasks 

You can access Dialog Tasks by going to: Build > Virtual Assistants > Conversation Skills > Dialog Tasks. Alternatively, you can find the list of existing Dialog Tasks under Build > Virtual Assistants > Conversation Skills > Storyboard > Dialog Tasks.

The Dialog Tasks List

Moving forward, this article will be working with Dialog Tasks by navigating to Build > Virtual Assistants > Conversation Skills > Dialog Tasks. The first page you see here is the list of existing Dialog Tasks. Let us now go through the features that you can access from this page.

    • See basic information about each dialog task, at-a-glance. This includes the task name, description, last update date, and status.
      Note: If a Dialog Task has been created using our legacy builder, then you will have the option to upgrade to the new, Conversation-Driven builder. In your list, such tasks come with an upgrade icon (an upward arrow inside a gear symbol).
    • Dialog Task Options – When hovering over a task, you will see options to Edit, Clone or Delete the selected task. There is also a menu with more options, where you can View the task, configure Dialog Settings, Manage Interruptions or Amend Behavior.

  • Search Dialog Tasks – If you are looking for a specific task, you can type its name here.
  • Manage Components – Use this button to reach the Dialog Components section, where you can manage entities, webhooks, messages, agent transfers, etc; that are in use within all Dialog Tasks within your VA. 
  • Create a new Dialog Task – Use this button to create a new Dialog Task.
    Note: Starting with version 9.0 of the XO Platform, newly created tasks will use the new, Conversation-Driven Builder. 
  • Quick Start Guide – If you are just getting started using the XO Platform, we recommend that you take a look at this guide, which will show you the basics of working with the Dialog Builder.
  • Talk to Bot – This is where you can easily test your VA, by simulating an interaction between a user and your VA.

Dialog Task Options


There are scenarios where you may need to create two similar dialog tasks with minor differences. You can achieve this with the Clone option available for each task, available on the Dialog Tasks page.

To clone a dialog task, follow the below steps:

    • Open the VA in which you want to clone the dialog task.
    • Select the Build tab from the top menu.
    • From the left menu, click Conversation Skills -> Dialog Tasks.
    • On the Dialog Tasks page, hover over the dialog you want to clone and click the Clone icon.

  • On the Clone a Dialog window, enter a name in the Intent Name field.
  • Optionally, you can add a Description and set options for the task to be independent, a Sub-intent dialog or Hide it from Help.
  • Also optionally, you can adjust Intent Training, set Intent Preconditions or define Context Output.
  • Click Clone.

Cloned Task Properties

The following are the properties of a cloned dialog task:

  • It contains the same components, instances, NL, IVR, and connection properties as the original dialog task.
  • The Dialog Settings, Interruption Settings, and Amend Behavior are also copied from the original dialog.
  • If multiple languages are enabled in the original dialog, then the details for all languages are copied.

The below-listed intent-level NLP training data is not copied:

  • Machine Learning Utterances.
  • Intent Patterns & Rules.
  • Intent Synonyms.


If you no longer require a specific Dialog Task, you can remove it.

Warning: Deleted Tasks cannot be restored.

To delete a Dialog Task:

  1. Hover over the task in the Dialog Tasks List.
  2. Click the Delete icon.

If you are sure that you want to delete this task, then please click OK in the confirmation window. Otherwise, please click Cancel.

More Options

Please see the articles linked below for information on:

Conversation Design, Logic Building & Training

The Conversation Designer and Dialog Builder is where you can design, build, train and test the conversations that your VA can have with your users.

You can access them by creating a new Dialog Task or by opening an existing one.

Note: This guide is applicable for the new, Conversation-Driven Dialog Builder. If your tasks are using the previous version, please consider upgrading.

The Dialog Task development process consists in three main stages:

  • Design: Where you can design your conversation flow using natural language.
  • Build: This is where you can add business logic to your conversation.
  • Train: Once you are done creating your conversation flow, you can train your VA on it, using this section of the Dialog Builder.

Let us look at each of these areas in detail.

Design the Conversation Flow

The Top Menu

The Conversation Design process occurs in the Conversation Designer. This comes with its specific top menu, where you can access the following features:

  • Exit the Dialog Task Builder and go back to the Dialog Tasks List.
  • Switch between Dialog Tasks – Use this dropdown if you need to work on a different task. You don’t have to go back to the list to do so.
  • Tabs designed for the main stages of the Dialog Task development process. As previously mentioned, these are: Design, Build and Train.
  • Preview the conversation widget to see what it would look like on your website. This area also lets you customize the widget, and colleagues can add comments to the preview.
  • Refresh the builder page.
  • Get Help for contextual topics or find’s support channels. Please see Help and Learning Resources for details.
  • More options, where you can Edit the Dialog Task’s name and description, or Clone it to make a copy.

The Conversation Designer

The Conversation Designer is where you can simulate an interaction between your users and the Virtual Assistant, using natural language. This designer is organized as a chat widget that allows you to configure user and bot messaging, using the base structure of a familiar chat conversation. Let us take a look at the features you can use.

    • Message Editor: This is where you can type in the message exchanges within the conversation.
    • Message Editor Tabs for Bot and User. These determine whether your VA considers a message as coming from the user or from the VA. The editor switches between tabs by default when you add a message, but you can do so yourself when needed.
    • Message Bubbles: Each message you add (by hitting Enter/Return when done editing) is then displayed within the conversation as bubbles, just like in most other chat messaging services. Each bubble comes with options that are specific to that message.
    • Message Options: This is where you can Edit, Configure Properties, Comment, Remove or Link a Node. The More Options button is accessible when hovering over a message bubble.
    • Alternative Path: This option lets you configure alternative paths that the conversation could take, with the currently selected message as the origin. The option is accessible when hovering over a bubble.
    • Comments Icon: If the Comments icon is visible when hovering over a message bubble, it means that there are existing comments added to that message. Clicking it allows you to view the comments history for that particular message, and to add your reply.

    • Add Node: Hovering in-between messages lets you add a new node, by choosing one of the available node types. You can connect to an existing node or create a new one.

    • Flow View: This view lets you see the overall structure of your conversation, at a glance.

      • Talk to Bot – This is where you can test your assistant, right from within the Conversation Designer.

Please see Mock Scenes for additional information related to the Conversation Designer.

Build Business Logic

The Top Menu

The Dialog Builder is where you can build business logic into your conversations. It comes with a dedicated top menu, which facilitates access to the following features:

      • Navigate away from the Dialog Task Builder and back to the Dialog Tasks List.
      • Switch between Dialog Tasks – Simply use this dropdown if you need to work on a different task. You don’t have to go back to the list to do so.
      • Tabs related to the main stages of the Dialog Task development process: Design, Build and Train.
      • Errors and Warnings – Use this notification area to see any potential errors or warnings that may arise throughout your development process.
      • Find Nodes – Use the search field to find nodes faster within your conversation flow.
      • Comments – Here is where you can browse, search and reply to comments made to the current dialog task.
      • Help – This is where you can find contextual insights and ways to receive support for your project. Please see Help and Learning Resources for details.
      • Additional Options – This menu provides access to: Display and Zoom Options, Auto-Arrange, Dialog Settings, Manage Interruptions and Amend Behavior.

The Dialog Builder

The Dialog Builder is where you have access to the tools you need in order to integrate your conversation scenarios with your business logic. Here is an overview of the features it provides.

      • The Canvas – This represents the entire surface on which the components of your conversation are placed.
      • The Root Intent – This is the first component of any conversation and will be displayed on your canvas by default, whenever you create a new Dialog Task.
      • Nodes – These are the different points at which components of your conversation intersect. For details, please see Node Types.
      • Nodes Panel – Here is where you can choose which Node Type to add and simply drag and drop it to the canvas, at the desired location. You can also add notes using the ⨁ buttons within your flow.
      • Toggle the Conversation Builder – This helps you work on your VA using both the conversation and flow views simultaneously.
      • Component Configuration Panel – This panel is available when a component is selected, and can be minimized (as shown in the screenshot above).
      • Talk to Bot – This is where you can test your VA, right from within the Dialog Builder.
      • Display Options Panel – This panel is only available when no component is selected and allows you to configure Display and Zoom Options, to Auto-Arrange components or to turn the map on or off. The map allows you to see the general area where you are currently located within your flow.

Remember that the more you train your Virtual Assistant and the more rigor you apply to the training data, the more effective it becomes.

Now, let’s take a look at the features that the training module offers.

      • Assign the Primary Intent: This is where you decide what intent you are training the VA on.
      • Add Utterances: Here is where you can add utterance options that the VA could use in order to recognize the intent you are training the VA on.
      • Add Patterns: Patterns are word combinations that indicate a certain intent or entity. You can add exact word combinations that the VA will use to precisely detect the selected intent when these combinations are present in an utterance.
      • Negative patterns: These are patterns which you don’t want the VA to recognize as being relevant to the intent you are training it for.
      • Rules: Here is where you can define intent identification rules to trigger the intent you are working with. You may use traits or context tags to define these rules.

Navigating Dialog Tasks


How to Access the XO Platform?

Note: “Virtual Assistant”, “VA” and “Bot” refer to the same concept and are used interchangeably.


This article takes you through the major features you can access via the Dialog Builder.

The Dialog Builder is a key component of the XO Platform and you can use it to develop full conversations between your VA and your users – from design, to development, training and testing.

Providing Conversation, Logic and NLP based tools, the Dialog Builder gives you multiple opportunities to develop your conversational VA. You can Design, Build and Train from within a familiar interface, which improves development efficiency and enhances results.


The purpose of the Dialog Builder is to combine human interaction and business logic, to enable your organization to collaboratively implement standards, processes and practices into valuable Virtual Assistants.

Here are a few other ways in which the Dialog Builder can benefit your organization:

  • Simplifies and streamlines VA development by providing access to tools and connecting to a wide variety of services.
  • Facilitates the application of business processes to Conversational VA Development.
  • Encourages innovation through clear, collaborative processes to Design, Build and Train AI-powered, Conversational Virtual Assistants.

Explore Dialog Tasks 

You can access Dialog Tasks by going to: Build > Virtual Assistants > Conversation Skills > Dialog Tasks. Alternatively, you can find the list of existing Dialog Tasks under Build > Virtual Assistants > Conversation Skills > Storyboard > Dialog Tasks.

The Dialog Tasks List

Moving forward, this article will be working with Dialog Tasks by navigating to Build > Virtual Assistants > Conversation Skills > Dialog Tasks. The first page you see here is the list of existing Dialog Tasks. Let us now go through the features that you can access from this page.

    • See basic information about each dialog task, at-a-glance. This includes the task name, description, last update date, and status.
      Note: If a Dialog Task has been created using our legacy builder, then you will have the option to upgrade to the new, Conversation-Driven builder. In your list, such tasks come with an upgrade icon (an upward arrow inside a gear symbol).
    • Dialog Task Options – When hovering over a task, you will see options to Edit, Clone or Delete the selected task. There is also a menu with more options, where you can View the task, configure Dialog Settings, Manage Interruptions or Amend Behavior.

  • Search Dialog Tasks – If you are looking for a specific task, you can type its name here.
  • Manage Components – Use this button to reach the Dialog Components section, where you can manage entities, webhooks, messages, agent transfers, etc; that are in use within all Dialog Tasks within your VA. 
  • Create a new Dialog Task – Use this button to create a new Dialog Task.
    Note: Starting with version 9.0 of the XO Platform, newly created tasks will use the new, Conversation-Driven Builder. 
  • Quick Start Guide – If you are just getting started using the XO Platform, we recommend that you take a look at this guide, which will show you the basics of working with the Dialog Builder.
  • Talk to Bot – This is where you can easily test your VA, by simulating an interaction between a user and your VA.

Dialog Task Options


There are scenarios where you may need to create two similar dialog tasks with minor differences. You can achieve this with the Clone option available for each task, available on the Dialog Tasks page.

To clone a dialog task, follow the below steps:

    • Open the VA in which you want to clone the dialog task.
    • Select the Build tab from the top menu.
    • From the left menu, click Conversation Skills -> Dialog Tasks.
    • On the Dialog Tasks page, hover over the dialog you want to clone and click the Clone icon.

  • On the Clone a Dialog window, enter a name in the Intent Name field.
  • Optionally, you can add a Description and set options for the task to be independent, a Sub-intent dialog or Hide it from Help.
  • Also optionally, you can adjust Intent Training, set Intent Preconditions or define Context Output.
  • Click Clone.

Cloned Task Properties

The following are the properties of a cloned dialog task:

  • It contains the same components, instances, NL, IVR, and connection properties as the original dialog task.
  • The Dialog Settings, Interruption Settings, and Amend Behavior are also copied from the original dialog.
  • If multiple languages are enabled in the original dialog, then the details for all languages are copied.

The below-listed intent-level NLP training data is not copied:

  • Machine Learning Utterances.
  • Intent Patterns & Rules.
  • Intent Synonyms.


If you no longer require a specific Dialog Task, you can remove it.

Warning: Deleted Tasks cannot be restored.

To delete a Dialog Task:

  1. Hover over the task in the Dialog Tasks List.
  2. Click the Delete icon.

If you are sure that you want to delete this task, then please click OK in the confirmation window. Otherwise, please click Cancel.

More Options

Please see the articles linked below for information on:

Conversation Design, Logic Building & Training

The Conversation Designer and Dialog Builder is where you can design, build, train and test the conversations that your VA can have with your users.

You can access them by creating a new Dialog Task or by opening an existing one.

Note: This guide is applicable for the new, Conversation-Driven Dialog Builder. If your tasks are using the previous version, please consider upgrading.

The Dialog Task development process consists in three main stages:

  • Design: Where you can design your conversation flow using natural language.
  • Build: This is where you can add business logic to your conversation.
  • Train: Once you are done creating your conversation flow, you can train your VA on it, using this section of the Dialog Builder.

Let us look at each of these areas in detail.

Design the Conversation Flow

The Top Menu

The Conversation Design process occurs in the Conversation Designer. This comes with its specific top menu, where you can access the following features:

  • Exit the Dialog Task Builder and go back to the Dialog Tasks List.
  • Switch between Dialog Tasks – Use this dropdown if you need to work on a different task. You don’t have to go back to the list to do so.
  • Tabs designed for the main stages of the Dialog Task development process. As previously mentioned, these are: Design, Build and Train.
  • Preview the conversation widget to see what it would look like on your website. This area also lets you customize the widget, and colleagues can add comments to the preview.
  • Refresh the builder page.
  • Get Help for contextual topics or find’s support channels. Please see Help and Learning Resources for details.
  • More options, where you can Edit the Dialog Task’s name and description, or Clone it to make a copy.

The Conversation Designer

The Conversation Designer is where you can simulate an interaction between your users and the Virtual Assistant, using natural language. This designer is organized as a chat widget that allows you to configure user and bot messaging, using the base structure of a familiar chat conversation. Let us take a look at the features you can use.

    • Message Editor: This is where you can type in the message exchanges within the conversation.
    • Message Editor Tabs for Bot and User. These determine whether your VA considers a message as coming from the user or from the VA. The editor switches between tabs by default when you add a message, but you can do so yourself when needed.
    • Message Bubbles: Each message you add (by hitting Enter/Return when done editing) is then displayed within the conversation as bubbles, just like in most other chat messaging services. Each bubble comes with options that are specific to that message.
    • Message Options: This is where you can Edit, Configure Properties, Comment, Remove or Link a Node. The More Options button is accessible when hovering over a message bubble.
    • Alternative Path: This option lets you configure alternative paths that the conversation could take, with the currently selected message as the origin. The option is accessible when hovering over a bubble.
    • Comments Icon: If the Comments icon is visible when hovering over a message bubble, it means that there are existing comments added to that message. Clicking it allows you to view the comments history for that particular message, and to add your reply.

    • Add Node: Hovering in-between messages lets you add a new node, by choosing one of the available node types. You can connect to an existing node or create a new one.

    • Flow View: This view lets you see the overall structure of your conversation, at a glance.

      • Talk to Bot – This is where you can test your assistant, right from within the Conversation Designer.

Please see Mock Scenes for additional information related to the Conversation Designer.

Build Business Logic

The Top Menu

The Dialog Builder is where you can build business logic into your conversations. It comes with a dedicated top menu, which facilitates access to the following features:

      • Navigate away from the Dialog Task Builder and back to the Dialog Tasks List.
      • Switch between Dialog Tasks – Simply use this dropdown if you need to work on a different task. You don’t have to go back to the list to do so.
      • Tabs related to the main stages of the Dialog Task development process: Design, Build and Train.
      • Errors and Warnings – Use this notification area to see any potential errors or warnings that may arise throughout your development process.
      • Find Nodes – Use the search field to find nodes faster within your conversation flow.
      • Comments – Here is where you can browse, search and reply to comments made to the current dialog task.
      • Help – This is where you can find contextual insights and ways to receive support for your project. Please see Help and Learning Resources for details.
      • Additional Options – This menu provides access to: Display and Zoom Options, Auto-Arrange, Dialog Settings, Manage Interruptions and Amend Behavior.

The Dialog Builder

The Dialog Builder is where you have access to the tools you need in order to integrate your conversation scenarios with your business logic. Here is an overview of the features it provides.

      • The Canvas – This represents the entire surface on which the components of your conversation are placed.
      • The Root Intent – This is the first component of any conversation and will be displayed on your canvas by default, whenever you create a new Dialog Task.
      • Nodes – These are the different points at which components of your conversation intersect. For details, please see Node Types.
      • Nodes Panel – Here is where you can choose which Node Type to add and simply drag and drop it to the canvas, at the desired location. You can also add notes using the ⨁ buttons within your flow.
      • Toggle the Conversation Builder – This helps you work on your VA using both the conversation and flow views simultaneously.
      • Component Configuration Panel – This panel is available when a component is selected, and can be minimized (as shown in the screenshot above).
      • Talk to Bot – This is where you can test your VA, right from within the Dialog Builder.
      • Display Options Panel – This panel is only available when no component is selected and allows you to configure Display and Zoom Options, to Auto-Arrange components or to turn the map on or off. The map allows you to see the general area where you are currently located within your flow.

Remember that the more you train your Virtual Assistant and the more rigor you apply to the training data, the more effective it becomes.

Now, let’s take a look at the features that the training module offers.

      • Assign the Primary Intent: This is where you decide what intent you are training the VA on.
      • Add Utterances: Here is where you can add utterance options that the VA could use in order to recognize the intent you are training the VA on.
      • Add Patterns: Patterns are word combinations that indicate a certain intent or entity. You can add exact word combinations that the VA will use to precisely detect the selected intent when these combinations are present in an utterance.
      • Negative patterns: These are patterns which you don’t want the VA to recognize as being relevant to the intent you are training it for.
      • Rules: Here is where you can define intent identification rules to trigger the intent you are working with. You may use traits or context tags to define these rules.