Kore.ai 대화형 플랫폼
챗봇 개요
자연어 처리(NLP)
봇 개념 및 용어들
빠른 시작 가이드
봇 빌더 접근 방법
사용 고지 사항 (영어)
Kore.ai 봇 빌더로 작업하기
봇 구축 시작하기
릴리스 정보
현재 버전 (영어)
이전 버전 (영어)

대화 작업
Using the Dialog Builder Tool
노드 유형
사용자 의도 노드
대화 노드
엔티티 노드
양식 노드
확인 노드
서비스 노드
봇 조치 노드
Service Node
WebHook 노드
스크립트 노드
노드 그룹화하기
Agent Transfer Node
사용자 프롬프트
음성 통화 속성
대화 관리
노드 및 전환
구성 요소 전환
컨텍스트 개체
이벤트 기반 봇 조치
지식 그래프
지식 추출
지식 그래프 생성
봇에 지식 그래프 추가
그래프 생성
지식 그래프 작성
FAQ 추가
작업 실행
기존 소스에서 FAQ 구축
특성, 동의어 및 불용어
변수 네임스페이스 관리
용어 편집 및 삭제
용어 편집 및 삭제
질문과 응답 편집
Knowledge Graph Training
지식 그래프 분석
봇 온톨로지 가져오기 및 내보내기
지식 그래프 가져오기
지식 그래프 내보내기
지식 그래프 생성
CSV 파일에서
지식 그래프 생성
경고 작업
스몰 토크
Digital Skills
디지털 양식
Digital Views
봇 성능 향상 – NLP 최적화
기계 학습
모델 검증
기초 의미
지식 그래프 학습
순위 및 해결
고급 NLP 설정
NLP 설정 및 지침
봇 인텔리전스
컨텍스트 관리
컨텍스트 관리
대화 관리
다중 – 의도 탐지
엔티티 수정
기본 대화
정서 관리
어조 분석
Test & Debug
봇과 대화
발화 테스트
배치 테스트하기
대화 테스트
채널 활성화
봇 게시
봇 분석하기
Conversations Dashboard
Performance Dashboard
사용자 정의 대시보드
맞춤형 메타 태그
사용자 정의 대시보드 생성 방법
Conversation Flows
NLP 지표
Containment Metrics
사용량 지표
스마트 봇
범용 봇
범용 봇 정의
범용 봇 생성
범용 봇 학습
범용 봇 커스터마이징
범용 봇용 추가 언어 활성화
Manage Assistant
플랜 및 사용량
Usage Plans
Support Plans
플랜 관리
봇 인증
다국어 봇
개인 식별 정보 삭제하기
봇 변수 사용
IVR 통합
일반 설정
봇 관리

간단한 봇 생성하기
Design Conversation Skills
뱅킹 봇 생성
뱅킹 봇 – 자금 이체
뱅킹 봇 – 잔액 업데이트
Knowledge Graph (KG) 구축
스마트 경고를 예약하는 방법
Design Digital Skills
디지털 양식 설정 방법
디지털 보기 설정 방법
데이터 테이블에 데이터를 추가하는 방법
데이터 테이블 내 데이터 업데이트 방법
UI 양식에서 데이터 테이블에 데이터를 추가하는 방법
Train the Assistant
특성 사용 방법
의도와 엔티티에 대한 패턴 사용 방법
컨텍스트 전환 관리 방법
Deploy the Assistant
상담사 전환을 설정하는 방법
봇 기능 사용 방법
콘텐츠 변수 사용 방법
전역 변수 사용 방법
Kore.ai 웹 SDK 튜토리얼
Kore.ai 위젯 SDK 튜토리얼
Analyze the Assistant
사용자 정의 대시보드 생성 방법
사용자 지정 태그를 사용하여 봇 메트릭을 필터링하는 방법

API 참조
Kore.ai API 사용
API 목록
API 컬렉션
koreUtil Libraries
SDK 참조
상담사 전환을 설정하는 방법
봇 기능 사용 방법
콘텐츠 변수 사용 방법
전역 변수 사용 방법
Kore.ai 웹 SDK 튜토리얼
Kore.ai 위젯 SDK 튜토리얼

봇 관리자 콘솔
사용자 관리
사용자 관리
그룹 관리
역할 관리
봇 관리 모듈
사용자 초대
사용자 등록을 위한 대량 초대 보내기
사용자 및 사용자 데이터 가져오기
Active Directory에서 사용자 동기화
보안 및 준수
싱글 사인 온 사용
보안 설정
Kore.ai 커넥터
봇 관리자용 분석
Billing (지원하지 않음)
  1. Integrations
  2. Using the Freshdesk Action Templates

Using the Freshdesk Action Templates

You can use the Prebuilt Action Templates from your Freshdesk integration to auto-create dialog tasks and test them using the Talk to Bot option.

Steps to create a dialog task using the Freshdesk action templates:

  1. Go to Build > Conversation Skills > Dialog Tasks.
  2. Click Create a Dialog Task.
  3. On the Dialog Task pop-up, under the Integration, select the Freshdesk option to view the action templates.
  4. If you have not configured any integration for your virtual assistant, you will see the Explore Integrations option. Once you click this option, you will be redirected to the Actions page to configure an integration for your VA. For more information, see Actions Overview.

Freshdesk Actions

The following Freshdesk actions are supported in this release:

Supported Tasks Description Method
Create a Ticket Creates a ticket in the Freshdesk system. POST
Get ticket by ID Fetch ticket details with ID from the Freshdesk system. GET
List all tickets Retrieves all tickets from the Freshdesk system. GET
Update a ticket Update a ticket in the Freshdesk system. PUT
Search ticket by field Search a ticket using the field details from the Freshdesk system. GET
Delete a ticket Deletes a ticket from the Freshdesk system. DELETE

Create a Ticket

Steps to create a ticket in the Freshdesk integration:

  1. Refer to the Installing the Freshdesk templates section to install this template.
  2. The Create Ticket dialog task is added with the following components:

    • createTicket – A user intent to create a ticket.
    • subject, description, email, priority, status, and phone – Entity nodes for gathering the required ticket details.
    • createTicketScript – A bot action script to create a ticket in an external integration.
    • createTicketService – A bot action service to create a ticket in an external integration. Click the Plus icon to expand to view the createTicketService bot action component properties.
    • In the Component Properties window, click the Edit Request link to edit the request parameters as shown below:

      Sample Request:

      "email": "rhsg@kore.com",
      "subject": "Support payment",
      "description": "Payment is pending issue",
      "status": 2,
      "priority": 3

      To add one or more responses, scroll down and click the +Add Response button:
      Sample Response:

      "ticket": {
      "cc_emails": [],
      "fwd_emails": [],
      "reply_cc_emails": [],
      "fr_escalated": false,
      "spam": false,
      "email_config_id": null,
      "group_id": null,
      "priority": 1,
      "requester_id": 27002140321,
      "requested_for_id": 27002140321,
      "responder_id": null,
      "source": 2,
      "status": 2,
      "subject": "Support payment...",
      "to_emails": null,
      "department_id": null,
      "id": 57,
      "type": "Incident",
      "due_by": "2022-10-07T21:00:00Z",
      "fr_due_by": "2022-09-30T18:00:00Z",
      "is_escalated": false,
      "description": "

      Payment is pending issue

      “description_text”: “Payment is pending issue”,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “custom_fields”: {},
      “created_at”: “2022-09-28T07:00:14Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-28T07:00:14Z”,
      “tags”: [],
      “attachments”: [] }

    • createTicketMessage – A message node with the script to display responses for various scenarios.
  3. Click the Train tab to complete the Dialog task training.
  4. Click the Talk to Bot icon to test and debug the dialog task.
  5. Follow the prompts in the VA console to create a ticket as shown below:

Get Ticket by ID

Steps to find a ticket using the ID in the Freshdesk integration:

  1. Refer to the Installing the Freshdesk templates section to install this template.
  2. The Get Ticket by ID dialog task is added with the following components:

    • getTicketbyId – A user intent to find a ticket by ID.
    • ticketID – Entity nodes for gathering the required ticket details.
    • getTicketbyIdService – A bot action service to find a ticket in an external integration. Click the Plus icon to expand to view the getTicketbyIdService bot action component properties.
    • In the Component Properties window, to add one or more responses, scroll down and click +Add Response:
      Sample Response:

      "ticket": {
      "cc_emails": [],
      "fwd_emails": [],
      "reply_cc_emails": [],
      "fr_escalated": false,
      "spam": false,
      "email_config_id": null,
      "group_id": null,
      "priority": 1,
      "requester_id": 27002140321,
      "requested_for_id": 27002140321,
      "responder_id": null,
      "source": 2,
      "status": 2,
      "subject": "Support payment...",
      "to_emails": null,
      "department_id": null,
      "id": 57,
      "type": "Incident",
      "due_by": "2022-10-07T21:00:00Z",
      "fr_due_by": "2022-09-30T18:00:00Z",
      "is_escalated": false,
      "description": "

      Payment is pending issue

      “description_text”: “Payment is pending issue”,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “custom_fields”: {},
      “created_at”: “2022-09-28T07:00:14Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-28T07:00:14Z”,
      “tags”: [],
      “attachments”: [] }

    • getTicketbyIdMessage – A message node with script to display responses for various scenarios.
  3. Click the Train tab to complete the Dialog task training.
  4. Click the Talk to Bot icon to test and debug the dialog task.
  5. Follow the prompts in the VA console to find a ticket by ID as shown below:

List All Tickets

Steps to view all tickets in the Freshdesk integration:

  1. Refer to the Installing the Freshdesk templates section to install this template.
  2. The List All Tickets dialog task is added with the following components:

    • listAllTickets – A user intent to view all tickets.
    • listAllTicketsService – A bot action service to fetch all tickets from an external integration. Click the Plus icon to expand to view the listAllCustomersService bot action component properties.
    • In the Component Properties window, to add one or more responses, scroll down and click +Add Response.

      Sample Response:

      "tickets": [
      "subject": "Support payment...",
      "group_id": null,
      "department_id": null,
      "category": null,
      "sub_category": null,
      "item_category": null,
      "requester_id": 27002140321,
      "responder_id": null,
      "due_by": "2022-10-07T21:00:00Z",
      "fr_escalated": false,
      "deleted": false,
      "spam": false,
      "email_config_id": null,
      "fwd_emails": [],
      "reply_cc_emails": [],
      "cc_emails": [],
      "is_escalated": false,
      "fr_due_by": "2022-09-30T18:00:00Z",
      "id": 57,
      "priority": 1,
      "status": 2,
      "source": 2,
      "created_at": "2022-09-28T07:00:14Z",
      "updated_at": "2022-09-28T07:00:14Z",
      "requested_for_id": 27002140321,
      "to_emails": null,
      "type": "Incident",
      "description": "

      Payment is pending issue…

      “description_text”: “Payment is pending issue…”,
      “custom_fields”: {}
      “subject”: “refer”,
      “group_id”: null,
      “department_id”: null,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “requester_id”: 27002135586,
      “responder_id”: null,
      “due_by”: “2022-09-28T15:00:00Z”,
      “fr_escalated”: false,
      “deleted”: false,
      “spam”: false,
      “email_config_id”: null,
      “fwd_emails”: [],
      “reply_cc_emails”: [],
      “cc_emails”: [],
      “is_escalated”: false,
      “fr_due_by”: “2022-09-27T16:00:00Z”,
      “id”: 55,
      “priority”: 3,
      “status”: 5,
      “source”: 2,
      “created_at”: “2022-09-27T10:02:42Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-27T10:16:14Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002135586,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: ”


      “description_text”: “qfvftwd”,
      “custom_fields”: {}
      “subject”: “freshh”,
      “group_id”: null,
      “department_id”: null,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “requester_id”: 27002134408,
      “responder_id”: null,
      “due_by”: “2022-09-28T15:00:00Z”,
      “fr_escalated”: false,
      “deleted”: false,
      “spam”: false,
      “email_config_id”: null,
      “fwd_emails”: [],
      “reply_cc_emails”: [],
      “cc_emails”: [],
      “is_escalated”: false,
      “fr_due_by”: “2022-09-27T16:00:00Z”,
      “id”: 54,
      “priority”: 3,
      “status”: 4,
      “source”: 2,
      “created_at”: “2022-09-27T07:19:38Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-27T11:53:52Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002134408,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: “Loremdf fwhguhsfsdkjvvnskvfbewuvbwehj”,
      “description_text”: “Loremdf fwhguhsfsdkjvvnskvfbewuvbwehj”,
      “custom_fields”: {}
      “subject”: “wet”,
      “group_id”: null,
      “department_id”: null,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “requester_id”: 27002134241,
      “responder_id”: null,
      “due_by”: “2022-10-06T21:00:00Z”,
      “fr_escalated”: false,
      “deleted”: false,
      “spam”: false,
      “email_config_id”: null,
      “fwd_emails”: [],
      “reply_cc_emails”: [],
      “cc_emails”: [],
      “is_escalated”: false,
      “fr_due_by”: “2022-09-29T18:00:00Z”,
      “id”: 53,
      “priority”: 1,
      “status”: 2,
      “source”: 2,
      “created_at”: “2022-09-27T06:34:46Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-27T06:34:46Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002134241,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: ”


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      “custom_fields”: {}
      “subject”: “rewet”,
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      “department_id”: null,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “requester_id”: 27002134235,
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      “due_by”: “2022-10-06T21:00:00Z”,
      “fr_escalated”: false,
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      “reply_cc_emails”: [],
      “cc_emails”: [],
      “is_escalated”: false,
      “fr_due_by”: “2022-09-29T18:00:00Z”,
      “id”: 51,
      “priority”: 1,
      “status”: 2,
      “source”: 2,
      “created_at”: “2022-09-27T06:31:49Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-27T06:31:49Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002134235,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: ”


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      “custom_fields”: {}
      “subject”: “frown”,
      “group_id”: null,
      “department_id”: null,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
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      “responder_id”: null,
      “due_by”: “2022-10-06T21:00:00Z”,
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      “id”: 50,
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      “updated_at”: “2022-09-27T06:24:47Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002134223,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: ”


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      “custom_fields”: {}
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      “group_id”: null,
      “department_id”: null,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
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      “responder_id”: null,
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      “cc_emails”: [],
      “is_escalated”: false,
      “fr_due_by”: “2022-09-29T18:00:00Z”,
      “id”: 48,
      “priority”: 1,
      “status”: 3,
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      “created_at”: “2022-09-27T06:21:44Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-27T06:21:44Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002134213,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: ”


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      “updated_at”: “2022-09-27T05:59:30Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002134136,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: ”


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      “updated_at”: “2022-09-27T05:51:01Z”,
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      “to_emails”: null,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: ”


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      “id”: 45,
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      “status”: 2,
      “source”: 2,
      “created_at”: “2022-09-26T15:28:50Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-26T15:28:50Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002130160,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: ”


      “description_text”: “fuhrer”,
      “custom_fields”: {}
      “subject”: “deuced”,
      “group_id”: null,
      “department_id”: null,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “requester_id”: 27002130150,
      “responder_id”: null,
      “due_by”: “2022-10-06T15:14:51Z”,
      “fr_escalated”: false,
      “deleted”: false,
      “spam”: false,
      “email_config_id”: null,
      “fwd_emails”: [],
      “reply_cc_emails”: [],
      “cc_emails”: [],
      “is_escalated”: false,
      “fr_due_by”: “2022-09-29T12:14:51Z”,
      “id”: 43,
      “priority”: 1,
      “status”: 2,
      “source”: 2,
      “created_at”: “2022-09-26T15:14:51Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-26T15:14:51Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002130150,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: ”


      “description_text”: “density”,
      “custom_fields”: {}
      “subject”: “Ingjar”,
      “group_id”: null,
      “department_id”: null,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “requester_id”: 27002130106,
      “responder_id”: null,
      “due_by”: “2022-10-06T14:44:03Z”,
      “fr_escalated”: false,
      “deleted”: false,
      “spam”: false,
      “email_config_id”: null,
      “fwd_emails”: [],
      “reply_cc_emails”: [],
      “cc_emails”: [],
      “is_escalated”: false,
      “fr_due_by”: “2022-09-28T20:44:04Z”,
      “id”: 42,
      “priority”: 1,
      “status”: 2,
      “source”: 2,
      “created_at”: “2022-09-26T14:44:03Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-26T14:44:03Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002130106,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: ”


      “description_text”: “wfkjge”,
      “custom_fields”: {}
      “subject”: “rehear”,
      “group_id”: null,
      “department_id”: null,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “requester_id”: 27002130041,
      “responder_id”: null,
      “due_by”: “2022-10-06T14:41:24Z”,
      “fr_escalated”: false,
      “deleted”: false,
      “spam”: false,
      “email_config_id”: null,
      “fwd_emails”: [],
      “reply_cc_emails”: [],
      “cc_emails”: [],
      “is_escalated”: false,
      “fr_due_by”: “2022-09-28T20:41:24Z”,
      “id”: 41,
      “priority”: 1,
      “status”: 2,
      “source”: 2,
      “created_at”: “2022-09-26T14:41:24Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-26T14:41:24Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002130041,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: ”


      “description_text”: “jfsg”,
      “custom_fields”: {}
      “subject”: “Pueu”,
      “group_id”: null,
      “department_id”: null,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “requester_id”: 27002126922,
      “responder_id”: null,
      “due_by”: “2022-10-06T13:27:43Z”,
      “fr_escalated”: false,
      “deleted”: false,
      “spam”: false,
      “email_config_id”: null,
      “fwd_emails”: [],
      “reply_cc_emails”: [],
      “cc_emails”: [],
      “is_escalated”: false,
      “fr_due_by”: “2022-09-28T19:27:43Z”,
      “id”: 40,
      “priority”: 1,
      “status”: 2,
      “source”: 2,
      “created_at”: “2022-09-26T13:27:43Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-26T13:27:43Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002126922,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: ”


      “description_text”: “ewrtr”,
      “custom_fields”: {}
      “subject”: “Support payment…”,
      “group_id”: null,
      “department_id”: null,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “requester_id”: 27002120954,
      “responder_id”: null,
      “due_by”: “2022-10-06T12:52:44Z”,
      “fr_escalated”: false,
      “deleted”: false,
      “spam”: false,
      “email_config_id”: null,
      “fwd_emails”: [],
      “reply_cc_emails”: [],
      “cc_emails”: [],
      “is_escalated”: false,
      “fr_due_by”: “2022-09-28T18:52:44Z”,
      “id”: 38,
      “priority”: 1,
      “status”: 2,
      “source”: 2,
      “created_at”: “2022-09-26T12:52:44Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-26T12:52:44Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002120954,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: ”

      Payment is pending issue…

      “description_text”: “Payment is pending issue…”,
      “custom_fields”: {}
      “subject”: “tow”,
      “group_id”: null,
      “department_id”: null,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “requester_id”: 27002126328,
      “responder_id”: null,
      “due_by”: “2022-10-06T12:11:46Z”,
      “fr_escalated”: false,
      “deleted”: false,
      “spam”: false,
      “email_config_id”: null,
      “fwd_emails”: [],
      “reply_cc_emails”: [],
      “cc_emails”: [],
      “is_escalated”: false,
      “fr_due_by”: “2022-09-28T18:11:46Z”,
      “id”: 36,
      “priority”: 1,
      “status”: 2,
      “source”: 2,
      “created_at”: “2022-09-26T12:11:46Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-26T12:11:46Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002126328,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: ”


      “description_text”: “RORT”,
      “custom_fields”: {}
      “subject”: “WJF”,
      “group_id”: null,
      “department_id”: null,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “requester_id”: 27002126324,
      “responder_id”: null,
      “due_by”: “2022-10-06T12:06:33Z”,
      “fr_escalated”: false,
      “deleted”: false,
      “spam”: false,
      “email_config_id”: null,
      “fwd_emails”: [],
      “reply_cc_emails”: [],
      “cc_emails”: [],
      “is_escalated”: false,
      “fr_due_by”: “2022-09-28T18:06:33Z”,
      “id”: 34,
      “priority”: 1,
      “status”: 2,
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      “created_at”: “2022-09-26T12:06:33Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-26T12:06:33Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002126324,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: ”


      “description_text”: “jjrwehg”,
      “custom_fields”: {}
      “subject”: “Support Needed…”,
      “group_id”: null,
      “department_id”: null,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “requester_id”: 27002120952,
      “responder_id”: null,
      “due_by”: “2022-10-05T21:00:00Z”,
      “fr_escalated”: false,
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      “fwd_emails”: [],
      “reply_cc_emails”: [],
      “cc_emails”: [],
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      “fr_due_by”: “2022-09-28T18:00:00Z”,
      “id”: 6,
      “priority”: 1,
      “status”: 2,
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      “created_at”: “2022-09-24T18:43:39Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-24T18:43:39Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002120952,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: ”

      Details about the issue…

      “description_text”: “Details about the issue…”,
      “custom_fields”: {}
      “subject”: “Login issue”,
      “group_id”: null,
      “department_id”: null,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “requester_id”: 27002120946,
      “responder_id”: null,
      “due_by”: “2022-09-28T18:00:00Z”,
      “fr_escalated”: true,
      “deleted”: false,
      “spam”: false,
      “email_config_id”: null,
      “fwd_emails”: [],
      “reply_cc_emails”: [],
      “cc_emails”: [],
      “is_escalated”: false,
      “fr_due_by”: “2022-09-26T20:00:00Z”,
      “id”: 5,
      “priority”: 2,
      “status”: 2,
      “source”: 1,
      “created_at”: “2022-09-24T18:14:56Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-24T18:18:52Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002120946,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: ”


      Unable to login


      “description_text”: “Unable to login”,
      “custom_fields”: {}
      “subject”: “Request for Andrea : Dell Monitor”,
      “group_id”: null,
      “department_id”: null,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “requester_id”: 27002120938,
      “responder_id”: null,
      “due_by”: “2022-09-28T18:00:00Z”,
      “fr_escalated”: true,
      “deleted”: false,
      “spam”: false,
      “email_config_id”: null,
      “fwd_emails”: [],
      “reply_cc_emails”: [],
      “cc_emails”: [],
      “is_escalated”: false,
      “fr_due_by”: “2022-09-26T20:00:00Z”,
      “id”: 3,
      “priority”: 2,
      “status”: 2,
      “source”: 2,
      “created_at”: “2022-09-24T17:59:25Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-24T17:59:25Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002120938,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “type”: “Service Request”,
      “description”: “”,
      “description_text”: “”,
      “custom_fields”: {}
      ] }

    • listAllTicketsMessage – A message node with the script to display responses for various scenarios.
  3. Click the Train tab to complete the Dialog task training.
  4. Click the Talk to Bot icon to test and debug the dialog task.
  5. Follow the prompts in the VA console to view all tickets as shown below:

Update a Ticket

Steps to update a ticket in the Freshdesk integration:

  1. Refer to the Installing the Freshdesk templates section to install this template.
  2. The Update a Ticket dialog task is added with the following components:

    • updateTicket – A user intent to update a ticket.
    • ticketID, updateField, email, subject, description, status, and priority – Entity nodes for gathering the required ticket details.
    • updateTicketScript – A bot action service to update a ticket in an external integration. Click the Plus icon to expand to view the updateTicketScript bot action component properties.
    • In the Component Properties window, click the Edit Request link to edit the request parameters as shown below:

      Sample Request:

      "email": "work@kore.com",
      "subject": "LOGIN ISSUE...",
      "description": "Unable to login...",
      "status": 4,
      "priority": 2

      To add one or more responses, scroll down and click +Add Response.
      Sample Response:

      "ticket": {
      "cc_emails": [],
      "fwd_emails": [],
      "reply_cc_emails": [],
      "spam": false,
      "email_config_id": null,
      "fr_escalated": false,
      "group_id": null,
      "priority": 2,
      "requester_id": 27002140415,
      "requested_for_id": 27002140415,
      "responder_id": null,
      "source": 2,
      "status": 4,
      "subject": "LOGIN ISSUE...",
      "description": "Unable to login...",
      "description_text": "Unable to login...",
      "category": null,
      "sub_category": null,
      "item_category": null,
      "custom_fields": {},
      "id": 54,
      "type": "Incident",
      "to_emails": null,
      "department_id": null,
      "is_escalated": false,
      "tags": [],
      "due_by": "2022-09-30T14:00:00-04:00",
      "fr_due_by": "2022-09-28T16:00:00-04:00",
      "created_at": "2022-09-27T07:19:38Z",
      "updated_at": "2022-09-28T07:22:17Z",
      "attachments": [] }
    • updateTicketMessage – A message node with the script to display responses for various scenarios.
  3. Click the Train tab to complete the Dialog task training.
  4. Click the Talk to Bot icon to test and debug the dialog task.
  5. Follow the prompts in the VA console to update a ticket as shown below:

Search Ticket by Field

Steps to search ticket by field from the Freshdesk integration:

  1. Refer to the Installing the Freshdesk templates section to install this template.
  2. The Search Ticket by Field dialog task is added with the following components:

    • searchTicket -: A user intent to list all invoices.
    • chooseField, priority, email, and status – Entity nodes for gathering the required ticket details.
    • searchTicketScript – A bot action service to search a ticket by field in an external integration.
    • searchTicketService – A bot action service to find a ticket by field in an external integration. Click the Plus icon to expand to view the searchTicketService bot action component properties.
    • In the Component Properties window, to add one or more responses, scroll down and click +Add Response as shown below:
      Sample Response:

      "tickets": [
      "subject": "refer",
      "group_id": null,
      "department_id": null,
      "category": null,
      "sub_category": null,
      "item_category": null,
      "requester_id": 27002135586,
      "responder_id": null,
      "due_by": "2022-09-28T15:00:00Z",
      "fr_escalated": false,
      "deleted": false,
      "spam": false,
      "email_config_id": null,
      "fwd_emails": [],
      "reply_cc_emails": [],
      "cc_emails": [],
      "is_escalated": false,
      "fr_due_by": "2022-09-27T16:00:00Z",
      "priority": 3,
      "source": 2,
      "status": 5,
      "created_at": "2022-09-27T10:02:42Z",
      "updated_at": "2022-09-27T10:16:14Z",
      "requested_for_id": 27002135586,
      "to_emails": null,
      "id": 55,
      "type": "Incident",
      "description": "


      “description_text”: “qfvftwd”
      “subject”: “Support payment…”,
      “group_id”: null,
      “department_id”: null,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “requester_id”: 27002120954,
      “responder_id”: null,
      “due_by”: “2022-09-27T15:00:00Z”,
      “fr_escalated”: true,
      “deleted”: false,
      “spam”: false,
      “email_config_id”: null,
      “fwd_emails”: [],
      “reply_cc_emails”: [],
      “cc_emails”: [],
      “is_escalated”: true,
      “fr_due_by”: “2022-09-26T16:00:00Z”,
      “priority”: 3,
      “source”: 2,
      “status”: 2,
      “created_at”: “2022-09-24T18:46:20Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-25T06:36:43Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002120954,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “id”: 7,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: ”

      Payment is pending issue…

      “description_text”: “Payment is pending issue…”
      “total”: 2

    • searchTicketMessage – A message node with the script to display responses for various scenarios.
  3. Click the Train tab to complete the Dialog task training.
  4. Click the Talk to Bot icon to test and debug the dialog task.
  5. Follow the prompts in the VA console to find a ticket by field as shown below:

Delete a Ticket

Steps to delete a ticket in the Freshdesk integration:

  1. Refer to the Installing the Freshdesk templates section to install this template.
  2. The Delete a Ticket dialog task is added with the following components:

    • deleteTicket – A user intent to make payments.
    • ticketID – Entity nodes for gathering the required ticket details.
    • deleteTicketService – A bot action service to delete a ticket in an external integration. Click the Plus icon to expand to view the deleteTicketService bot action component properties.
    • In the Component Properties window, click the Edit Request link to edit the request parameters as shown below:
    • deleteTicketMessage – A message node with the script to display responses for various scenarios.
  3. Click the Train tab to complete the Dialog task training.
  4. Click the Talk to Bot icon to test and debug the dialog task.
  5. Follow the prompts in the VA console to delete a ticket.

Using the Freshdesk Action Templates

You can use the Prebuilt Action Templates from your Freshdesk integration to auto-create dialog tasks and test them using the Talk to Bot option.

Steps to create a dialog task using the Freshdesk action templates:

  1. Go to Build > Conversation Skills > Dialog Tasks.
  2. Click Create a Dialog Task.
  3. On the Dialog Task pop-up, under the Integration, select the Freshdesk option to view the action templates.
  4. If you have not configured any integration for your virtual assistant, you will see the Explore Integrations option. Once you click this option, you will be redirected to the Actions page to configure an integration for your VA. For more information, see Actions Overview.

Freshdesk Actions

The following Freshdesk actions are supported in this release:

Supported Tasks Description Method
Create a Ticket Creates a ticket in the Freshdesk system. POST
Get ticket by ID Fetch ticket details with ID from the Freshdesk system. GET
List all tickets Retrieves all tickets from the Freshdesk system. GET
Update a ticket Update a ticket in the Freshdesk system. PUT
Search ticket by field Search a ticket using the field details from the Freshdesk system. GET
Delete a ticket Deletes a ticket from the Freshdesk system. DELETE

Create a Ticket

Steps to create a ticket in the Freshdesk integration:

  1. Refer to the Installing the Freshdesk templates section to install this template.
  2. The Create Ticket dialog task is added with the following components:

    • createTicket – A user intent to create a ticket.
    • subject, description, email, priority, status, and phone – Entity nodes for gathering the required ticket details.
    • createTicketScript – A bot action script to create a ticket in an external integration.
    • createTicketService – A bot action service to create a ticket in an external integration. Click the Plus icon to expand to view the createTicketService bot action component properties.
    • In the Component Properties window, click the Edit Request link to edit the request parameters as shown below:

      Sample Request:

      "email": "rhsg@kore.com",
      "subject": "Support payment",
      "description": "Payment is pending issue",
      "status": 2,
      "priority": 3

      To add one or more responses, scroll down and click the +Add Response button:
      Sample Response:

      "ticket": {
      "cc_emails": [],
      "fwd_emails": [],
      "reply_cc_emails": [],
      "fr_escalated": false,
      "spam": false,
      "email_config_id": null,
      "group_id": null,
      "priority": 1,
      "requester_id": 27002140321,
      "requested_for_id": 27002140321,
      "responder_id": null,
      "source": 2,
      "status": 2,
      "subject": "Support payment...",
      "to_emails": null,
      "department_id": null,
      "id": 57,
      "type": "Incident",
      "due_by": "2022-10-07T21:00:00Z",
      "fr_due_by": "2022-09-30T18:00:00Z",
      "is_escalated": false,
      "description": "

      Payment is pending issue

      “description_text”: “Payment is pending issue”,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “custom_fields”: {},
      “created_at”: “2022-09-28T07:00:14Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-28T07:00:14Z”,
      “tags”: [],
      “attachments”: [] }

    • createTicketMessage – A message node with the script to display responses for various scenarios.
  3. Click the Train tab to complete the Dialog task training.
  4. Click the Talk to Bot icon to test and debug the dialog task.
  5. Follow the prompts in the VA console to create a ticket as shown below:

Get Ticket by ID

Steps to find a ticket using the ID in the Freshdesk integration:

  1. Refer to the Installing the Freshdesk templates section to install this template.
  2. The Get Ticket by ID dialog task is added with the following components:

    • getTicketbyId – A user intent to find a ticket by ID.
    • ticketID – Entity nodes for gathering the required ticket details.
    • getTicketbyIdService – A bot action service to find a ticket in an external integration. Click the Plus icon to expand to view the getTicketbyIdService bot action component properties.
    • In the Component Properties window, to add one or more responses, scroll down and click +Add Response:
      Sample Response:

      "ticket": {
      "cc_emails": [],
      "fwd_emails": [],
      "reply_cc_emails": [],
      "fr_escalated": false,
      "spam": false,
      "email_config_id": null,
      "group_id": null,
      "priority": 1,
      "requester_id": 27002140321,
      "requested_for_id": 27002140321,
      "responder_id": null,
      "source": 2,
      "status": 2,
      "subject": "Support payment...",
      "to_emails": null,
      "department_id": null,
      "id": 57,
      "type": "Incident",
      "due_by": "2022-10-07T21:00:00Z",
      "fr_due_by": "2022-09-30T18:00:00Z",
      "is_escalated": false,
      "description": "

      Payment is pending issue

      “description_text”: “Payment is pending issue”,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “custom_fields”: {},
      “created_at”: “2022-09-28T07:00:14Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-28T07:00:14Z”,
      “tags”: [],
      “attachments”: [] }

    • getTicketbyIdMessage – A message node with script to display responses for various scenarios.
  3. Click the Train tab to complete the Dialog task training.
  4. Click the Talk to Bot icon to test and debug the dialog task.
  5. Follow the prompts in the VA console to find a ticket by ID as shown below:

List All Tickets

Steps to view all tickets in the Freshdesk integration:

  1. Refer to the Installing the Freshdesk templates section to install this template.
  2. The List All Tickets dialog task is added with the following components:

    • listAllTickets – A user intent to view all tickets.
    • listAllTicketsService – A bot action service to fetch all tickets from an external integration. Click the Plus icon to expand to view the listAllCustomersService bot action component properties.
    • In the Component Properties window, to add one or more responses, scroll down and click +Add Response.

      Sample Response:

      "tickets": [
      "subject": "Support payment...",
      "group_id": null,
      "department_id": null,
      "category": null,
      "sub_category": null,
      "item_category": null,
      "requester_id": 27002140321,
      "responder_id": null,
      "due_by": "2022-10-07T21:00:00Z",
      "fr_escalated": false,
      "deleted": false,
      "spam": false,
      "email_config_id": null,
      "fwd_emails": [],
      "reply_cc_emails": [],
      "cc_emails": [],
      "is_escalated": false,
      "fr_due_by": "2022-09-30T18:00:00Z",
      "id": 57,
      "priority": 1,
      "status": 2,
      "source": 2,
      "created_at": "2022-09-28T07:00:14Z",
      "updated_at": "2022-09-28T07:00:14Z",
      "requested_for_id": 27002140321,
      "to_emails": null,
      "type": "Incident",
      "description": "

      Payment is pending issue…

      “description_text”: “Payment is pending issue…”,
      “custom_fields”: {}
      “subject”: “refer”,
      “group_id”: null,
      “department_id”: null,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “requester_id”: 27002135586,
      “responder_id”: null,
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      “to_emails”: null,
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      Payment is pending issue…

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      Details about the issue…

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      “type”: “Incident”,
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      Unable to login


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      ] }

    • listAllTicketsMessage – A message node with the script to display responses for various scenarios.
  3. Click the Train tab to complete the Dialog task training.
  4. Click the Talk to Bot icon to test and debug the dialog task.
  5. Follow the prompts in the VA console to view all tickets as shown below:

Update a Ticket

Steps to update a ticket in the Freshdesk integration:

  1. Refer to the Installing the Freshdesk templates section to install this template.
  2. The Update a Ticket dialog task is added with the following components:

    • updateTicket – A user intent to update a ticket.
    • ticketID, updateField, email, subject, description, status, and priority – Entity nodes for gathering the required ticket details.
    • updateTicketScript – A bot action service to update a ticket in an external integration. Click the Plus icon to expand to view the updateTicketScript bot action component properties.
    • In the Component Properties window, click the Edit Request link to edit the request parameters as shown below:

      Sample Request:

      "email": "work@kore.com",
      "subject": "LOGIN ISSUE...",
      "description": "Unable to login...",
      "status": 4,
      "priority": 2

      To add one or more responses, scroll down and click +Add Response.
      Sample Response:

      "ticket": {
      "cc_emails": [],
      "fwd_emails": [],
      "reply_cc_emails": [],
      "spam": false,
      "email_config_id": null,
      "fr_escalated": false,
      "group_id": null,
      "priority": 2,
      "requester_id": 27002140415,
      "requested_for_id": 27002140415,
      "responder_id": null,
      "source": 2,
      "status": 4,
      "subject": "LOGIN ISSUE...",
      "description": "Unable to login...",
      "description_text": "Unable to login...",
      "category": null,
      "sub_category": null,
      "item_category": null,
      "custom_fields": {},
      "id": 54,
      "type": "Incident",
      "to_emails": null,
      "department_id": null,
      "is_escalated": false,
      "tags": [],
      "due_by": "2022-09-30T14:00:00-04:00",
      "fr_due_by": "2022-09-28T16:00:00-04:00",
      "created_at": "2022-09-27T07:19:38Z",
      "updated_at": "2022-09-28T07:22:17Z",
      "attachments": [] }
    • updateTicketMessage – A message node with the script to display responses for various scenarios.
  3. Click the Train tab to complete the Dialog task training.
  4. Click the Talk to Bot icon to test and debug the dialog task.
  5. Follow the prompts in the VA console to update a ticket as shown below:

Search Ticket by Field

Steps to search ticket by field from the Freshdesk integration:

  1. Refer to the Installing the Freshdesk templates section to install this template.
  2. The Search Ticket by Field dialog task is added with the following components:

    • searchTicket -: A user intent to list all invoices.
    • chooseField, priority, email, and status – Entity nodes for gathering the required ticket details.
    • searchTicketScript – A bot action service to search a ticket by field in an external integration.
    • searchTicketService – A bot action service to find a ticket by field in an external integration. Click the Plus icon to expand to view the searchTicketService bot action component properties.
    • In the Component Properties window, to add one or more responses, scroll down and click +Add Response as shown below:
      Sample Response:

      "tickets": [
      "subject": "refer",
      "group_id": null,
      "department_id": null,
      "category": null,
      "sub_category": null,
      "item_category": null,
      "requester_id": 27002135586,
      "responder_id": null,
      "due_by": "2022-09-28T15:00:00Z",
      "fr_escalated": false,
      "deleted": false,
      "spam": false,
      "email_config_id": null,
      "fwd_emails": [],
      "reply_cc_emails": [],
      "cc_emails": [],
      "is_escalated": false,
      "fr_due_by": "2022-09-27T16:00:00Z",
      "priority": 3,
      "source": 2,
      "status": 5,
      "created_at": "2022-09-27T10:02:42Z",
      "updated_at": "2022-09-27T10:16:14Z",
      "requested_for_id": 27002135586,
      "to_emails": null,
      "id": 55,
      "type": "Incident",
      "description": "


      “description_text”: “qfvftwd”
      “subject”: “Support payment…”,
      “group_id”: null,
      “department_id”: null,
      “category”: null,
      “sub_category”: null,
      “item_category”: null,
      “requester_id”: 27002120954,
      “responder_id”: null,
      “due_by”: “2022-09-27T15:00:00Z”,
      “fr_escalated”: true,
      “deleted”: false,
      “spam”: false,
      “email_config_id”: null,
      “fwd_emails”: [],
      “reply_cc_emails”: [],
      “cc_emails”: [],
      “is_escalated”: true,
      “fr_due_by”: “2022-09-26T16:00:00Z”,
      “priority”: 3,
      “source”: 2,
      “status”: 2,
      “created_at”: “2022-09-24T18:46:20Z”,
      “updated_at”: “2022-09-25T06:36:43Z”,
      “requested_for_id”: 27002120954,
      “to_emails”: null,
      “id”: 7,
      “type”: “Incident”,
      “description”: ”

      Payment is pending issue…

      “description_text”: “Payment is pending issue…”
      “total”: 2

    • searchTicketMessage – A message node with the script to display responses for various scenarios.
  3. Click the Train tab to complete the Dialog task training.
  4. Click the Talk to Bot icon to test and debug the dialog task.
  5. Follow the prompts in the VA console to find a ticket by field as shown below:

Delete a Ticket

Steps to delete a ticket in the Freshdesk integration:

  1. Refer to the Installing the Freshdesk templates section to install this template.
  2. The Delete a Ticket dialog task is added with the following components:

    • deleteTicket – A user intent to make payments.
    • ticketID – Entity nodes for gathering the required ticket details.
    • deleteTicketService – A bot action service to delete a ticket in an external integration. Click the Plus icon to expand to view the deleteTicketService bot action component properties.
    • In the Component Properties window, click the Edit Request link to edit the request parameters as shown below:
    • deleteTicketMessage – A message node with the script to display responses for various scenarios.
  3. Click the Train tab to complete the Dialog task training.
  4. Click the Talk to Bot icon to test and debug the dialog task.
  5. Follow the prompts in the VA console to delete a ticket.