Virtual Assistants Overview
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Concepts and Terminology
Quick Start Guide
Accessing the Platform
Navigating the XO Platform
Building a Virtual Assistant
Help & Learning Resources
Release Notes
Current Version
Recent Updates
Previous Versions
Request a Feature
Conversation Designer
Dialog Tasks
Mock Scenes
Dialog Tasks
Navigate Dialog Tasks
Build Dialog Tasks
Node Types
Intent Node
Dialog Node
Dynamic Intent Node
GenAI Node v2
Configure GenAI Node v2
GenAI Node
GenAI Prompt
Entity Node
Form Node
Confirmation Node
Message Nodes
Logic Node
Bot Action Node
Service Node
Webhook Node
Script Node
Process Node
Agent Transfer
Node Connections
Node Connections Setup
Sub-Intent Scoping
Entity Types
Entity Rules
User Prompts or Messages
Voice Call Properties
Knowledge AI
Knowledge Graph
Build a Knowledge Graph
Manage FAQs
Knowledge Extraction
Import or Export Knowledge Graph
Prepare Data for Import
Importing Knowledge Graph
Exporting Knowledge Graph
Auto-Generate Knowledge Graph
Knowledge Graph Analysis
Answer from Documents
Alert Tasks
Small Talk
Digital Skills
Digital Forms
Digital Views
Session and Context Variables
Context Object
Intent Discovery
NLP Optimization
ML Engine
Model Validation
FM Engine
KG Engine
Traits Engine
Ranking and Resolver
Training Validations
NLP Configurations
NLP Guidelines
LLM and Generative AI
LLM Integration XO GPT Module
Prompts & Requests Library
Co-Pilot Features
Dynamic Conversations Features
Event Handlers
Contextual Memory
Contextual Intents
Interruption Management
Multi-intent Detection
Amending Entities
Default Conversations
Conversation Driven Dialog Builder
Sentiment Management
Tone Analysis
Default Standard Responses
Ignore Words & Field Memory
Test & Debug
Talk to Bot
Utterance Testing
Batch Testing
Conversation Testing
Conversation Testing Overview
Create a Test Suite
Test Editor
Test Case Assertion
Test Case Execution Summary
Health and Monitoring
NLP Health
Flow Health
Actions Overview
Azure OpenAI
Google Maps
Microsoft Graph
Open AI
Agent Transfer Overview
Custom (BotKit)
NiceInContact(User Hub)
Configure Tokyo and Lower versions
Configure Utah and Higher versions
External NLU Adapters
Dialogflow Engine
Test and Debug
Dashboard Filters
Overview Dashboard
Conversations Dashboard
Users Dashboard
Performance Dashboard
Custom Dashboards
Custom Meta Tags
Create Custom Dashboard
Create Custom Dashboard Filters
LLM and Generative AI Logs
NLP Insights
Task Execution Logs
Conversations History
Conversation Flows
Conversation Insights
Feedback Analytics
Usage Metrics
Containment Metrics
Universal Bots
Universal Bot Definition
Universal Bot Creation
Training a Universal Bot
Universal Bot Customizations
Enabling Languages
Manage Assistant
Team Collaboration
Plan & Usage
Usage Plans
Support Plans
Conversation Sessions
Multilingual Virtual Assistants
Get Started
Supported Components & Features
Manage Languages
Manage Translation Services
Multiingual Virtual Assistant Behavior
Feedback Survey
Masking PII Details
IVR Settings
General Settings
Assistant Management
Manage Namespace
Data Table
Table Views
App Definitions
Data as Service
Build a Travel Planning Assistant
Travel Assistant Overview
Create a Travel Virtual Assistant
Design Conversation Skills
Create an ‘Update Booking’ Task
Create a Change Flight Task
Build a Knowledge Graph
Schedule a Smart Alert
Design Digital Skills
Configure Digital Forms
Configure Digital Views
Train the Assistant
Use Traits
Use Patterns
Manage Context Switching
Deploy the Assistant
Use Bot Functions
Use Content Variables
Use Global Variables
Use Web SDK
Build a Banking Assistant
Design Conversation Skills
Create a Sample Banking Assistant
Create a Transfer Funds Task
Create a Update Balance Task
Create a Knowledge Graph
Set Up a Smart Alert
Design Digital Skills
Configure Digital Forms
Configure Digital Views
Add Data to Data Tables
Update Data in Data Tables
Add Data from Digital Forms
Train the Assistant
Composite Entities
Use Traits
Use Patterns for Intents & Entities
Manage Context Switching
Deploy the Assistant
Configure an Agent Transfer
Use Assistant Functions
Use Content Variables
Use Global Variables
Intent Scoping using Group Node
Analyze the Assistant
Create a Custom Dashboard
Use Custom Meta Tags in Filters
API Reference
API Introduction
Rate Limits
API List
koreUtil Libraries
SDK Reference
SDK Introduction
How the Web SDK Works
SDK Security
SDK Registration
Web Socket Connect and RTM
Widget SDK Tutorial
Web SDK Tutorial
BotKit SDK
BotKit SDK Deployment Guide
Installing the BotKit SDK
Using the BotKit SDK
SDK Events
SDK Functions
Installing Botkit in AWS
BotKit - Blue Prism
BotKit - Flight Search Sample VA
BotKit - Agent Transfer

Intro to Bots Admin Console
Administration Dashboard
User Management
Managing Your Users
Managing Your Groups
Role Management
Manage Data Tables and Views
Bot Management
Inviting Users
Sending Bulk Invites to Enroll Users
Importing Users and User Data
Synchronizing Users from Active Directory
Security & Compliance
Using Single Sign-On
Two-Factor Authentication for Platform Access
Security Settings
Cloud Connector
Analytics for Bots Admin
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  3. Virtual Assistants
  4. Intelligence
  5. Default Standard Responses

Default Standard Responses Bot Builder tool provides a few default text responses. This section lists them and gives an explanation as to when these responses are triggered. For an overview on Standard Responses, refer here.


Message Definition
When the user confirms to close the conversation in a language and switch to another language You are now conversing with the bot in the  <language-name> language.
When only field prompt is present in the oob This is a field prompt message for action and alert tasks. This is only for the Kore platform to use. Enterprises should not be changing this. As part of the next deployment, this will be hidden from the bot developer.
When language preference is set Shown when the user switches language using cheat lang or picks a language from the options shown.
When task is not accessible to user Shown when the developer tries to access a bot task for which they do not have access
User confirms alert setup Applicable to Alert Task Only
This response is displayed when an alert is set up successfully and the bot will trigger the task at the given frequency or specified time.
User discards/abandons the current activity Shown in the following cases:
1. When a user ends the task by saying discard
2. When a task ends on exceeding max tries at an entity or choices not available in an LoV, or a cURL problem in an HTTP request, etc.
User implies to end the conversation (For example, good night, bye, ttyl) This condition occurs only for Dialog tasks for which the following Follow-up Tasks Setting is configured: Yes, at the end of this dialog ask the user to select and perform a task from the Follow-up task list in the Dialog settings. The bot shows this message when it presents the Follow-Up Intents array to the user at the end of the Dialog.
Location provided by user is invalid for a field in an action This message is displayed when the Bot is not able to validate the user input for a Location type of entity.
Amending an Alert field Applicable to Alert Task Only
When setting up an alert, the end-user needs to provide values for the parameters that the alert needs along with the frequency at which the alert will be triggered. If the developer specifies that the alert should confirm all values from the user before setting up the alert, the bot will display an option to the user if he wants to amend the values.
This bot response is displayed if the user says Yes to amend
Amending a task which has no fields Applicable to Alert, Action and Information Task
The standard confirmation message in case of Action, Alert and Information task ends with an option to amend entities. In case the task does not have any entities (Fields) then this message will be shown.
Ask at least one optional field Applicable to Action Task Only
Under the Advanced settings when defining the action task, the developer can set an option to enforce the user to provide at least one of the optional fields (parameters/entity) of all the configured optional parameters. This is to handle the use case of Modify.
This Bot response is displayed if the user does not provide value to any of the optional parameters
Topic retry limit exceeded This is only for the developer (Developer mode on).
The platform has set up a check on loop limit and if the dialog conditions result in looping through the same nodes multiple times (Defined limit) then the task is discarded and this message is shown to the developer.
Universal fallback response Shown in the following cases:
1. Universal catchall: For any reason, be it technical or others, when the bot is not able to generate further responses
2. When the bot exceeds the maximum number of nodes that can be executed in a volley, and the user is not a bot developer. For a bot developer Topic retry limit exceeded message displays in this case.
Server returned authorisation failure and the user needs to re-authorize This message is displayed for a Server Authorization failure during the execution of the script node or making API call.
User selects a valid option from the list of options The message is displayed when the bot displays a list of all the tasks and the user selects an action/alert/information task.
User selects an action The message is displayed when the user selects an action task to be executed. The bot confirms that the task has been selected and asks the user to provide values for the parameter required to complete the task.
Alert is identified, ask the user to enter alert time Applicable to Alert Task Only
During the setup of the Alert, the bot will ask the user the frequency at which the alert will be triggered. The end-user will need to specify at what interval the alert task will be triggered.
This bot message is displayed to request the user to specify the Alert time if the Trigger interval option is set to At a specific time in the day.
Alert is identified, ask the user to enter alert time interval Applicable to Alert Task Only
During the setup of the Alert, the bot will ask the user the frequency at which the alert will be triggered. The end-user will need to specify at what interval the alert task will be triggered.
This bot message is displayed to request the user to specify the Alert time interval if the Trigger interval option is set to Every X mins.
User selects an alert The message is displayed when the user selects an alert task to be executed. The bot confirms that the task has been selected and asks the user to provide values for the parameter required to complete the task.
Task discarded Shown when the user types discard in the middle of task flow. The bot discards the task.
Bot choosing the default account Used in alerts. Shown when the user is asked if they want to amend anything before setting up the alert, and what the user replies with is not understood by the bot.
Confirmation Dialog for Task consolidated Used in Action and Information tasks.
Before executing the task, the bot confirms with the user with the parameters captured if it can go ahead and execute the task
Confirmation Dialog for Alert consolidated Applicable to Alert task Only
During a task set up by the end-user, the bot will confirm all the details entered with the user before setting up the alert. It also gives the user an option to amend the values, proceed or discard.
This message is displayed only if the developer has enabled confirmation of all parameters before the execution of the task.
Confirmation Dialog for Alert consolidated without fields Applicable to Alert Task Only
If the alert is not expecting any parameters from the end-user, the bot will display this message before the final execution of the alert.
This message will be displayed only if the developer has enabled confirmation with the user before the execution of the task.
The alerts will be muted This message is displayed when the developer has muted the alert notifications
Confirmation Dialog when alerts are muted Applicable to Alert Task Only
This response is displayed when the developer has enabled Mute alert notifications for the RSS feed. Developers can enable or disable Mute alerts notifications if they do not want desktop or mobile phone notifications to display on the desktop or your mobile phone each time an alert for the RSS is received. By default, notifications are enabled.
Alert Frequency description Applicable to Alert Task Only
Alert tasks when configured using web service, make requests based on the frequency selected by the bot user.
This message is displayed as an alert task setup confirmation about the frequency of query.
Not understanding the input at confirmation In the process of setting up the alerts, the user is asked to confirm the frequency settings and the user response does not relate to the frequency query.
No results found for the search string Applicable to Alert, Action and Information Task
When a typeahead field does not return any results
Successful task setup This message is displayed when an alert task is set up successfully
I am not sure what you mean Shown when the bot finds one or more not-so-confident intents against a user utterance. Usually shown for FAQ suggestions.
Ambiguity in intent recognition This response is displayed when the bot fails to identify the intent from the end user utterance. The bot then prompts the user to re-phrase the statement.
User has selected to setup an alert per day and bot needs to know if the choice is based on frequency or specific time Applicable to Alert Task Only
This message is displayed when the bot asks the user to provide the frequency at which the alert task will be auto-triggered. This can be specified in terms of af a particular time as 10 am or frequency like every 10 minutes. This is a message when both the options are set up.
Bot needs to present the filter options Applicable to Alert Task Only
This message displayed when more than one filters are available during the setup of an alert. In this situation, bot will display this message followed by the list of available filters from where the user can select the filter to apply.
Bot needs to present the filter options with exit option Applicable to Alert Task Only
This message displayed when more than one filters are available during the setup of an alert. In that situation, bot will display this message followed by the list of available filters from where the user can select the filter to apply and an option to skip.
User finished configuring filters Applicable to Alert Task Only
This message is displayed after a user completes configuring a filter while setting up an alert task.
User asks Who am I Shown when a user types who am I
User asks for help This message is displayed when the user types Help. The bot lists all the dialog tasks, alert/action/information task it can perform.
Part of the Help message.
Skipped values Applicable to Action and Information Task
This is part of the confirmation message for an action/Information task, we mention the skipped parameters in the confirmation message.
While filling fields, ask user to change the field that this fields depends on Applicable to Actions dropdowns
This message is displayed to the user when a drop-down field at actions is dependent on another field and platform is not able to fetch the data from the dependent field
When there is no data Applicable to Action Tasks
This message is displayed when the user chooses to change the account and upon bot confirmation, the user provides no as input
When date given in Invalid format Shown when the user enters an invalid entry for a date entity. The platform recognizes the following date formats: YYYY-MM-DD, DD-MM-YYYY
DD-MM-YY, 1 Jan 1982 or 1st Jan, or the following type of date descriptions This day last year, Next Friday
This message is displayed by the bot when the end user discard the current task in execution. The user can use the discard/discard all command to discard the current task in execution. Other similar commands like exit, cancel etc also results in discard. Follow up sentence post User discards/abandons the current activity
Confirmation Dialog for task with skipped fields Applicable to Action and Information Task
This message is displayed to confirm the setup of Action/Information before the final execution of the task when a few fields are not mandatory to provide by the user.
Listing all tasks This message is displayed when the end user types Help and the bot lists all tasks. This is part of the message shown when user utterance does not match any task/faq
Listing all alerts This message is displayed when the end user types Help and the bot lists all alert tasks. This is part of the message shown when user utterance does not match any task/faq
Listing all FAQs Shown when responding to the user when requested for Help. This response is part of a bigger response and deals with the knowledge graph collections.
Listing all alerts after tasks If a bot just has alert tasks, the bot shows this message along with showing the list of all alert tasks when the bot fails to understand the user intent
Listing all alerts after tasks and FAQs When user provides the input Help and all types of tasks Actions, Dialogs, FAQs and Alerts are configured at the bot
Lists all actions and FAQs for a bot This message is displayed when the bot is unable to find a matching task for the end-user utterance and lists all actions and FAQs.
Lists all alerts and FAQs for a bot This message is displayed when the bot is unable to find a matching task for the end-user utterance and lists all alerts and FAQs.
When bot has no tasks Shown when the developer tries to run a bot that doesn’t have any tasks created.
When a server call fails and the task has to be discarded Shown when a kore API call couldn’t be made (webhook node or service node) and the task had to be discarded.
User prompt when a task is discarded due to a server call failure This message is displayed when there is a server call failure due to which the API call was not completed successfully.
Specific bot is not available for conversation This message is displayed when a bot is not published yet and the end user tries to communicate with it.
Field title and value in confirmation Applicable to Alert, Action and Information Task
This is part of the confirmation step before executing the alert, action or information task. The format of showing the captured parameters is described here.
Recursive dialog found Shown when the bot calls a dialog recursively and exceeds the maximum limit (100).
Loop limit reached for a node Shown when the bot repeatedly invokes the same node in a loop for more than an allowed number of times.
Message component doesn’t have a message When the message from a message node or service node is empty or cannot be resolved, we show this default message.
User says thanks Shown when user thanks the bot.
User says OK, fine, yes, etc. when there is no task in context Shown when the user says OK, fine, got it, etc (probably after finishing a task)
User says no, nope etc. when there is no task in context This is small talk in the response to user utterance is – No, Nopes, etc.
User says great, awesome etc. when there is no task in context Shown when the user says great, awesome, etc. (probably after finishing a task)
User says that helped, that was useful, etc. Shown when the user says good, great, awesome, cool, “fair enough”, “that helped”, “it helps”, “that was useful”, “that was handy” etc. (probably after finishing a task)
User says I am done. That’s it for now! etc. Shown when the user says I am done, that’s it for now, that’s all, done, etc. (probably after finishing a task)
Successfully added filter This message is displayed when a filter is added successfully to an alert
After successfully adding a filter, showing the filter options again Applicable to Alert Tasks only
Developers can define filters for end-users to limit the results of an alert task as per the end-user needs. When the alert is set up by the end-user, and the filter applied, only alert messages that meet the filter specifications are displayed to the end-user.
This message is displayed when a filter is enabled for an alert.
User gave invalid input for filter, showing the filter options again Applicable to Alert Task Only
The message is displayed when the user specifies a filter name that does not match with the ones that have been configured.
Resume paused task. This message is displayed when the user chooses to resume the On-hold task. The message is displayed only when the Resume option is set to Notify the user with a message that the on-hold task is being resumed.
Notify the user that we have canceled the paused task. This message is displayed when the user chooses to cancel the on-hold task. This option of canceling the on-hold task is available only when the Resume option is set to Get confirmation with the user before resuming on hold task. When the user is asked to confirm resumption and selects to cancel the on-hold task this message is shown.
Notify the user that we have canceled the current task to switch to another This message is displayed when the Hold and Resume – Hold option is set to Discard the current task and switch to new. Before discarding the current task, the bot will display the given message. This message can be customized from the Manage response option.
When an interruption is identified but hold is not allowed This message is displayed when the user input matches with another task when one task is in execution but the current task cannot be interrupted. In this situation, the bot will add the new task to the follow-up task list and continue the execution of the current task. For this behavior, the developer needs to select Continue the current task and add a new task to the follow-up task list in the Hold and Resume settings.
Service call timedout Shown when a third party API call timed out (webhook node or service node-third party async API timeout)
Dialog has no transitions Applicable to Dialog Task Only
This response is displayed when the bot identifies a dialog task for which no conversation flow has been defined. The task is defined only with an Intent node.
manage account User says manage bot accounts, add a new phone number, manage my profile, I want to delete my bot account, I want to reactivate my account, etc.


Message Definition
Ask if the user would like to switch to the new language detected during a conversation Your current conversation is in <current language> language but I have detected <list of new languages> languages from your current input. Please provide your preferred language to proceed.
Ask if the user would like to switch to the new language detected during a conversation I have detected that your input is in <new language> language. Please say Yes to close the current conversation and switch to . You may say No to continue on the current conversation.
Follow up sentence post Task execution or discard of task Ok, I am discarding the task for now. We can start over whenever you are ready.
Confirmation before discard It applies only to selected clients like Citibank. Shown when the user enters Discard or Discard All during task execution.
User Types Change or similar words Applicable to Alerts
While setting filters for an alert, the user says they changed their mind.
This message is displayed when the bot discards the current alert setup.
User prompted to enter text to search for the relevant results Applicable at action, alerts and information tasks. When the parameter is type – Type ahead, the user will be shown this message.
Ask the user to enter alert frequency Applicable to Alerts
This message is used to prompt the user while setting an alert frequency, and the frequency options are either an interval (every 4 hours) or a time (at 10 am).
Ask the user to enter alert interval Applicable to Alerts
This message is used to prompt the user while setting an alert frequency, and the frequency option is an interval (every 4 hours).
Ask the user to enter alert time Displayed as per schedule options defined by the developer of the alert and would be prompted while setting up the alert. For example, when the user selects daily, the bot prompts the user to enter a time.
Alert is identified, Ask the user to enter frequency Displayed as per schedule options defined by the developer at the alert and would be prompted while setting up the alert.
Prompting user to enter name for alert instance Applicable for alerts – when users try to install the alert in Kore messaging app – rooms
User needs to select a value from a list presented as a result of static drop-down Applicable for alerts.
When the user opts to apply a filter on notifications and chooses a filter of field type static dropdown, the options name will be presented to the user with this message.
User needs to select a value from a list presented as a result of search results Applicable for alerts.
When the user opts to apply a filter on notifications and chooses a filter of field type dynamic dropdown, the label key will be presented to the user with this message.
Request for email address to send webhook instructions Applicable for webhook alerts wherein the developer would be mailed the setup instructions.
Query to get the alert instance description Applicable to Alerts
This message is used to ask the user for description while setting up an alert.
Tell me the alphabet or a unique word for action you want When the bot has to display a list of options, it displays this message before the list to prompt the user to select an option. If the bot doesn’t use any custom template, the list is displayed as an alphabetically ordered list and the user can either enter the choice or the letter associated with it.
I am not sure what you mean after an invalid choice When a user utterance leads to the detection of not-so-confident matches, the bot displays the options for the user to pick from. If the user’s follow-on message doesn’t match any of the initially identified ambiguous alerts, this message occurs.
Asking user to pick an alert Applicable to Alerts
This message is displayed when a list of alerts is shown to the user to pick from
Asking user to pick an alert after an error Applicable to Alerts
This message is displayed when a list of alerts is shown to the user to pick from and they pick a wrong choice (a wrong index, maybe)
When User responded with an invalid answer to confirmation dialog At a confirmation for an action, when the user says they want to amend something but the bot does not understand what, we show this message and ask confirmation again
Typeahead field prompt, when it is the first field in a task Applicable at action, alerts and information tasks. When the parameter is type – Type ahead, the user will be shown this message
After user selecting a valid alert from the list of alerts, then tries to change the alert name Applicable to Alerts
Users can change/amend the name of the alert during setup.
This message is used to ask the user what they want to name the alert.
After user selects amend and enters the choice Applicable to Alerts
Users can amend parameters like name, description, notification, frequency, etc. during alert setup.
This message is used to ask the users if they want to change anything else after any parameter has been amended successfully.
No results found for the search string. Ask user to try again. Applicable at action, alerts and information tasks. When the parameter is type – Type ahead, and the user input doesn’t fetch any results from the API response.
Follow up sentence post User discards/abandons the current activity – Part2 Applicable to Alerts
At an alert confirmation, the user says no, and then we ask if they want to change anything (message with the title User says no for alert setup confirmation), to which user says no again.
Listing ambiguous tasks This message is displayed when the user is prompted to pick a task from a list, and their reply leads to ambiguity
Ask user if they want to continue the last paused task after completing the interrupting task. This condition applies only to bots for which the following resume option in the Hold and Resume settings is configured: Get confirmation with the user before resuming an on-hold task Resume option. The bot shows this message when it completes executing the new task and confirms if it can resume the on-hold task.
To be displayed to ask if user would like to switch Applicable to Manage Interruptions
This message is displayed when Hold and Resume are set to Allow the end user to select the behavior. In this situation, when the user utterance matches with a task name, the bot will confirm with the end user before switching to the new task.

Errors & Warnings

Message Definition
Agent Transfer fallback response This response is displayed under the following scenarios:

  • When there is a wait time for the agent to receive the chat.
  • When an agent is unavailable to take the chat.
  • When an agent closes or rejects the chat.
  • When there is a technical error with the third-party agent system.
  • When the Platform fails to transfer the conversation to the agent.
Note: This is currently managed specifically for agent integrations like Salesforce and Helpshift, based on the events emitted by these integrations.


User exceeds the maximum allowed retries for an entity when another task is on hold You have exceeded the number of allowed attempts. I am discarding the current task.
Dialog task associated to a FAQ is not available This response is displayed in case the dialog linked with FAQ is suspended or deleted or not assigned to the user
User needs to authorize or re-authorize This response is displayed when the end-user authorization or re-authorization is requested.
The Authorization URL required for obtaining the user’s authorization is dynamically appended to the messages defined in the Simple mode. For defining the message in Advanced Mode, you can use the koreUtil.getCurrentOptions() function to retrieve the Authorization URL and use it as part of the message. Know more
User authorization has failed or user is yet to authorize If access to a bot/task needs authorization, the bot prompts the user with this message, requesting for authorization. This message is followed by a link that will open in a web-page depending on the type of auth profile.
User’s intent is recognized, but authorization fails This response is displayed when the intent identified by the bot needs to make a service call that needs authorization and no accounts are created by authorized yet.
User authorization failed for more than 3 times Shown when the user enters wrong authorization credentials for three times in a row.
User provided value which is not unique. When a list of partially matched intents is shown to the user, and the user instead of selecting from the options, types something that again creates ambiguity.
Bot did not find any options based on user’s choice When the set of options to show for a list is empty.
Can also be shown if there are no account credentials to select from.
Discarding the task since we did not find any options for a list or lookup. Shown when the user entered choices is not present in the response after making a service call. The fields at simple tasks for user inputs wherein user input is looked up from the response of the third party is an instance. (Actions, Alerts, and Information tasks – Dynamic drop down or Type ahead field types with user input from the chat window can be considered an example).
When the task is identified, Server call failure is returned Shown when the task is identified but user account on kore to access third-party API expired or failed
User enters Invalid email Shown when the user enters an invalid email address for an alert, action, or information task.
User enters Invalid country Shown when the user enters an invalid country name for an alert, action, or information task.
User enters Invalid url Shown when the user enters an invalid URL for an alert, action, or information task.
User enters Invalid phone number Shown when the user enters an invalid phone number for an alert, action, or information task.
User enters Invalid number Shown when the user enters a string or description against a number input for an alert, action, or information task.
Invalid date format Shown when the user enters an invalid date format for an alert, action, or information task.
Missing date Shown when the user doesn’t enter a date format for an alert, action, or information task.
Ask user to enter time for a field Shown when the user doesn’t enter time for entities of type – Date Time at dialog tasks
Ask user to enter time Shown when the user enters just the date and not time for a DateTime entity. For example, in a Schedule Appointment task, if the bot asks for the preferred date and time, and the user just enters the date.
Invalid time. Ask user to try again for a field Applies to a DateTime Entity
This message is displayed when the bot asks the user to enter the time portion for a DateTime entity and the user’s response didn’t have time, the bot asks them to try again.
Invalid time. Ask user to try again Shown when the user enters an invalid time value for a DateTime entity.
For example, in a Schedule Appointment task, if the bot asks for the preferred date and time, and the user enters something like Aug 29 at 25.
Missing date/time Applicable to Actions and Alerts
This message is displayed as an Error prompt for a DateTime entity in actions and alerts.
You have chosen a wrong choice. This is a subkey for other keys with the following conditions.
Tell me the alphabet or a unique word for the action you want after an invalid choice
I am not sure what you mean after an invalid choice
Asking the user to pick an alert after an error
When need to show the possible intervals for an alert schedule
You have chosen the wrong choice for the task schedule
Listing all tasks after a wrong choice
Listing all alerts after a wrong choice
Listing all FAQs after a wrong choice
Listing all tasks and alerts after a wrong choice
Listing all alerts, tasks, and FAQs after a wrong choice
Lists all actions and FAQs for a bot after a wrong choice
Lists all alerts and FAQs for a bot after a wrong choice
Can not understand your request Shown when the bot cannot recognize the user’s intent. It is usually displayed along with a list of tasks and FAQs available in the bot for the users to select.
When bot is selected, user is asked for reauthorization Applicable to Service Calls
This message is displayed when an API call fails due to the expiry of user credentials and the bot ask the user to reauthorize.
Listing all tasks after a wrong choice Help related – When the developer has only configured Actions/ Dialogs/Information tasks and the user input didn’t match with any task
Listing all alerts after a wrong choice Help related – When the developer has only configured Alerts at the bot and the user input didn’t match with any task
Listing all FAQs after a wrong choice Help related – When the developer has only configured FAQS at the bot and the user input didn’t match with any FAQ
Listing all FAQs after not understanding your request If a bot just has a Knowledge Graph, the bot shows this message when the bot fails to understand the user intent.
Listing all actions after not understanding your request If a bot just has action tasks, the bot shows this message when the bot fails to understand the user intent. It provides the names of the action tasks along with the message.
Listing all actions and alerts after not understanding your request If a bot just has action and alert tasks, the bot shows this message when the bot fails to understand the user intent. It provides the names of the alert tasks and action tasks along with the message.
Listing all actions and FAQs after not understanding your request If a bot just has action tasks and a KG Graph, the bot shows this message when the bot fails to understand the user intent. It provides the names of the action tasks and the Knowledge Graph along with the message.
Listing all alerts after not understanding your request If a bot just has alert tasks, the bot shows this message when the bot fails to understand the user intent. It provides the names of the alert tasks along with the message.
Listing all alerts and FAQs after not understanding your request If a bot just has alert tasks and a KG Graph, the bot shows this message when the bot fails to understand the user intent. It provides the names of the alert tasks and the Knowledge Graph along with the message.
Listing all tasks after not understanding your request When the bot fails to understand user intent, it shows this message along with the names of tasks it can perform.
Listing all tasks and alerts after a wrong choice Shown when a user types Help and from the tasks lists that opens they choose an invalid option. For example, if the tasks lists have options from a to c and the user types d.
Listing all alerts, tasks and FAQs after a wrong choice Help related – When the developer has only configured Alerts/ Dialogs/FAQs tasks and the user input didn’t match with any task
Lists all actions and FAQs for a bot after a wrong choice It occurs only when the bot just has action tasks and a Knowlege Graph. When a bot shows the names of the action tasks and the KG Graph to choose from, the bot shows this message when the user selects an invalid option. For example, if the tasks lists have options from a to c and the user types d.
Lists all alerts and FAQs for a bot after a wrong choice It occurs only when the bot just has alert tasks and a Knowlege Graph. When a bot shows the names of the action tasks and the KG Graph to choose from, this message is displayed when the user selects an invalid option. For example, if the tasks lists have options from a to c and the user types d.
Task is discarded when user exceeds maximum number of alowed attempts. Shown when the user enters invalid format for an entity type for 5 times. For example, the entity is of type number and the user enters an email 5 times.
When the entity component in dialog doesn’t have error prompt Shown when there is not at least one error prompt associated with an Entity node. It typically occurs when you accidentally delete the default error prompt and try to save the node properties.
When the entity component in dialog doesn’t have message attribute Fallback message if an entity does not have a message prompt defined.
User input exceeds the maximum allowed sentence limit or contains one or more words that exceed the allowed word length. Shown when the user types an input that exceeds the maximum sentence or word limit. You can customize this message and the language based on your business needs.


Message Definition
When user input matches and frequency is asked Applicable to Alerts
This message is displayed when the user is prompted to set a frequency for an alert, and their reply leads to ambiguity.
When asking the user to input the frequency at which the alert updates need to be checked for Applicable to Alert Task
This message is displayed when the bot asks the user to input the frequency at which the alert will be triggered.


Message Definition
Search results displayed based on user input. (Type ahead search) Applicable to Alert Task.
For an alert task, developers can set up filters to restrict the output of an alert task. In the filter setup, the Field Type can be specified as Type Ahead. This field type displays a dynamically populated drop-down list of choices to the user at runtime when the user enters three or more characters that match the search results based on the response from the URL defined for the task.
This message is displayed when the end user provides input for the Field Type of Type Ahead type when setting up the filter for an alert task.
Confirming alert frequency Applicable to Alert Task.
This message is displayed when the bot confirms the current trigger frequency of an alert task with the end user.
Repeat confirmation of default alert frequency Applicable to Alert Task
End user can change/amend the trigger frequency of the alert task.
This message is displayed when the user input does not match with the expected input for the alert frequency
Confirmation to set up an alert task with a frequency Applicable to Alert task
This message is displayed to confirm the trigger frequency for an alert task.
Prompting the user to set up filters Applicable to Alert Task
Developers can create filters for an alert task. These filters will limit the results of an alert task to the results an end-user needs.
This message is displayed when the bot asks whether the user wants to set up any filter.
Prompting the user to set up filters as soon as an alert is identified Applicable to Alert Task
Developers can create filters for an alert task. These filters will limit the results of an alert task to the results an end-user needs.
This message is displayed when the bot asks whether the user wants to set up any filter.
Asking user to set up push notifications Applicable to Alert Task
The bot confirms the parameters entered by the user before an alert setup. The user can select no or amend on which the bot will allow the user to modify the name, description, notification, frequency or any other parameter in the alert before proceeding with alert setup.
This message is displayed when the user wants to change/amend the alert notification setting. The user can enable/disable alert notification by responding yes/no.
Repeat asking user to set up push notifications Applicable to Alert Task
The bot confirms the parameters entered by the user before an alert setup. The user can select no or amend on which the bot will allow the user to modify the name, description, notification, frequency or any other parameter in the alert before proceeding with alert setup.
This message will be displayed when the user input to the amending notification setting does not match the pre-defined response (yes/no).
Amending the request for a description Applicable to Alert Task
The bot confirms the parameters entered by the user before an alert setup. The user can select no or amend on which the bot will allow the user to modify the name, description, notification, frequency or any other parameter in the alert before proceeding with alert setup.
This message is displayed when the user wants to change/amend the alert description.
Amending the request for a description Applicable to Alert Task
The bot confirms the parameters entered by the user before an alert setup. The user can select no or amend on which the bot will allow the user to modify the name, description, notification, frequency or any other parameter in the alert before proceeding with alert setup.
This message is displayed when the user wants to change/amend the alert description.
Amending the request for frequency Applicable to Alert Task
The bot confirms the parameters entered by the user before an alert setup. The user can select no or amend on which the bot will allow the user to modify the name, description, notification, frequency or any other parameter in the alert before proceeding with alert setup.
This message is displayed when the user wants to change/amend the alert trigger frequency.
Amending the request for notification settings Applicable to Alert Task
The bot confirms the parameters entered by the user before an alert setup. The user can select no or amend on which the bot will allow the user to modify the name, description, notification, frequency or any other parameter in the alert before proceeding with alert setup.
This message is displayed when the user wants to change/amend the alert notification setting i.e. user can specify whether he wants to receive notifications whenever the alert is triggered.
Prompting user to choose the ‘Days of the week’ to setup notification frequency Applicable to Alert Task
This message prompts the user to select Weekday/Weekend for the Trigger frequency when setting up the alert. Currently, a dropdown box is displayed with all the options available for the trigger frequency and the user can select any frequency from the list.
Query to choose the interval to set up notification frequency Applicable to Alert Task
During the alert set up, the end-user needs to specify an interval at which the alert will be executed.
This message is displayed by the bot prompting the end-user to set up the frequency interval for the alert task.
Query to send webhook setup instructions via email Applicable for webhook alerts
The bot check with the end-user if it needs to send an email to the developer with instructions to configure the webhook alert at the third party app.
Do you want to change the name of the alert <alert-name>? Applicable to Alert Task
The bot confirms the parameters entered by the user before an alert setup. The user can select no or amend on which the bot will allow the user to modify the name, description, notification, frequency or any other parameter in the alert before proceeding with alert setup.
This message is displayed when the user wants to change/amend the alert name.
Query to choose the operator while setting up a filter <current-filter>. Applicable to Alert Task
Developers can configure filters for an alert task. The filter will have one or more operations that the end-user can select to apply to the filter. The operation depends on the Data Type selected for the filter.
This message is displayed when the user sets up the filter for the alert task. The bot prompts the user to select one of the available operators.
Options to pick the frequency for alert notification days Applicable to Alert Task
Developers can select all the options like Daily, Weekday, Weekend when setting up the Trigger Interval Options for an alert task. Users will need to select/specify the interval from the available list as the frequency at which the alert will be triggered during setup.
This message is displayed when all the interval options are available and the bot prompts the user to select one of the Trigger Interval during alert task setup.
When the user needs to choose one of the provided choices Applicable to Alerts and Actions
This message is displayed when the user is prompted to pick a choice for a drop-down in alerts and actions.
Confirming with the user if he/she wishes to re-used a pre-saved context
When need to show the possible intervals for an alert schedule Applicable for Alert Task
Developers can set up the trigger frequency for an alert in terms of interval duration like every 10 minutes, 20 minutes, etc. or specific time like at 9:00 am, 11:00 am, etc.
This message is displayed when the frequency is specified in terms of the interval like every 10 minutes, 20 minutes, etc. and the user inputs a specific time like 9:00 am at which he would like to trigger the bot. In this situation, the bot will prompt the user with the available valid frequencies that can be set up for the alert.
When only finding a close frequency for an alert schedule Applicable to Alert Task
Developers specify Default Trigger Interval for the frequency of the Alert task. Users need to select one of these intervals at the time of setting up the alert.
This message will be displayed when the interval/time specified does not match with the list of intervals set by the developers. The Alert prompts the nearest available time from the list of frequency available.
When only finding a close time for an alert schedule Applicable to Alert Task
Developers can specify times like 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 3:00 pm as the frequency at which the alert will be triggered. Users need to select a particular time from the available options when setting up the alert.
This message will be displayed if the user specifies a time which is not mentioned in the alert setup.
When changing a field Applicable to an Alert Task.
This message is displayed when the user selects No while confirming the parameters of an alert task.
Prompting the user to set up filters after an alert is identified Applicable to an Alert Task.
Developers can set up filters during the configuration of an alert task. Only the notifications that satisfy the filters will be displayed to the end-user.
This message is displayed when the user gives input for setting up an alert task.
If asking the user if they want setup instructions to be sent via email is the first prompt in an alert Applicable to Alerts
This message is displayed when the User starts setting up an alert and the first prompt in the process is to ask them if they want an email about installation instructions
While choosing options Applicable to Alerts and Action Task
This message is used to show options returned by the platform for a typeahead entity in an action or an alert
After the user selects a valid task from the list of tasks, then tries to type something for schedule Applicable to Alerts
This message is displayed when an alert is selected by the user from a list and the bot asks them how often they want to be notified
You have chosen a wrong choice for task schedule Applicable to Alerts
This message is displayed when the user gives a wrong value for the frequency while setting an alert and the bot asks again.
After user selecting a valid task from the list of tasks, then tries to enter field value Applicable to Alerts and Action Task
This message is displayed when an action or alert is triggered, and the first field is a dropdown.
User says ‘no’ for alert setup confirmation Applicable to Alert Task
During alert task configuration, developers can enable confirmation of all parameters with the user before the execution of the alert. The bot will display all the values entered by the user for setting up the alert. The bot will allow the user to select how to proceed with the execution of the alert with the options yes, no, and amend.
This message will be displayed if the user selects option no.
After selecting task, user selects wrong choice in Dialog. When a list of choices is presented (not from a List of Values entity) and the user enters something that cannot be matched to one of those items
User enters a wrong choice for alert frequency Applicable to Alert Task
At the time of setting up alert tasks, users need to provide the frequency at which the alert will be triggered. This value had to match with one of the frequencies given by the developer at the time of creating the alert
This message is displayed when the alert frequency given by the user does not match with any of the frequencies specified by the developer.
User enters a wrong value for a dropdown. Applicable to List of values
This message is displayed when the user input does not match any values given in the List of Values
List ambiguous list of values to user to choose from For a List of Values entity, if a user has entered something that cannot uniquely identify an item then the set of possible items that partially match the input are shown along with this message
User enters an invalid choice for an action This message is displayed when the user is prompted to pick a task from a list, and their response does not match with the list.
Ambiguous date Shown when you enter a date value that is ambiguous. For example, if the user enters 6/9 for a date, the bot shows 9 June <year> and 6 September <year> as options for the user to select from.
Ambiguous airport Shown when you enter a value for an Airport entity that is unclear and requires further selection. For example, if you enter London, the bot shows London Heathrow Airport and Gatwick airport as options to select from.
Ambiguous location For a Location entity, if the geocode service returns multiple possibilities then the list is shown along with this message
There are more than one account for the user to pick from When the user has more than one account (third party, eg. Jira) and they are asked to pick one.
The user’s intent is recognized, but there are more than one account for the user to pick from When the user has more than one account (third party – Jira) and they are asked to pick one.
Custom lookup query returned more than one value. Ask user to pick one. Shown when the user query returns more than one items from a list of items. All the items are presented to the user to pick the relevant option.
After the user selecting a valid choice from the list, the chosen list found to be empty Applicable to Alert and Action Task
This message is displayed when a dropdown (in an action or an alert) depends on another field, and the value of that other field does not create any options for this dropdown. In this situation, the bot will ask the user to set a different value for the depender field.
When user selects an invalid choice. Same as above but the value provided by the user for the dependent field is not valid.
At the end of a dialog, present user with list of followup tasks identified. Ask them to pick one task to execute This condition occurs only for Dialog tasks for which the following Follow-up Tasks Setting is configured: Yes, at the end of this dialog ask the user to select and perform a task from the Follow-up task list in the Dialog settings. The bot shows this message when it presents the Follow-Up Intents array to the user at the end of the Dialog.
Ask the user to select an entity to be amended when the entity value provided for amending is valid for multiple entities Applicable to amending entity values during Dialog execution
This message is displayed during a dialog execution when the user wants to amend an entity value by mentioning the entity value and the bot is not able to determine the entity to be amended since multiple entities hold the same value. Eg: change Bangalore to Mumbai and Bangalore is set to more than one entity
The user is trying to put more than the max on-hold quantity of tasks on hold. Ask them to pick a task to cancel one. When the developers set up the Hold and Resume settings, they can configure the maximum number of tasks that the bot can allow to be put on hold. The bot shows this message when the user executes the bot if the number of tasks that are put on hold is more than that number.
User provides an intent when prompted for String/Description entity Applicable to an entity node of String/Description type.
Developers can configure Intent Detection in the Instance Property of an entity node of String/Description type to Ask the user how to proceed
This message will be displayed if the user’s input matches with intent and the bot want to confirm before proceeding to execute the new intent.


(These will be moved to Small Talk post ver7.1 release)

Message Definition
Response when User says Hi Shown when the user says hi, hello, hey, etc, or just enters the bot’s name.
Response to how are you? User asks how are you?
NL interprets the following ways in which the user can say that:
<how are you>, <how are u doing> <how are u how are u>
<how have u been doing> <how have`u`been> <how`do`u`do> <how`are`u`doing> <how`are`u>
whazzupp whatcha`upto watsup wassup howzit
comment`est`vous comment`ca`va ca`va
<what`up <what`is`up`today
<what`is`up <what`is`the`word> <what`is`the`latest`word> <what`is`new> <what`is`happening>
<what`is`going`on> <what’up <is`everything`OK <is`everything`alright <how`you`feeling
<how`you`doing <how`is`tricks <how`is`life <how`is`it`going <how`is`everything
<how`is`by`you <how`have`you`been`doing> <how`have`you`been> <how`goes> <how`goes`things
<how`goes`it <how`is`your`day <how`do`you`do> <how`are`you> <how`are`things>
Response to who are you? Shown when the user says who are you

Default Standard Responses Bot Builder tool provides a few default text responses. This section lists them and gives an explanation as to when these responses are triggered. For an overview on Standard Responses, refer here.


Message Definition
When the user confirms to close the conversation in a language and switch to another language You are now conversing with the bot in the  <language-name> language.
When only field prompt is present in the oob This is a field prompt message for action and alert tasks. This is only for the Kore platform to use. Enterprises should not be changing this. As part of the next deployment, this will be hidden from the bot developer.
When language preference is set Shown when the user switches language using cheat lang or picks a language from the options shown.
When task is not accessible to user Shown when the developer tries to access a bot task for which they do not have access
User confirms alert setup Applicable to Alert Task Only
This response is displayed when an alert is set up successfully and the bot will trigger the task at the given frequency or specified time.
User discards/abandons the current activity Shown in the following cases:
1. When a user ends the task by saying discard
2. When a task ends on exceeding max tries at an entity or choices not available in an LoV, or a cURL problem in an HTTP request, etc.
User implies to end the conversation (For example, good night, bye, ttyl) This condition occurs only for Dialog tasks for which the following Follow-up Tasks Setting is configured: Yes, at the end of this dialog ask the user to select and perform a task from the Follow-up task list in the Dialog settings. The bot shows this message when it presents the Follow-Up Intents array to the user at the end of the Dialog.
Location provided by user is invalid for a field in an action This message is displayed when the Bot is not able to validate the user input for a Location type of entity.
Amending an Alert field Applicable to Alert Task Only
When setting up an alert, the end-user needs to provide values for the parameters that the alert needs along with the frequency at which the alert will be triggered. If the developer specifies that the alert should confirm all values from the user before setting up the alert, the bot will display an option to the user if he wants to amend the values.
This bot response is displayed if the user says Yes to amend
Amending a task which has no fields Applicable to Alert, Action and Information Task
The standard confirmation message in case of Action, Alert and Information task ends with an option to amend entities. In case the task does not have any entities (Fields) then this message will be shown.
Ask at least one optional field Applicable to Action Task Only
Under the Advanced settings when defining the action task, the developer can set an option to enforce the user to provide at least one of the optional fields (parameters/entity) of all the configured optional parameters. This is to handle the use case of Modify.
This Bot response is displayed if the user does not provide value to any of the optional parameters
Topic retry limit exceeded This is only for the developer (Developer mode on).
The platform has set up a check on loop limit and if the dialog conditions result in looping through the same nodes multiple times (Defined limit) then the task is discarded and this message is shown to the developer.
Universal fallback response Shown in the following cases:
1. Universal catchall: For any reason, be it technical or others, when the bot is not able to generate further responses
2. When the bot exceeds the maximum number of nodes that can be executed in a volley, and the user is not a bot developer. For a bot developer Topic retry limit exceeded message displays in this case.
Server returned authorisation failure and the user needs to re-authorize This message is displayed for a Server Authorization failure during the execution of the script node or making API call.
User selects a valid option from the list of options The message is displayed when the bot displays a list of all the tasks and the user selects an action/alert/information task.
User selects an action The message is displayed when the user selects an action task to be executed. The bot confirms that the task has been selected and asks the user to provide values for the parameter required to complete the task.
Alert is identified, ask the user to enter alert time Applicable to Alert Task Only
During the setup of the Alert, the bot will ask the user the frequency at which the alert will be triggered. The end-user will need to specify at what interval the alert task will be triggered.
This bot message is displayed to request the user to specify the Alert time if the Trigger interval option is set to At a specific time in the day.
Alert is identified, ask the user to enter alert time interval Applicable to Alert Task Only
During the setup of the Alert, the bot will ask the user the frequency at which the alert will be triggered. The end-user will need to specify at what interval the alert task will be triggered.
This bot message is displayed to request the user to specify the Alert time interval if the Trigger interval option is set to Every X mins.
User selects an alert The message is displayed when the user selects an alert task to be executed. The bot confirms that the task has been selected and asks the user to provide values for the parameter required to complete the task.
Task discarded Shown when the user types discard in the middle of task flow. The bot discards the task.
Bot choosing the default account Used in alerts. Shown when the user is asked if they want to amend anything before setting up the alert, and what the user replies with is not understood by the bot.
Confirmation Dialog for Task consolidated Used in Action and Information tasks.
Before executing the task, the bot confirms with the user with the parameters captured if it can go ahead and execute the task
Confirmation Dialog for Alert consolidated Applicable to Alert task Only
During a task set up by the end-user, the bot will confirm all the details entered with the user before setting up the alert. It also gives the user an option to amend the values, proceed or discard.
This message is displayed only if the developer has enabled confirmation of all parameters before the execution of the task.
Confirmation Dialog for Alert consolidated without fields Applicable to Alert Task Only
If the alert is not expecting any parameters from the end-user, the bot will display this message before the final execution of the alert.
This message will be displayed only if the developer has enabled confirmation with the user before the execution of the task.
The alerts will be muted This message is displayed when the developer has muted the alert notifications
Confirmation Dialog when alerts are muted Applicable to Alert Task Only
This response is displayed when the developer has enabled Mute alert notifications for the RSS feed. Developers can enable or disable Mute alerts notifications if they do not want desktop or mobile phone notifications to display on the desktop or your mobile phone each time an alert for the RSS is received. By default, notifications are enabled.
Alert Frequency description Applicable to Alert Task Only
Alert tasks when configured using web service, make requests based on the frequency selected by the bot user.
This message is displayed as an alert task setup confirmation about the frequency of query.
Not understanding the input at confirmation In the process of setting up the alerts, the user is asked to confirm the frequency settings and the user response does not relate to the frequency query.
No results found for the search string Applicable to Alert, Action and Information Task
When a typeahead field does not return any results
Successful task setup This message is displayed when an alert task is set up successfully
I am not sure what you mean Shown when the bot finds one or more not-so-confident intents against a user utterance. Usually shown for FAQ suggestions.
Ambiguity in intent recognition This response is displayed when the bot fails to identify the intent from the end user utterance. The bot then prompts the user to re-phrase the statement.
User has selected to setup an alert per day and bot needs to know if the choice is based on frequency or specific time Applicable to Alert Task Only
This message is displayed when the bot asks the user to provide the frequency at which the alert task will be auto-triggered. This can be specified in terms of af a particular time as 10 am or frequency like every 10 minutes. This is a message when both the options are set up.
Bot needs to present the filter options Applicable to Alert Task Only
This message displayed when more than one filters are available during the setup of an alert. In this situation, bot will display this message followed by the list of available filters from where the user can select the filter to apply.
Bot needs to present the filter options with exit option Applicable to Alert Task Only
This message displayed when more than one filters are available during the setup of an alert. In that situation, bot will display this message followed by the list of available filters from where the user can select the filter to apply and an option to skip.
User finished configuring filters Applicable to Alert Task Only
This message is displayed after a user completes configuring a filter while setting up an alert task.
User asks Who am I Shown when a user types who am I
User asks for help This message is displayed when the user types Help. The bot lists all the dialog tasks, alert/action/information task it can perform.
Part of the Help message.
Skipped values Applicable to Action and Information Task
This is part of the confirmation message for an action/Information task, we mention the skipped parameters in the confirmation message.
While filling fields, ask user to change the field that this fields depends on Applicable to Actions dropdowns
This message is displayed to the user when a drop-down field at actions is dependent on another field and platform is not able to fetch the data from the dependent field
When there is no data Applicable to Action Tasks
This message is displayed when the user chooses to change the account and upon bot confirmation, the user provides no as input
When date given in Invalid format Shown when the user enters an invalid entry for a date entity. The platform recognizes the following date formats: YYYY-MM-DD, DD-MM-YYYY
DD-MM-YY, 1 Jan 1982 or 1st Jan, or the following type of date descriptions This day last year, Next Friday
This message is displayed by the bot when the end user discard the current task in execution. The user can use the discard/discard all command to discard the current task in execution. Other similar commands like exit, cancel etc also results in discard. Follow up sentence post User discards/abandons the current activity
Confirmation Dialog for task with skipped fields Applicable to Action and Information Task
This message is displayed to confirm the setup of Action/Information before the final execution of the task when a few fields are not mandatory to provide by the user.
Listing all tasks This message is displayed when the end user types Help and the bot lists all tasks. This is part of the message shown when user utterance does not match any task/faq
Listing all alerts This message is displayed when the end user types Help and the bot lists all alert tasks. This is part of the message shown when user utterance does not match any task/faq
Listing all FAQs Shown when responding to the user when requested for Help. This response is part of a bigger response and deals with the knowledge graph collections.
Listing all alerts after tasks If a bot just has alert tasks, the bot shows this message along with showing the list of all alert tasks when the bot fails to understand the user intent
Listing all alerts after tasks and FAQs When user provides the input Help and all types of tasks Actions, Dialogs, FAQs and Alerts are configured at the bot
Lists all actions and FAQs for a bot This message is displayed when the bot is unable to find a matching task for the end-user utterance and lists all actions and FAQs.
Lists all alerts and FAQs for a bot This message is displayed when the bot is unable to find a matching task for the end-user utterance and lists all alerts and FAQs.
When bot has no tasks Shown when the developer tries to run a bot that doesn’t have any tasks created.
When a server call fails and the task has to be discarded Shown when a kore API call couldn’t be made (webhook node or service node) and the task had to be discarded.
User prompt when a task is discarded due to a server call failure This message is displayed when there is a server call failure due to which the API call was not completed successfully.
Specific bot is not available for conversation This message is displayed when a bot is not published yet and the end user tries to communicate with it.
Field title and value in confirmation Applicable to Alert, Action and Information Task
This is part of the confirmation step before executing the alert, action or information task. The format of showing the captured parameters is described here.
Recursive dialog found Shown when the bot calls a dialog recursively and exceeds the maximum limit (100).
Loop limit reached for a node Shown when the bot repeatedly invokes the same node in a loop for more than an allowed number of times.
Message component doesn’t have a message When the message from a message node or service node is empty or cannot be resolved, we show this default message.
User says thanks Shown when user thanks the bot.
User says OK, fine, yes, etc. when there is no task in context Shown when the user says OK, fine, got it, etc (probably after finishing a task)
User says no, nope etc. when there is no task in context This is small talk in the response to user utterance is – No, Nopes, etc.
User says great, awesome etc. when there is no task in context Shown when the user says great, awesome, etc. (probably after finishing a task)
User says that helped, that was useful, etc. Shown when the user says good, great, awesome, cool, “fair enough”, “that helped”, “it helps”, “that was useful”, “that was handy” etc. (probably after finishing a task)
User says I am done. That’s it for now! etc. Shown when the user says I am done, that’s it for now, that’s all, done, etc. (probably after finishing a task)
Successfully added filter This message is displayed when a filter is added successfully to an alert
After successfully adding a filter, showing the filter options again Applicable to Alert Tasks only
Developers can define filters for end-users to limit the results of an alert task as per the end-user needs. When the alert is set up by the end-user, and the filter applied, only alert messages that meet the filter specifications are displayed to the end-user.
This message is displayed when a filter is enabled for an alert.
User gave invalid input for filter, showing the filter options again Applicable to Alert Task Only
The message is displayed when the user specifies a filter name that does not match with the ones that have been configured.
Resume paused task. This message is displayed when the user chooses to resume the On-hold task. The message is displayed only when the Resume option is set to Notify the user with a message that the on-hold task is being resumed.
Notify the user that we have canceled the paused task. This message is displayed when the user chooses to cancel the on-hold task. This option of canceling the on-hold task is available only when the Resume option is set to Get confirmation with the user before resuming on hold task. When the user is asked to confirm resumption and selects to cancel the on-hold task this message is shown.
Notify the user that we have canceled the current task to switch to another This message is displayed when the Hold and Resume – Hold option is set to Discard the current task and switch to new. Before discarding the current task, the bot will display the given message. This message can be customized from the Manage response option.
When an interruption is identified but hold is not allowed This message is displayed when the user input matches with another task when one task is in execution but the current task cannot be interrupted. In this situation, the bot will add the new task to the follow-up task list and continue the execution of the current task. For this behavior, the developer needs to select Continue the current task and add a new task to the follow-up task list in the Hold and Resume settings.
Service call timedout Shown when a third party API call timed out (webhook node or service node-third party async API timeout)
Dialog has no transitions Applicable to Dialog Task Only
This response is displayed when the bot identifies a dialog task for which no conversation flow has been defined. The task is defined only with an Intent node.
manage account User says manage bot accounts, add a new phone number, manage my profile, I want to delete my bot account, I want to reactivate my account, etc.


Message Definition
Ask if the user would like to switch to the new language detected during a conversation Your current conversation is in <current language> language but I have detected <list of new languages> languages from your current input. Please provide your preferred language to proceed.
Ask if the user would like to switch to the new language detected during a conversation I have detected that your input is in <new language> language. Please say Yes to close the current conversation and switch to . You may say No to continue on the current conversation.
Follow up sentence post Task execution or discard of task Ok, I am discarding the task for now. We can start over whenever you are ready.
Confirmation before discard It applies only to selected clients like Citibank. Shown when the user enters Discard or Discard All during task execution.
User Types Change or similar words Applicable to Alerts
While setting filters for an alert, the user says they changed their mind.
This message is displayed when the bot discards the current alert setup.
User prompted to enter text to search for the relevant results Applicable at action, alerts and information tasks. When the parameter is type – Type ahead, the user will be shown this message.
Ask the user to enter alert frequency Applicable to Alerts
This message is used to prompt the user while setting an alert frequency, and the frequency options are either an interval (every 4 hours) or a time (at 10 am).
Ask the user to enter alert interval Applicable to Alerts
This message is used to prompt the user while setting an alert frequency, and the frequency option is an interval (every 4 hours).
Ask the user to enter alert time Displayed as per schedule options defined by the developer of the alert and would be prompted while setting up the alert. For example, when the user selects daily, the bot prompts the user to enter a time.
Alert is identified, Ask the user to enter frequency Displayed as per schedule options defined by the developer at the alert and would be prompted while setting up the alert.
Prompting user to enter name for alert instance Applicable for alerts – when users try to install the alert in Kore messaging app – rooms
User needs to select a value from a list presented as a result of static drop-down Applicable for alerts.
When the user opts to apply a filter on notifications and chooses a filter of field type static dropdown, the options name will be presented to the user with this message.
User needs to select a value from a list presented as a result of search results Applicable for alerts.
When the user opts to apply a filter on notifications and chooses a filter of field type dynamic dropdown, the label key will be presented to the user with this message.
Request for email address to send webhook instructions Applicable for webhook alerts wherein the developer would be mailed the setup instructions.
Query to get the alert instance description Applicable to Alerts
This message is used to ask the user for description while setting up an alert.
Tell me the alphabet or a unique word for action you want When the bot has to display a list of options, it displays this message before the list to prompt the user to select an option. If the bot doesn’t use any custom template, the list is displayed as an alphabetically ordered list and the user can either enter the choice or the letter associated with it.
I am not sure what you mean after an invalid choice When a user utterance leads to the detection of not-so-confident matches, the bot displays the options for the user to pick from. If the user’s follow-on message doesn’t match any of the initially identified ambiguous alerts, this message occurs.
Asking user to pick an alert Applicable to Alerts
This message is displayed when a list of alerts is shown to the user to pick from
Asking user to pick an alert after an error Applicable to Alerts
This message is displayed when a list of alerts is shown to the user to pick from and they pick a wrong choice (a wrong index, maybe)
When User responded with an invalid answer to confirmation dialog At a confirmation for an action, when the user says they want to amend something but the bot does not understand what, we show this message and ask confirmation again
Typeahead field prompt, when it is the first field in a task Applicable at action, alerts and information tasks. When the parameter is type – Type ahead, the user will be shown this message
After user selecting a valid alert from the list of alerts, then tries to change the alert name Applicable to Alerts
Users can change/amend the name of the alert during setup.
This message is used to ask the user what they want to name the alert.
After user selects amend and enters the choice Applicable to Alerts
Users can amend parameters like name, description, notification, frequency, etc. during alert setup.
This message is used to ask the users if they want to change anything else after any parameter has been amended successfully.
No results found for the search string. Ask user to try again. Applicable at action, alerts and information tasks. When the parameter is type – Type ahead, and the user input doesn’t fetch any results from the API response.
Follow up sentence post User discards/abandons the current activity – Part2 Applicable to Alerts
At an alert confirmation, the user says no, and then we ask if they want to change anything (message with the title User says no for alert setup confirmation), to which user says no again.
Listing ambiguous tasks This message is displayed when the user is prompted to pick a task from a list, and their reply leads to ambiguity
Ask user if they want to continue the last paused task after completing the interrupting task. This condition applies only to bots for which the following resume option in the Hold and Resume settings is configured: Get confirmation with the user before resuming an on-hold task Resume option. The bot shows this message when it completes executing the new task and confirms if it can resume the on-hold task.
To be displayed to ask if user would like to switch Applicable to Manage Interruptions
This message is displayed when Hold and Resume are set to Allow the end user to select the behavior. In this situation, when the user utterance matches with a task name, the bot will confirm with the end user before switching to the new task.

Errors & Warnings

Message Definition
Agent Transfer fallback response This response is displayed under the following scenarios:

  • When there is a wait time for the agent to receive the chat.
  • When an agent is unavailable to take the chat.
  • When an agent closes or rejects the chat.
  • When there is a technical error with the third-party agent system.
  • When the Platform fails to transfer the conversation to the agent.
Note: This is currently managed specifically for agent integrations like Salesforce and Helpshift, based on the events emitted by these integrations.


User exceeds the maximum allowed retries for an entity when another task is on hold You have exceeded the number of allowed attempts. I am discarding the current task.
Dialog task associated to a FAQ is not available This response is displayed in case the dialog linked with FAQ is suspended or deleted or not assigned to the user
User needs to authorize or re-authorize This response is displayed when the end-user authorization or re-authorization is requested.
The Authorization URL required for obtaining the user’s authorization is dynamically appended to the messages defined in the Simple mode. For defining the message in Advanced Mode, you can use the koreUtil.getCurrentOptions() function to retrieve the Authorization URL and use it as part of the message. Know more
User authorization has failed or user is yet to authorize If access to a bot/task needs authorization, the bot prompts the user with this message, requesting for authorization. This message is followed by a link that will open in a web-page depending on the type of auth profile.
User’s intent is recognized, but authorization fails This response is displayed when the intent identified by the bot needs to make a service call that needs authorization and no accounts are created by authorized yet.
User authorization failed for more than 3 times Shown when the user enters wrong authorization credentials for three times in a row.
User provided value which is not unique. When a list of partially matched intents is shown to the user, and the user instead of selecting from the options, types something that again creates ambiguity.
Bot did not find any options based on user’s choice When the set of options to show for a list is empty.
Can also be shown if there are no account credentials to select from.
Discarding the task since we did not find any options for a list or lookup. Shown when the user entered choices is not present in the response after making a service call. The fields at simple tasks for user inputs wherein user input is looked up from the response of the third party is an instance. (Actions, Alerts, and Information tasks – Dynamic drop down or Type ahead field types with user input from the chat window can be considered an example).
When the task is identified, Server call failure is returned Shown when the task is identified but user account on kore to access third-party API expired or failed
User enters Invalid email Shown when the user enters an invalid email address for an alert, action, or information task.
User enters Invalid country Shown when the user enters an invalid country name for an alert, action, or information task.
User enters Invalid url Shown when the user enters an invalid URL for an alert, action, or information task.
User enters Invalid phone number Shown when the user enters an invalid phone number for an alert, action, or information task.
User enters Invalid number Shown when the user enters a string or description against a number input for an alert, action, or information task.
Invalid date format Shown when the user enters an invalid date format for an alert, action, or information task.
Missing date Shown when the user doesn’t enter a date format for an alert, action, or information task.
Ask user to enter time for a field Shown when the user doesn’t enter time for entities of type – Date Time at dialog tasks
Ask user to enter time Shown when the user enters just the date and not time for a DateTime entity. For example, in a Schedule Appointment task, if the bot asks for the preferred date and time, and the user just enters the date.
Invalid time. Ask user to try again for a field Applies to a DateTime Entity
This message is displayed when the bot asks the user to enter the time portion for a DateTime entity and the user’s response didn’t have time, the bot asks them to try again.
Invalid time. Ask user to try again Shown when the user enters an invalid time value for a DateTime entity.
For example, in a Schedule Appointment task, if the bot asks for the preferred date and time, and the user enters something like Aug 29 at 25.
Missing date/time Applicable to Actions and Alerts
This message is displayed as an Error prompt for a DateTime entity in actions and alerts.
You have chosen a wrong choice. This is a subkey for other keys with the following conditions.
Tell me the alphabet or a unique word for the action you want after an invalid choice
I am not sure what you mean after an invalid choice
Asking the user to pick an alert after an error
When need to show the possible intervals for an alert schedule
You have chosen the wrong choice for the task schedule
Listing all tasks after a wrong choice
Listing all alerts after a wrong choice
Listing all FAQs after a wrong choice
Listing all tasks and alerts after a wrong choice
Listing all alerts, tasks, and FAQs after a wrong choice
Lists all actions and FAQs for a bot after a wrong choice
Lists all alerts and FAQs for a bot after a wrong choice
Can not understand your request Shown when the bot cannot recognize the user’s intent. It is usually displayed along with a list of tasks and FAQs available in the bot for the users to select.
When bot is selected, user is asked for reauthorization Applicable to Service Calls
This message is displayed when an API call fails due to the expiry of user credentials and the bot ask the user to reauthorize.
Listing all tasks after a wrong choice Help related – When the developer has only configured Actions/ Dialogs/Information tasks and the user input didn’t match with any task
Listing all alerts after a wrong choice Help related – When the developer has only configured Alerts at the bot and the user input didn’t match with any task
Listing all FAQs after a wrong choice Help related – When the developer has only configured FAQS at the bot and the user input didn’t match with any FAQ
Listing all FAQs after not understanding your request If a bot just has a Knowledge Graph, the bot shows this message when the bot fails to understand the user intent.
Listing all actions after not understanding your request If a bot just has action tasks, the bot shows this message when the bot fails to understand the user intent. It provides the names of the action tasks along with the message.
Listing all actions and alerts after not understanding your request If a bot just has action and alert tasks, the bot shows this message when the bot fails to understand the user intent. It provides the names of the alert tasks and action tasks along with the message.
Listing all actions and FAQs after not understanding your request If a bot just has action tasks and a KG Graph, the bot shows this message when the bot fails to understand the user intent. It provides the names of the action tasks and the Knowledge Graph along with the message.
Listing all alerts after not understanding your request If a bot just has alert tasks, the bot shows this message when the bot fails to understand the user intent. It provides the names of the alert tasks along with the message.
Listing all alerts and FAQs after not understanding your request If a bot just has alert tasks and a KG Graph, the bot shows this message when the bot fails to understand the user intent. It provides the names of the alert tasks and the Knowledge Graph along with the message.
Listing all tasks after not understanding your request When the bot fails to understand user intent, it shows this message along with the names of tasks it can perform.
Listing all tasks and alerts after a wrong choice Shown when a user types Help and from the tasks lists that opens they choose an invalid option. For example, if the tasks lists have options from a to c and the user types d.
Listing all alerts, tasks and FAQs after a wrong choice Help related – When the developer has only configured Alerts/ Dialogs/FAQs tasks and the user input didn’t match with any task
Lists all actions and FAQs for a bot after a wrong choice It occurs only when the bot just has action tasks and a Knowlege Graph. When a bot shows the names of the action tasks and the KG Graph to choose from, the bot shows this message when the user selects an invalid option. For example, if the tasks lists have options from a to c and the user types d.
Lists all alerts and FAQs for a bot after a wrong choice It occurs only when the bot just has alert tasks and a Knowlege Graph. When a bot shows the names of the action tasks and the KG Graph to choose from, this message is displayed when the user selects an invalid option. For example, if the tasks lists have options from a to c and the user types d.
Task is discarded when user exceeds maximum number of alowed attempts. Shown when the user enters invalid format for an entity type for 5 times. For example, the entity is of type number and the user enters an email 5 times.
When the entity component in dialog doesn’t have error prompt Shown when there is not at least one error prompt associated with an Entity node. It typically occurs when you accidentally delete the default error prompt and try to save the node properties.
When the entity component in dialog doesn’t have message attribute Fallback message if an entity does not have a message prompt defined.
User input exceeds the maximum allowed sentence limit or contains one or more words that exceed the allowed word length. Shown when the user types an input that exceeds the maximum sentence or word limit. You can customize this message and the language based on your business needs.


Message Definition
When user input matches and frequency is asked Applicable to Alerts
This message is displayed when the user is prompted to set a frequency for an alert, and their reply leads to ambiguity.
When asking the user to input the frequency at which the alert updates need to be checked for Applicable to Alert Task
This message is displayed when the bot asks the user to input the frequency at which the alert will be triggered.


Message Definition
Search results displayed based on user input. (Type ahead search) Applicable to Alert Task.
For an alert task, developers can set up filters to restrict the output of an alert task. In the filter setup, the Field Type can be specified as Type Ahead. This field type displays a dynamically populated drop-down list of choices to the user at runtime when the user enters three or more characters that match the search results based on the response from the URL defined for the task.
This message is displayed when the end user provides input for the Field Type of Type Ahead type when setting up the filter for an alert task.
Confirming alert frequency Applicable to Alert Task.
This message is displayed when the bot confirms the current trigger frequency of an alert task with the end user.
Repeat confirmation of default alert frequency Applicable to Alert Task
End user can change/amend the trigger frequency of the alert task.
This message is displayed when the user input does not match with the expected input for the alert frequency
Confirmation to set up an alert task with a frequency Applicable to Alert task
This message is displayed to confirm the trigger frequency for an alert task.
Prompting the user to set up filters Applicable to Alert Task
Developers can create filters for an alert task. These filters will limit the results of an alert task to the results an end-user needs.
This message is displayed when the bot asks whether the user wants to set up any filter.
Prompting the user to set up filters as soon as an alert is identified Applicable to Alert Task
Developers can create filters for an alert task. These filters will limit the results of an alert task to the results an end-user needs.
This message is displayed when the bot asks whether the user wants to set up any filter.
Asking user to set up push notifications Applicable to Alert Task
The bot confirms the parameters entered by the user before an alert setup. The user can select no or amend on which the bot will allow the user to modify the name, description, notification, frequency or any other parameter in the alert before proceeding with alert setup.
This message is displayed when the user wants to change/amend the alert notification setting. The user can enable/disable alert notification by responding yes/no.
Repeat asking user to set up push notifications Applicable to Alert Task
The bot confirms the parameters entered by the user before an alert setup. The user can select no or amend on which the bot will allow the user to modify the name, description, notification, frequency or any other parameter in the alert before proceeding with alert setup.
This message will be displayed when the user input to the amending notification setting does not match the pre-defined response (yes/no).
Amending the request for a description Applicable to Alert Task
The bot confirms the parameters entered by the user before an alert setup. The user can select no or amend on which the bot will allow the user to modify the name, description, notification, frequency or any other parameter in the alert before proceeding with alert setup.
This message is displayed when the user wants to change/amend the alert description.
Amending the request for a description Applicable to Alert Task
The bot confirms the parameters entered by the user before an alert setup. The user can select no or amend on which the bot will allow the user to modify the name, description, notification, frequency or any other parameter in the alert before proceeding with alert setup.
This message is displayed when the user wants to change/amend the alert description.
Amending the request for frequency Applicable to Alert Task
The bot confirms the parameters entered by the user before an alert setup. The user can select no or amend on which the bot will allow the user to modify the name, description, notification, frequency or any other parameter in the alert before proceeding with alert setup.
This message is displayed when the user wants to change/amend the alert trigger frequency.
Amending the request for notification settings Applicable to Alert Task
The bot confirms the parameters entered by the user before an alert setup. The user can select no or amend on which the bot will allow the user to modify the name, description, notification, frequency or any other parameter in the alert before proceeding with alert setup.
This message is displayed when the user wants to change/amend the alert notification setting i.e. user can specify whether he wants to receive notifications whenever the alert is triggered.
Prompting user to choose the ‘Days of the week’ to setup notification frequency Applicable to Alert Task
This message prompts the user to select Weekday/Weekend for the Trigger frequency when setting up the alert. Currently, a dropdown box is displayed with all the options available for the trigger frequency and the user can select any frequency from the list.
Query to choose the interval to set up notification frequency Applicable to Alert Task
During the alert set up, the end-user needs to specify an interval at which the alert will be executed.
This message is displayed by the bot prompting the end-user to set up the frequency interval for the alert task.
Query to send webhook setup instructions via email Applicable for webhook alerts
The bot check with the end-user if it needs to send an email to the developer with instructions to configure the webhook alert at the third party app.
Do you want to change the name of the alert <alert-name>? Applicable to Alert Task
The bot confirms the parameters entered by the user before an alert setup. The user can select no or amend on which the bot will allow the user to modify the name, description, notification, frequency or any other parameter in the alert before proceeding with alert setup.
This message is displayed when the user wants to change/amend the alert name.
Query to choose the operator while setting up a filter <current-filter>. Applicable to Alert Task
Developers can configure filters for an alert task. The filter will have one or more operations that the end-user can select to apply to the filter. The operation depends on the Data Type selected for the filter.
This message is displayed when the user sets up the filter for the alert task. The bot prompts the user to select one of the available operators.
Options to pick the frequency for alert notification days Applicable to Alert Task
Developers can select all the options like Daily, Weekday, Weekend when setting up the Trigger Interval Options for an alert task. Users will need to select/specify the interval from the available list as the frequency at which the alert will be triggered during setup.
This message is displayed when all the interval options are available and the bot prompts the user to select one of the Trigger Interval during alert task setup.
When the user needs to choose one of the provided choices Applicable to Alerts and Actions
This message is displayed when the user is prompted to pick a choice for a drop-down in alerts and actions.
Confirming with the user if he/she wishes to re-used a pre-saved context
When need to show the possible intervals for an alert schedule Applicable for Alert Task
Developers can set up the trigger frequency for an alert in terms of interval duration like every 10 minutes, 20 minutes, etc. or specific time like at 9:00 am, 11:00 am, etc.
This message is displayed when the frequency is specified in terms of the interval like every 10 minutes, 20 minutes, etc. and the user inputs a specific time like 9:00 am at which he would like to trigger the bot. In this situation, the bot will prompt the user with the available valid frequencies that can be set up for the alert.
When only finding a close frequency for an alert schedule Applicable to Alert Task
Developers specify Default Trigger Interval for the frequency of the Alert task. Users need to select one of these intervals at the time of setting up the alert.
This message will be displayed when the interval/time specified does not match with the list of intervals set by the developers. The Alert prompts the nearest available time from the list of frequency available.
When only finding a close time for an alert schedule Applicable to Alert Task
Developers can specify times like 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 3:00 pm as the frequency at which the alert will be triggered. Users need to select a particular time from the available options when setting up the alert.
This message will be displayed if the user specifies a time which is not mentioned in the alert setup.
When changing a field Applicable to an Alert Task.
This message is displayed when the user selects No while confirming the parameters of an alert task.
Prompting the user to set up filters after an alert is identified Applicable to an Alert Task.
Developers can set up filters during the configuration of an alert task. Only the notifications that satisfy the filters will be displayed to the end-user.
This message is displayed when the user gives input for setting up an alert task.
If asking the user if they want setup instructions to be sent via email is the first prompt in an alert Applicable to Alerts
This message is displayed when the User starts setting up an alert and the first prompt in the process is to ask them if they want an email about installation instructions
While choosing options Applicable to Alerts and Action Task
This message is used to show options returned by the platform for a typeahead entity in an action or an alert
After the user selects a valid task from the list of tasks, then tries to type something for schedule Applicable to Alerts
This message is displayed when an alert is selected by the user from a list and the bot asks them how often they want to be notified
You have chosen a wrong choice for task schedule Applicable to Alerts
This message is displayed when the user gives a wrong value for the frequency while setting an alert and the bot asks again.
After user selecting a valid task from the list of tasks, then tries to enter field value Applicable to Alerts and Action Task
This message is displayed when an action or alert is triggered, and the first field is a dropdown.
User says ‘no’ for alert setup confirmation Applicable to Alert Task
During alert task configuration, developers can enable confirmation of all parameters with the user before the execution of the alert. The bot will display all the values entered by the user for setting up the alert. The bot will allow the user to select how to proceed with the execution of the alert with the options yes, no, and amend.
This message will be displayed if the user selects option no.
After selecting task, user selects wrong choice in Dialog. When a list of choices is presented (not from a List of Values entity) and the user enters something that cannot be matched to one of those items
User enters a wrong choice for alert frequency Applicable to Alert Task
At the time of setting up alert tasks, users need to provide the frequency at which the alert will be triggered. This value had to match with one of the frequencies given by the developer at the time of creating the alert
This message is displayed when the alert frequency given by the user does not match with any of the frequencies specified by the developer.
User enters a wrong value for a dropdown. Applicable to List of values
This message is displayed when the user input does not match any values given in the List of Values
List ambiguous list of values to user to choose from For a List of Values entity, if a user has entered something that cannot uniquely identify an item then the set of possible items that partially match the input are shown along with this message
User enters an invalid choice for an action This message is displayed when the user is prompted to pick a task from a list, and their response does not match with the list.
Ambiguous date Shown when you enter a date value that is ambiguous. For example, if the user enters 6/9 for a date, the bot shows 9 June <year> and 6 September <year> as options for the user to select from.
Ambiguous airport Shown when you enter a value for an Airport entity that is unclear and requires further selection. For example, if you enter London, the bot shows London Heathrow Airport and Gatwick airport as options to select from.
Ambiguous location For a Location entity, if the geocode service returns multiple possibilities then the list is shown along with this message
There are more than one account for the user to pick from When the user has more than one account (third party, eg. Jira) and they are asked to pick one.
The user’s intent is recognized, but there are more than one account for the user to pick from When the user has more than one account (third party – Jira) and they are asked to pick one.
Custom lookup query returned more than one value. Ask user to pick one. Shown when the user query returns more than one items from a list of items. All the items are presented to the user to pick the relevant option.
After the user selecting a valid choice from the list, the chosen list found to be empty Applicable to Alert and Action Task
This message is displayed when a dropdown (in an action or an alert) depends on another field, and the value of that other field does not create any options for this dropdown. In this situation, the bot will ask the user to set a different value for the depender field.
When user selects an invalid choice. Same as above but the value provided by the user for the dependent field is not valid.
At the end of a dialog, present user with list of followup tasks identified. Ask them to pick one task to execute This condition occurs only for Dialog tasks for which the following Follow-up Tasks Setting is configured: Yes, at the end of this dialog ask the user to select and perform a task from the Follow-up task list in the Dialog settings. The bot shows this message when it presents the Follow-Up Intents array to the user at the end of the Dialog.
Ask the user to select an entity to be amended when the entity value provided for amending is valid for multiple entities Applicable to amending entity values during Dialog execution
This message is displayed during a dialog execution when the user wants to amend an entity value by mentioning the entity value and the bot is not able to determine the entity to be amended since multiple entities hold the same value. Eg: change Bangalore to Mumbai and Bangalore is set to more than one entity
The user is trying to put more than the max on-hold quantity of tasks on hold. Ask them to pick a task to cancel one. When the developers set up the Hold and Resume settings, they can configure the maximum number of tasks that the bot can allow to be put on hold. The bot shows this message when the user executes the bot if the number of tasks that are put on hold is more than that number.
User provides an intent when prompted for String/Description entity Applicable to an entity node of String/Description type.
Developers can configure Intent Detection in the Instance Property of an entity node of String/Description type to Ask the user how to proceed
This message will be displayed if the user’s input matches with intent and the bot want to confirm before proceeding to execute the new intent.


(These will be moved to Small Talk post ver7.1 release)

Message Definition
Response when User says Hi Shown when the user says hi, hello, hey, etc, or just enters the bot’s name.
Response to how are you? User asks how are you?
NL interprets the following ways in which the user can say that:
<how are you>, <how are u doing> <how are u how are u>
<how have u been doing> <how have`u`been> <how`do`u`do> <how`are`u`doing> <how`are`u>
whazzupp whatcha`upto watsup wassup howzit
comment`est`vous comment`ca`va ca`va
<what`up <what`is`up`today
<what`is`up <what`is`the`word> <what`is`the`latest`word> <what`is`new> <what`is`happening>
<what`is`going`on> <what’up <is`everything`OK <is`everything`alright <how`you`feeling
<how`you`doing <how`is`tricks <how`is`life <how`is`it`going <how`is`everything
<how`is`by`you <how`have`you`been`doing> <how`have`you`been> <how`goes> <how`goes`things
<how`goes`it <how`is`your`day <how`do`you`do> <how`are`you> <how`are`things>
Response to who are you? Shown when the user says who are you