Virtual Assistants Overview
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Concepts and Terminology
Quick Start Guide
Accessing the Platform
Navigating the XO Platform
Building a Virtual Assistant
Help & Learning Resources
Release Notes
Current Version
Recent Updates
Previous Versions
Request a Feature
Conversation Designer
Dialog Tasks
Mock Scenes
Dialog Tasks
Navigate Dialog Tasks
Build Dialog Tasks
Node Types
Intent Node
Dialog Node
Dynamic Intent Node
GenAI Node v2
Configure GenAI Node v2
GenAI Node
GenAI Prompt
Entity Node
Form Node
Confirmation Node
Message Nodes
Logic Node
Bot Action Node
Service Node
Webhook Node
Script Node
Process Node
Agent Transfer
Node Connections
Node Connections Setup
Sub-Intent Scoping
Entity Types
Entity Rules
User Prompts or Messages
Voice Call Properties
Knowledge AI
Knowledge Graph
Build a Knowledge Graph
Manage FAQs
Knowledge Extraction
Import or Export Knowledge Graph
Prepare Data for Import
Importing Knowledge Graph
Exporting Knowledge Graph
Auto-Generate Knowledge Graph
Knowledge Graph Analysis
Answer from Documents
Alert Tasks
Small Talk
Digital Skills
Digital Forms
Digital Views
Session and Context Variables
Context Object
Intent Discovery
NLP Optimization
ML Engine
Model Validation
FM Engine
KG Engine
Traits Engine
Ranking and Resolver
Training Validations
NLP Configurations
NLP Guidelines
LLM and Generative AI
LLM Integration XO GPT Module
Prompts & Requests Library
Co-Pilot Features
Dynamic Conversations Features
Event Handlers
Contextual Memory
Contextual Intents
Interruption Management
Multi-intent Detection
Amending Entities
Default Conversations
Conversation Driven Dialog Builder
Sentiment Management
Tone Analysis
Default Standard Responses
Ignore Words & Field Memory
Test & Debug
Talk to Bot
Utterance Testing
Batch Testing
Conversation Testing
Conversation Testing Overview
Create a Test Suite
Test Editor
Test Case Assertion
Test Case Execution Summary
Health and Monitoring
NLP Health
Flow Health
Actions Overview
Azure OpenAI
Google Maps
Microsoft Graph
Open AI
Agent Transfer Overview
Custom (BotKit)
NiceInContact(User Hub)
Configure Tokyo and Lower versions
Configure Utah and Higher versions
External NLU Adapters
Dialogflow Engine
Test and Debug
Dashboard Filters
Overview Dashboard
Conversations Dashboard
Users Dashboard
Performance Dashboard
Custom Dashboards
Custom Meta Tags
Create Custom Dashboard
Create Custom Dashboard Filters
LLM and Generative AI Logs
NLP Insights
Task Execution Logs
Conversations History
Conversation Flows
Conversation Insights
Feedback Analytics
Usage Metrics
Containment Metrics
Universal Bots
Universal Bot Definition
Universal Bot Creation
Training a Universal Bot
Universal Bot Customizations
Enabling Languages
Manage Assistant
Team Collaboration
Plan & Usage
Usage Plans
Support Plans
Conversation Sessions
Multilingual Virtual Assistants
Get Started
Supported Components & Features
Manage Languages
Manage Translation Services
Multiingual Virtual Assistant Behavior
Feedback Survey
Masking PII Details
IVR Settings
General Settings
Assistant Management
Manage Namespace
Data Table
Table Views
App Definitions
Data as Service
Build a Travel Planning Assistant
Travel Assistant Overview
Create a Travel Virtual Assistant
Design Conversation Skills
Create an ‘Update Booking’ Task
Create a Change Flight Task
Build a Knowledge Graph
Schedule a Smart Alert
Design Digital Skills
Configure Digital Forms
Configure Digital Views
Train the Assistant
Use Traits
Use Patterns
Manage Context Switching
Deploy the Assistant
Use Bot Functions
Use Content Variables
Use Global Variables
Use Web SDK
Build a Banking Assistant
Design Conversation Skills
Create a Sample Banking Assistant
Create a Transfer Funds Task
Create a Update Balance Task
Create a Knowledge Graph
Set Up a Smart Alert
Design Digital Skills
Configure Digital Forms
Configure Digital Views
Add Data to Data Tables
Update Data in Data Tables
Add Data from Digital Forms
Train the Assistant
Composite Entities
Use Traits
Use Patterns for Intents & Entities
Manage Context Switching
Deploy the Assistant
Configure an Agent Transfer
Use Assistant Functions
Use Content Variables
Use Global Variables
Intent Scoping using Group Node
Analyze the Assistant
Create a Custom Dashboard
Use Custom Meta Tags in Filters
API Reference
API Introduction
Rate Limits
API List
koreUtil Libraries
SDK Reference
SDK Introduction
How the Web SDK Works
SDK Security
SDK Registration
Web Socket Connect and RTM
Widget SDK Tutorial
Web SDK Tutorial
BotKit SDK
BotKit SDK Deployment Guide
Installing the BotKit SDK
Using the BotKit SDK
SDK Events
SDK Functions
Installing Botkit in AWS
BotKit - Blue Prism
BotKit - Flight Search Sample VA
BotKit - Agent Transfer

Intro to Bots Admin Console
Administration Dashboard
User Management
Managing Your Users
Managing Your Groups
Role Management
Manage Data Tables and Views
Bot Management
Inviting Users
Sending Bulk Invites to Enroll Users
Importing Users and User Data
Synchronizing Users from Active Directory
Security & Compliance
Using Single Sign-On
Two-Factor Authentication for Platform Access
Security Settings
Cloud Connector
Analytics for Bots Admin
  1. Home
  2. Docs
  3. Virtual Assistants
  4. Publish
  5. Publishing your Bot

Publishing your Bot

End users can interact with a VA only when it is published. The Experience Optimization Platform provides a publishing flow to allow administrators to review new VAs and updates before they are made available to end users. The publishing workflow applies to any component that impacts the end user.

Before you can publish your assistant, you need to configure at least one channel. Learn more about Channel Enablement.

Moving forward, we will discuss the publication statuses your assistant and its components go through, the publication process, excluded components, as well as the approval process. 

Publication Statuses

Every assistant created in the Platform has two states:

  • In Development: Developers can make changes to any of the components in this state. So, when the VA is first created it is by default in the In Development state. When you publish any components, a published state of these components is created and these components are also available in the In Development version of the VA so that you can continue to make any necessary changes to them.
  • Published: The components that have been approved for publishing are available in the Published state of the VA. You cannot make changes to the Published version of the components. The developer can pick and choose what changes are to be published during the publishing process. Admins can review the changes and approve or reject the publish request.

The Publish Status dock item checks if the publishing is completed within the specific time period and shows the ongoing progress of the publishing process. Once the publishing is completed it shows whether the publish request is successful or failed with details.

You can switch between the two states using the drop-down on the top right side of any Virtual Assistant window.

If your bot is trained in one or more languages that use NLP Version 2, you will see a banner notifying you about the upcoming auto-upgrade to NLP Version 3.

Component Statuses

Bot tasks and flows pass through the following stages:

  • In Progress: Developers have begun configuring the task but haven’t yet defined all the required configurations. This status applies only to Alert, Action, and Information tasks.
  • Configured – The task configuration is complete but the Owner hasn’t yet published the task.
  • Awaiting Approval – The Owner has published the task thus initiating a request to the Admin, but the Admin hasn’t yet approved the publishing request.
  • Published – The task is published for personal, enterprise, or public use.
  • Upgrade in Progress – Developers have created an upgraded version of the published task to change any configurations, but the configuration is not yet complete.
  • Rejected – The Admin rejects the publishing request. An email is sent to the developer with comments from the Admin.
  • Suspended – The Admin suspended use of a deployed VA in an enterprise. An email is sent to the developer with comments from the Admin. While the end-users cannot access the suspended VAs/tasks, developers can work with the In-development copy of the VA.

  • A Published task cannot be deleted. However, administrators can Suspend a task if it is no longer required.
  • You can also Upgrade a Suspended task to create a Configured copy and make any changes to the task definition.

Publishing Components

You can only publish a Virtual Assistant or its components if you are the owner. If you are a developer with access to editing the VA, you cannot publish it’ only the owner can.

To publish a VA, please follow the steps below:

  1. Open the VA whose updates you want to publish.
  1. Select Deploy from the top menu
  2. From the left menu select  Publish.
  3. The Publish page opens with all the components selected by default.

  4. Clear the checkboxes of any components you do not want to publish, and then click Next.
  5. Enter any useful comments for the Admin and click Confirm.
Note: If you select to publish components without including the NL Model, then any unpublished training data will not be published and will be associated with the auto-created in-development version of the respective tasks.

Publishable Components

Every component that impacts end-user interactions or experience goes through the publishing workflow in the Platform. These components are categorized into sections. The following is the description and the list of components under these sections:

Tasks & Languages
Tasks (Dialog, Alert,, Panels, Widgets, Digital Forms, and Small Talk)
  • Tasks without published versions
  • Upgraded versions of the published tasks. It also includes language enablement. When you enable a new language in the In Development version, all the tasks appear in the publishing window with the checkbox for the new language enabled.
Knowledge Graph (per language)
  • Level 1 terms added
  • Level 1 terms updated
  • Traits: Replaces the traits/classes in the Published version with the new set of traits/classes in the In Development version with all the additions, updates, and deletions.
  • Synonyms: Replaces the Synonyms in the Published version with the new set of synonyms in the In Development version, with all the additions, updates, and deletions.
Natural Language
NL Model The NL Model lets you publish only the NLP training data of specific intents without publishing the task definitions. When multiple users are working on a virtual assistant (VA), Bot developers or NLP trainers can independently publish their work without impacting the bot definitions of other users.

For example, an NLP trainer might modify an utterance to correct some issue in a dialog task. In this case, the NLP trainer would like to publish only the training data without including the task definition.

Whenever an utterance is added to an already published task, you can select that task under the ML Utterances, Patterns, and Rules modules under the NL Model to publish only the training data of selected intents without including the task definitions.

You can also publish the Trait Groups and other NL Model configurations independently.

Note: If you have selected one or more Dialog Tasks from Publish -> Tasks -> Dialog Tasks in the Publish request, the training data of these selected tasks is published and you cannot customize the ML Utterances, Patterns and Rules in the NL Model.

If you want to publish the only training data of specific intents, you must first deselect tasks from the Publish -> Tasks -> Dialog Tasks section. Follow the steps below to select the intents for which you want to publish the ML Utterances, Patterns and Rules.

When you have already selected the NL Model components for specific intents customization and then try to select the Dialog Tasks a warning message appears with notification to Reset the publishable components.

Steps to publish only the training data for specific intents using the NL Model:

  1. Expand the Natural Language > NL Model option and click the All Components link.
  2. Select the following components:
    • ML Utterances: Replaces old user utterances with a new set of utterances in the Published version from the In-Development version, with all the additions, updates, and deletions. Click the Customize link to select the modified utterances associated with the updated tasks after publishing. You can search and select a particular task.
    • Patterns: Replaces the old patterns with a new set of patterns in the Published version from the In Development version with all the additions, updates, and deletions. Learn more. Click the Customize link to select modified patterns that were updated after publishing them. You can search and select a particular pattern.
    • Rules: Replaces the intents in the Published version from the In-Development version with the new set of intent with rules defined for Dialog Execution and Knowledge Graph Intent detection. Learn more. Click the Customize link to select updated rules after publishing them. You can search and select a particular rule.
    • Trait Types: Replaces the traits in the Published version with a new set of trait types from the In-Development version for specific entities, attributes, or details that the users express in their conversations. Learn more.
    • Others – Replaces the following components:
      • Bot Synonyms: Synonyms in the Published version with a new set of synonyms from the In-Development version to include all possible alternative forms with all the additions, updates, and deletions. Learn more.
      • Utterances and NER – User utterances in the Published version from the In-Development version with a new set of utterances associated with the task.
      • Ignore Words and Fields Memory – A full set of Ignore Words and Field Memory in the Published version with words the NLP engine must ignore when interpreting the user input for a task, including all the additions, updates, and deletions. Learn more.
      • Entity Patterns and Negative Patterns – Old entity patterns with a new set of Entity and Negative patterns to improve NLP interpreter accuracy in the Published version from the In-Development version with all the additions, updates, and deletions. Learn more.
      • Entity Synonyms – Old entity synonyms with new ones in the Published version from the In-Development version with all the additions, updates, and deletions published along with the corresponding synonyms.
  • Standard Responses: Replaces the full set of standard responses in the Published version with the ones in the In Development version, with all the additions, updates, and deletions.
  • Default Dialog: Replaces the Default Dialog configuration in the Published version with the one in the In Development version.
  • Amend Settings: Replaces the Amend Setting configuration in the Published version with the one in the In Development version.
  • Advanced Settings: Replaces the Advanced Settings configuration in the Published version with the one in the In Development version.
  • Replaces the channels in the Published version with the new channels enabled, published channels whose configuration were changed, and channels that are disabled in the In Development version.
Event Handlers The full set of selected events in the Published Version get replaced with the ones in the In Development version.
BotKit The BotKit configuration in the Published Version gets replaced with the configuration in the In Development version.
Agent Transfer The Agent Transfer configuration in the Published Version gets replaced with the configuration in the In Development version.
Web / Mobile SDK The Web / Mobile SDK Configuration configuration in the Published Version gets replaced with the configuration in the In Development version.
General Settings Replaces General Settings in the Published version with the ones in the In Development version.
Bot Variables Replaces the Bot Variables in the Published version with the ones in the In Development version.
PII Settings Replaces the PII settings in the Published version with the ones in the In Development version.
IVR Settings Replaces the IVR Settings in the Published version with the ones in the In Development version.
Hold & Resume Settings Replaces the Hold & Resume Settings in the Published version with the ones in the In Development version.
Custom Script Replaces the Custom Script file in the Published version with the ones in the In Development version.
Generative AI and LLM Replaces the Generative AI and LLM related features in the Published version with the ones in the In Development version.

The setting includes:

–  Integration

– Prompts and Requests Library

– Feature Mappings

Advanced Settings Replaces the following in the Published version with the ones in the In Development version:

– Language Detection Preference

– Subdomain

– Show link for task setup/execution

– Error Messages


Components Excluded from the Publication Workflow 

The publishing workflow doesn’t apply to the following components as they either do not impact end customers or do only when used as part of a task definition. When you access these components from either the In Development or Published version, they show the same information.

  • Batch Testing (including custom suites and test reports)
  • Manage Developer Access
  • App Creation, Resetting, and Deletion
  • Language enablement: When you enable a new language in the In Development version of the VA, the publishing workflow works similarly to publishing tasks – you need to publish all the components all over again by selecting the checkbox for the newly enabled language.

Publication Approval

When you publish a VA or any of its components, the Platform initiates a request to the Admin to approve it. Depending on the Purpose defined for the VA during its initial set up, the following happens:

  • For an Employee VA: The Admin needs to select users from the enterprise account who can interact with the VA , and then approve the publishing request. Once that’s done, the selected users can use the VA in the selected channels.
  • For a Consumer VA: Any user can use the VA in the selected channels soon after the Admin approves the publishing request.

Auto Approvals

Admins can set up auto-approval for any updates made to Enterprise or Consumer VAs using the following steps:

  1. Open the Xo Platform Admin Console at:
  2. Go to Bots Management > Consumer Bots or Bots Management > Enterprise Bots.
  3. Click the more icon for the required bot and select Bot Settings.

  4. On the Bot Settings window, select Auto Approve.
  5. Select Auto Approve all publish requests for this bot.

Publishing your Bot

End users can interact with a VA only when it is published. The Experience Optimization Platform provides a publishing flow to allow administrators to review new VAs and updates before they are made available to end users. The publishing workflow applies to any component that impacts the end user.

Before you can publish your assistant, you need to configure at least one channel. Learn more about Channel Enablement.

Moving forward, we will discuss the publication statuses your assistant and its components go through, the publication process, excluded components, as well as the approval process. 

Publication Statuses

Every assistant created in the Platform has two states:

  • In Development: Developers can make changes to any of the components in this state. So, when the VA is first created it is by default in the In Development state. When you publish any components, a published state of these components is created and these components are also available in the In Development version of the VA so that you can continue to make any necessary changes to them.
  • Published: The components that have been approved for publishing are available in the Published state of the VA. You cannot make changes to the Published version of the components. The developer can pick and choose what changes are to be published during the publishing process. Admins can review the changes and approve or reject the publish request.

The Publish Status dock item checks if the publishing is completed within the specific time period and shows the ongoing progress of the publishing process. Once the publishing is completed it shows whether the publish request is successful or failed with details.

You can switch between the two states using the drop-down on the top right side of any Virtual Assistant window.

If your bot is trained in one or more languages that use NLP Version 2, you will see a banner notifying you about the upcoming auto-upgrade to NLP Version 3.

Component Statuses

Bot tasks and flows pass through the following stages:

  • In Progress: Developers have begun configuring the task but haven’t yet defined all the required configurations. This status applies only to Alert, Action, and Information tasks.
  • Configured – The task configuration is complete but the Owner hasn’t yet published the task.
  • Awaiting Approval – The Owner has published the task thus initiating a request to the Admin, but the Admin hasn’t yet approved the publishing request.
  • Published – The task is published for personal, enterprise, or public use.
  • Upgrade in Progress – Developers have created an upgraded version of the published task to change any configurations, but the configuration is not yet complete.
  • Rejected – The Admin rejects the publishing request. An email is sent to the developer with comments from the Admin.
  • Suspended – The Admin suspended use of a deployed VA in an enterprise. An email is sent to the developer with comments from the Admin. While the end-users cannot access the suspended VAs/tasks, developers can work with the In-development copy of the VA.

  • A Published task cannot be deleted. However, administrators can Suspend a task if it is no longer required.
  • You can also Upgrade a Suspended task to create a Configured copy and make any changes to the task definition.

Publishing Components

You can only publish a Virtual Assistant or its components if you are the owner. If you are a developer with access to editing the VA, you cannot publish it’ only the owner can.

To publish a VA, please follow the steps below:

  1. Open the VA whose updates you want to publish.
  1. Select Deploy from the top menu
  2. From the left menu select  Publish.
  3. The Publish page opens with all the components selected by default.

  4. Clear the checkboxes of any components you do not want to publish, and then click Next.
  5. Enter any useful comments for the Admin and click Confirm.
Note: If you select to publish components without including the NL Model, then any unpublished training data will not be published and will be associated with the auto-created in-development version of the respective tasks.

Publishable Components

Every component that impacts end-user interactions or experience goes through the publishing workflow in the Platform. These components are categorized into sections. The following is the description and the list of components under these sections:

Tasks & Languages
Tasks (Dialog, Alert,, Panels, Widgets, Digital Forms, and Small Talk)
  • Tasks without published versions
  • Upgraded versions of the published tasks. It also includes language enablement. When you enable a new language in the In Development version, all the tasks appear in the publishing window with the checkbox for the new language enabled.
Knowledge Graph (per language)
  • Level 1 terms added
  • Level 1 terms updated
  • Traits: Replaces the traits/classes in the Published version with the new set of traits/classes in the In Development version with all the additions, updates, and deletions.
  • Synonyms: Replaces the Synonyms in the Published version with the new set of synonyms in the In Development version, with all the additions, updates, and deletions.
Natural Language
NL Model The NL Model lets you publish only the NLP training data of specific intents without publishing the task definitions. When multiple users are working on a virtual assistant (VA), Bot developers or NLP trainers can independently publish their work without impacting the bot definitions of other users.

For example, an NLP trainer might modify an utterance to correct some issue in a dialog task. In this case, the NLP trainer would like to publish only the training data without including the task definition.

Whenever an utterance is added to an already published task, you can select that task under the ML Utterances, Patterns, and Rules modules under the NL Model to publish only the training data of selected intents without including the task definitions.

You can also publish the Trait Groups and other NL Model configurations independently.

Note: If you have selected one or more Dialog Tasks from Publish -> Tasks -> Dialog Tasks in the Publish request, the training data of these selected tasks is published and you cannot customize the ML Utterances, Patterns and Rules in the NL Model.

If you want to publish the only training data of specific intents, you must first deselect tasks from the Publish -> Tasks -> Dialog Tasks section. Follow the steps below to select the intents for which you want to publish the ML Utterances, Patterns and Rules.

When you have already selected the NL Model components for specific intents customization and then try to select the Dialog Tasks a warning message appears with notification to Reset the publishable components.

Steps to publish only the training data for specific intents using the NL Model:

  1. Expand the Natural Language > NL Model option and click the All Components link.
  2. Select the following components:
    • ML Utterances: Replaces old user utterances with a new set of utterances in the Published version from the In-Development version, with all the additions, updates, and deletions. Click the Customize link to select the modified utterances associated with the updated tasks after publishing. You can search and select a particular task.
    • Patterns: Replaces the old patterns with a new set of patterns in the Published version from the In Development version with all the additions, updates, and deletions. Learn more. Click the Customize link to select modified patterns that were updated after publishing them. You can search and select a particular pattern.
    • Rules: Replaces the intents in the Published version from the In-Development version with the new set of intent with rules defined for Dialog Execution and Knowledge Graph Intent detection. Learn more. Click the Customize link to select updated rules after publishing them. You can search and select a particular rule.
    • Trait Types: Replaces the traits in the Published version with a new set of trait types from the In-Development version for specific entities, attributes, or details that the users express in their conversations. Learn more.
    • Others – Replaces the following components:
      • Bot Synonyms: Synonyms in the Published version with a new set of synonyms from the In-Development version to include all possible alternative forms with all the additions, updates, and deletions. Learn more.
      • Utterances and NER – User utterances in the Published version from the In-Development version with a new set of utterances associated with the task.
      • Ignore Words and Fields Memory – A full set of Ignore Words and Field Memory in the Published version with words the NLP engine must ignore when interpreting the user input for a task, including all the additions, updates, and deletions. Learn more.
      • Entity Patterns and Negative Patterns – Old entity patterns with a new set of Entity and Negative patterns to improve NLP interpreter accuracy in the Published version from the In-Development version with all the additions, updates, and deletions. Learn more.
      • Entity Synonyms – Old entity synonyms with new ones in the Published version from the In-Development version with all the additions, updates, and deletions published along with the corresponding synonyms.
  • Standard Responses: Replaces the full set of standard responses in the Published version with the ones in the In Development version, with all the additions, updates, and deletions.
  • Default Dialog: Replaces the Default Dialog configuration in the Published version with the one in the In Development version.
  • Amend Settings: Replaces the Amend Setting configuration in the Published version with the one in the In Development version.
  • Advanced Settings: Replaces the Advanced Settings configuration in the Published version with the one in the In Development version.
  • Replaces the channels in the Published version with the new channels enabled, published channels whose configuration were changed, and channels that are disabled in the In Development version.
Event Handlers The full set of selected events in the Published Version get replaced with the ones in the In Development version.
BotKit The BotKit configuration in the Published Version gets replaced with the configuration in the In Development version.
Agent Transfer The Agent Transfer configuration in the Published Version gets replaced with the configuration in the In Development version.
Web / Mobile SDK The Web / Mobile SDK Configuration configuration in the Published Version gets replaced with the configuration in the In Development version.
General Settings Replaces General Settings in the Published version with the ones in the In Development version.
Bot Variables Replaces the Bot Variables in the Published version with the ones in the In Development version.
PII Settings Replaces the PII settings in the Published version with the ones in the In Development version.
IVR Settings Replaces the IVR Settings in the Published version with the ones in the In Development version.
Hold & Resume Settings Replaces the Hold & Resume Settings in the Published version with the ones in the In Development version.
Custom Script Replaces the Custom Script file in the Published version with the ones in the In Development version.
Generative AI and LLM Replaces the Generative AI and LLM related features in the Published version with the ones in the In Development version.

The setting includes:

–  Integration

– Prompts and Requests Library

– Feature Mappings

Advanced Settings Replaces the following in the Published version with the ones in the In Development version:

– Language Detection Preference

– Subdomain

– Show link for task setup/execution

– Error Messages


Components Excluded from the Publication Workflow 

The publishing workflow doesn’t apply to the following components as they either do not impact end customers or do only when used as part of a task definition. When you access these components from either the In Development or Published version, they show the same information.

  • Batch Testing (including custom suites and test reports)
  • Manage Developer Access
  • App Creation, Resetting, and Deletion
  • Language enablement: When you enable a new language in the In Development version of the VA, the publishing workflow works similarly to publishing tasks – you need to publish all the components all over again by selecting the checkbox for the newly enabled language.

Publication Approval

When you publish a VA or any of its components, the Platform initiates a request to the Admin to approve it. Depending on the Purpose defined for the VA during its initial set up, the following happens:

  • For an Employee VA: The Admin needs to select users from the enterprise account who can interact with the VA , and then approve the publishing request. Once that’s done, the selected users can use the VA in the selected channels.
  • For a Consumer VA: Any user can use the VA in the selected channels soon after the Admin approves the publishing request.

Auto Approvals

Admins can set up auto-approval for any updates made to Enterprise or Consumer VAs using the following steps:

  1. Open the Xo Platform Admin Console at:
  2. Go to Bots Management > Consumer Bots or Bots Management > Enterprise Bots.
  3. Click the more icon for the required bot and select Bot Settings.

  4. On the Bot Settings window, select Auto Approve.
  5. Select Auto Approve all publish requests for this bot.
