Process Apps

How to Pass Meta-information During Agent Transfer

As part of your Virtual Assistant design, you can choose the scenarios where you want to hand off the conversation to human agents. As part of this hand-off, it is important to pass the current conversation context to the Agent Hand-off / CCaaS system. This information can be used in…

Travel Assistant Overview

The XO Platform allows you to create a variety of Virtual Assistants, to suit business needs that are just as diverse. In this section of the Platform’s Documentation, we will explore a use case that will help you gain more in-depth knowledge about building specific scenarios within your VA.…

What’s New in Process Assistants

This section contains release information for the Experience Optimization Platform v9.3 released on July 23rd, 2022. Process Assistants This update includes new features and enhancements to enable the operations and business users proactively monitor and improve the performance of the process assistants using actionable insights from the platform.  The…

How to View Process App Errors?

You can view all the Process App errors categorized step-wise using the Dynamic Error Console that appears on the property panel of the Flow Designer. The system displays the error warnings and highlights the number of errors against each step. The system also displays the node for which unresolved errors…

Process Assistant Plans and Pricing

The process assistant subscription plans, pricing and billing information. Note: This page is not available for customers under the Enterprise plan. Billing Sessions The Billing sessions are calculated based on Bot Usage (Usage Session) A usage session is defined as ‘Fifteen minutes’ of user conversation with the bot. For example…


Delay event helps you delay the execution of a step in the Process Apps.  Configure Delay Event To configure a Delay event in the process flow, follow the below steps: On the left pane, you can find the Events section. Drag and drop the Delay stencil from this section to…

How to Create or Restore a Version of the Process App?

Versioning allows you to simplify your process app development by creating versions of your process app definition during various stages of the development process. You can also restore your process app to a previous version at any time. Create a New Version To create a new version of your process…

How to Add Bot Permissions to let Bot Trigger the Process App?

You can associate conversational bots to trigger your Process App or auto-create conversations for your bot. For example, What are my pending tasks?. To associate a conversational bot to your process app and provide permissions, you must add the conversational bot.  To add a bot, follow the below…

How to View Log of Changes made to Process App Definition?

Change Logs keep track of all the changes that take place in your Process App. To access the changelogs, follow the below steps: Click the Settings tab on the top. By default, the General Settings page is displayed. On the left pane, click Change Logs. On the Change Logs page,…

How to Define a Digital Form?

A Digital Form helps you to collect the required data. It allows your users to enter the data you want to process a certain request. Digital Form triggers refer to the triggers that occur through the submission of a digital form. For example, let us consider an employee expense report.…