
Sub-Intents & Follow-up Intents

Human conversations are dynamic in that they tend to switch between intents and entities, often combining multiple things into one. The XO Platform offers Sub Intents that are defined at the task level, and are the easiest way to shape dialog without having to manage context manually. This enables…

Context Management

Effective context management is important because it allows Virtual Assistants to interact with users in a way that is easier, quicker, more helpful, and less robotic and scripted. Contextual data helps users complete tasks faster and allows you to create more natural, human-like back and forth conversations. For example, let…

Default Standard Responses Bot Builder tool provides a few default text responses. This section lists them and gives an explanation as to when these responses are triggered. For an overview on Standard Responses, refer here. Statements Message Definition When the user confirms to close the conversation in a language and switch to…

Amend Entity

Time and again, we come across situations wherein the users change their preferences during task execution. For example, while booking a flight, the user might change the date of travel and at times even the destination. Amend Entity is a feature for such scenarios. Using this feature, you can allow…

Multi-Intent Detection’s NLP engine breaks conversations down to their essence, identifies and follows-up on multiple action items, or intents, from a single message. The virtual assistant can then execute tasks in a sequential and logical manner. You can allow the NLP engine to detect and execute multiple intents identified in a…

Intelligence Overview

The best, most memorable Virtual Assistants have conversation flows that feel natural and human-like. Natural conversations, however, often tend to go beyond the pre-defined and linear intent resolution paths that seem inherent in most VAs. To further complicate this, users often fail to follow a task to its logical conclusion…

Event Based Bot Actions

Events are triggered when specific actions occur during conversation with the Virtual Assistant  or when specific events are triggered on any active channels. For example, when a user clicks the Get Started button to initiate a chat with your FB Messenger VA, it triggers the Facebook Welcome event. You can…

Interruptions Management

Human conversations are characterized by twists and turns, and no two directions are ever the same. Natural conversations often tend to go beyond linear intent resolution paths defined in virtual assistants. Ideally, a user allows the VA to take an intent to its logical conclusion before initiating another, but that…

Default Conversations

There are multiple places where the platform responds to user utterances without the developer having to code the details. Examples include: Intent Not Identified when the user intent is not found or understood by the bot. Click here to read more. Standard Responses to certain questions, greetings, error and warning…