
Billing Usage Summary API

This API provides a summary of the billing usage specific to an account or bot for a given period. Method POST and GET Endpoint POST For Bot Builder: https://{{host}}/api/public/bot/{{BotID}}/billingsessionsummary For BAC: https://{{host}}/api/public/billingsessionsummary  Important: First, use the POST method to set filters, then use the following GET method to retrieve the…

Task Execution-Based Containment Report API

This task-wise Containment Report offers a comparative analysis of the impact of task executions on overall containment. It breaks down task-wise successes and failures by containment type, including Drop-off, Self-service, and Agent Hand-off, providing a detailed overview for better understanding and decision-making. Method POST and GET Endpoint It’s a combination…

LLM and Generative AI Usage Logs API

This API lets you get the LLM & Generative AI Usage Logs for both Co-Pilot and Dynamic Conversation features. Method POST End Point https://{{host}}/api/1.1/public/bot/{{botId}}/getLLMUsageLogs Content Type application/json Authorization auth: {{JWT}} See How to generate the JWT Token. API Scope Bot Builder: Fetch Gen AI and LLM Usage Logs Admin Console:…

LLM and Generative AI Logs

The LLM and Gen AI Logs on the XO Platform provide detailed information about requests sent to LLMs and the corresponding responses. The logs include data on features accessing the LLMs, response generation time, payload details, tokens used, and more. It enables bot designers to track and compare usage across…

Rate Limits

The Platform enforces rolling rate limits to restrict the number of API requests a user, application, or service can make within a dynamic timeframe. It helps to prevent any single user or service from consuming disproportionate resources that could degrade the service for others.  The requests are checked against both…

Spell Correction – Version 2

The Spell Correction feature for the supported languages corrects the misspelled words in the user’s utterance based on the language. Version 10.1.19 of the XO Platform includes a new version of the Spell Correction (Version 2) for English that comes with the following advantages: Consistent Spell Correction Experience: The spell…

Setting Up the Kerberos SPNEGO Authorization Profile

Overview The XO Platform offers Kerberos SPNEGO-based authentication mechanism for enterprise users to use Kerberos authentication flow to securely connect with their internal applications using Kerberos SPNEGO security protocol. The Kerberos-SPNEGO authentication process includes multiple steps to establish a secure connection between a client and a server using the SPNEGO…

Prompts and Requests Library

If you have integrated a Custom LLM, continue to add prompts. If not, skip this article and see Co-Pilot and Dynamic Conversations features. Effective prompts play a crucial role in enhancing response accuracy when interacting with LLMs. The new Prompts Library module empowers bot designers by allowing them to create…

LLM Integration

To use LLM and Generative AI features, you must configure the integration with a pre-built or custom LLM. Pre-built LLM Integration The XO Platform offers seamless integration with leading AI services like Azure OpenAI, OpenAI, and Anthropic. Utilizing pre-configured prompts and APIs, you can effortlessly tap into the core capabilities…

Co-Pilot Features

The Co-Pilot features add design-time capabilities to accelerate your bot development process using tailored LLM features. By default, all the features are disabled. To enable the feature, select the model, prompt (for custom model only), and then toggle the status to enable it. You can select another supported model for…