Kore.ai 대화형 플랫폼
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자연어 처리(NLP)
봇 개념 및 용어들
빠른 시작 가이드
봇 빌더 접근 방법
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이전 버전 (영어)

대화 작업
Using the Dialog Builder Tool
노드 유형
사용자 의도 노드
대화 노드
엔티티 노드
양식 노드
확인 노드
서비스 노드
봇 조치 노드
Service Node
WebHook 노드
스크립트 노드
노드 그룹화하기
Agent Transfer Node
사용자 프롬프트
음성 통화 속성
대화 관리
노드 및 전환
구성 요소 전환
컨텍스트 개체
이벤트 기반 봇 조치
지식 그래프
지식 추출
지식 그래프 생성
봇에 지식 그래프 추가
그래프 생성
지식 그래프 작성
FAQ 추가
작업 실행
기존 소스에서 FAQ 구축
특성, 동의어 및 불용어
변수 네임스페이스 관리
용어 편집 및 삭제
용어 편집 및 삭제
질문과 응답 편집
Knowledge Graph Training
지식 그래프 분석
봇 온톨로지 가져오기 및 내보내기
지식 그래프 가져오기
지식 그래프 내보내기
지식 그래프 생성
CSV 파일에서
지식 그래프 생성
경고 작업
스몰 토크
Digital Skills
디지털 양식
Digital Views
봇 성능 향상 – NLP 최적화
기계 학습
모델 검증
기초 의미
지식 그래프 학습
순위 및 해결
고급 NLP 설정
NLP 설정 및 지침
봇 인텔리전스
컨텍스트 관리
컨텍스트 관리
대화 관리
다중 – 의도 탐지
엔티티 수정
기본 대화
정서 관리
어조 분석
Test & Debug
봇과 대화
발화 테스트
배치 테스트하기
대화 테스트
채널 활성화
봇 게시
봇 분석하기
Conversations Dashboard
Performance Dashboard
사용자 정의 대시보드
맞춤형 메타 태그
사용자 정의 대시보드 생성 방법
Conversation Flows
NLP 지표
Containment Metrics
사용량 지표
스마트 봇
범용 봇
범용 봇 정의
범용 봇 생성
범용 봇 학습
범용 봇 커스터마이징
범용 봇용 추가 언어 활성화
Manage Assistant
플랜 및 사용량
Usage Plans
Support Plans
플랜 관리
봇 인증
다국어 봇
개인 식별 정보 삭제하기
봇 변수 사용
IVR 통합
일반 설정
봇 관리

간단한 봇 생성하기
Design Conversation Skills
뱅킹 봇 생성
뱅킹 봇 – 자금 이체
뱅킹 봇 – 잔액 업데이트
Knowledge Graph (KG) 구축
스마트 경고를 예약하는 방법
Design Digital Skills
디지털 양식 설정 방법
디지털 보기 설정 방법
데이터 테이블에 데이터를 추가하는 방법
데이터 테이블 내 데이터 업데이트 방법
UI 양식에서 데이터 테이블에 데이터를 추가하는 방법
Train the Assistant
특성 사용 방법
의도와 엔티티에 대한 패턴 사용 방법
컨텍스트 전환 관리 방법
Deploy the Assistant
상담사 전환을 설정하는 방법
봇 기능 사용 방법
콘텐츠 변수 사용 방법
전역 변수 사용 방법
Kore.ai 웹 SDK 튜토리얼
Kore.ai 위젯 SDK 튜토리얼
Analyze the Assistant
사용자 정의 대시보드 생성 방법
사용자 지정 태그를 사용하여 봇 메트릭을 필터링하는 방법

API 참조
Kore.ai API 사용
API 목록
API 컬렉션
koreUtil Libraries
SDK 참조
상담사 전환을 설정하는 방법
봇 기능 사용 방법
콘텐츠 변수 사용 방법
전역 변수 사용 방법
Kore.ai 웹 SDK 튜토리얼
Kore.ai 위젯 SDK 튜토리얼

봇 관리자 콘솔
사용자 관리
사용자 관리
그룹 관리
역할 관리
봇 관리 모듈
사용자 초대
사용자 등록을 위한 대량 초대 보내기
사용자 및 사용자 데이터 가져오기
Active Directory에서 사용자 동기화
보안 및 준수
싱글 사인 온 사용
보안 설정
Kore.ai 커넥터
봇 관리자용 분석
Billing (지원하지 않음)
  1. Docs
  2. Virtual Assistants
  3. Analyzing Your Bot
  4. Performance Dashboard

Performance Dashboard

After you publish a Virtual Assistant (VA), you can monitor its performance using the Performance dashboard. The dashboard provides insights into metrics such as the number of intents identified, tasks completed successfully, and any service or script failures that occur during interactions. You can use these insights to identify areas where your virtual assistant needs improvement. For example, if you see that many intents are not identified, you can train the virtual assistant for those unidentified intents.

To view the Performance Dashboard, click the Analyze tab on the top menu and then click Performance Dashboard in the left navigation. Select appropriate filters on the dashboard and click Apply.
Performance Dashboard

Note: Performance dashboard is available only post 9.2 release, i.e. post April 09, 2022.

Performance Dashboard Metrics

The Performance Dashboard provides insights to understand the virtual assistant’s NLP performance and integration metrics. The Performance Dashboard is categorized into four categories to identify how a virtual assistant performs. These categories are mentioned below:

Intent Identification Rate

This section of the dashboard provides the information of the number of intents that were classified and unclassified. An intent refers to the goal the customer has in mind when typing in a question or comment. While entity refers to the modifier the customer uses to describe an issue, intent is “What they really mean”. To know more about intents refer here

Below are the widgets that are used to provide insights:

Metric Description
Intent Identification Rate A scorecard which displays the percentage and the number of intents that were identified in a duration. It also displays the percentage increase or decrease in identifying intents from the last selected period.
Intent Identification Trend A line chart that displays the total number of intents that were classified by the virtual assistant versus the total number of intents that were unclassified by the virtual assistant over a period of time.
Popular Intents Displays a table with data insights on the number of times the virtual assistant identified the given intent from the user utterances in active and closed conversations.

The following fields are displayed:

  • Intent Name: Name of the identified intent.
  • Utterance Group: The cluster name where similar utterances are grouped to which the identified intent is mapped.
  • Count: The count of identified utterances.

Note: Clicking an intent name row displays a drill-down view of the relevant utterances, channel, user ID, Date & Time, and chat history.

Popular Unidentified Utterances A table that displays the number of utterances that did not identify an intent. The utterances are grouped by their similarity. 

Goal Completion Rate

The goal completion metrics provide insights as to how many tasks were completed in a period of time by a virtual assistant. This metrics shows all types of tasks which includes the completed tasks, abandoned tasks, incomplete tasks and failed tasks.

Listed below are the widgets that could help in providing information about these details:

Metric Description
Goal Completion Rate A scorecard which displays the percentage and the number of task executions that were successfully completed in a duration. It also displays the percentage increase or decrease in completing tasks from the last selected period.
Goal Completion Trend A line chart that plots the successful and failed task executions over a period of time.
Task Performance A table that provides insights of the number of successful and failed task executions per task for a selected duration.
Failure Point Analysis A table that displays the number of times a task has failed at various nodes.

API Execution Rate

This section of the dashboard provides the information of the number of APIs that were successfully executed and failed. While configuring a dialog task often there are needs to use a Service node that is used to make REST or SOAP requests to a third party web-services. To know more about service nodes refer here.

Below are the widgets that are used to provide information about API performance:

Metric Description
API Performance Rate A scorecard which displays the percentage and the number of service calls that were executed successfully. It also displays the percentage increase or decrease of APIs that were executed successfully from the last selected period.
Service Execution Trend A line chart that plots the trend of successful and failed service execution over a period of time.
Service Performance A table that displays the number of times a service node is executed, their status, and the average response time of executing the API.

Script Execution Rate

This section of the dashboard provides the information on the number of scripts that were successfully executed and also failed. A Script allows you to write JavaScript code in a dialog task. To know more about script nodes please refer here.

Below are the widgets that are used to provide information about Script performance.

Metric Description
Script Performance Rate A scorecard which displays the percentage and the number of scripts that were executed successfully. It also displays the percentage increase or decrease of Scripts that were executed successfully from the last selected period.
Script Execution Trend A line chart that plots the trend of successful and failed script execution over a period of time.
Script Performance A table that displays the number of times a script node is executed, their status, and the average response time executing the script.

Script Performance

The following information on the Service Node execution is displayed in the Script Performance widget:

Metric Description
Task Name The name of the task executed for the preprocessor, service node, or postprocessor scripts.
Node Name The name of the preprocessor, service script, and postprocessor nodes.
Status The script execution status, Success or Failed.
Count The task execution count.
Avg. Response Time The average response time of the script or service in the total number of runs. For a Service Node, the Platform tracks and displays the Avg. Response Time separately for the execution of the Preprocessor script, service script, and Postprocessor script nodes.

Filter Criteria

The Performance Analytics Dashboard data can be viewed based on specific filter criteria that can be selected. Learn more.

Performance Dashboard

After you publish a Virtual Assistant (VA), you can monitor its performance using the Performance dashboard. The dashboard provides insights into metrics such as the number of intents identified, tasks completed successfully, and any service or script failures that occur during interactions. You can use these insights to identify areas where your virtual assistant needs improvement. For example, if you see that many intents are not identified, you can train the virtual assistant for those unidentified intents.

To view the Performance Dashboard, click the Analyze tab on the top menu and then click Performance Dashboard in the left navigation. Select appropriate filters on the dashboard and click Apply.
Performance Dashboard

Note: Performance dashboard is available only post 9.2 release, i.e. post April 09, 2022.

Performance Dashboard Metrics

The Performance Dashboard provides insights to understand the virtual assistant’s NLP performance and integration metrics. The Performance Dashboard is categorized into four categories to identify how a virtual assistant performs. These categories are mentioned below:

Intent Identification Rate

This section of the dashboard provides the information of the number of intents that were classified and unclassified. An intent refers to the goal the customer has in mind when typing in a question or comment. While entity refers to the modifier the customer uses to describe an issue, intent is “What they really mean”. To know more about intents refer here

Below are the widgets that are used to provide insights:

Metric Description
Intent Identification Rate A scorecard which displays the percentage and the number of intents that were identified in a duration. It also displays the percentage increase or decrease in identifying intents from the last selected period.
Intent Identification Trend A line chart that displays the total number of intents that were classified by the virtual assistant versus the total number of intents that were unclassified by the virtual assistant over a period of time.
Popular Intents Displays a table with data insights on the number of times the virtual assistant identified the given intent from the user utterances in active and closed conversations.

The following fields are displayed:

  • Intent Name: Name of the identified intent.
  • Utterance Group: The cluster name where similar utterances are grouped to which the identified intent is mapped.
  • Count: The count of identified utterances.

Note: Clicking an intent name row displays a drill-down view of the relevant utterances, channel, user ID, Date & Time, and chat history.

Popular Unidentified Utterances A table that displays the number of utterances that did not identify an intent. The utterances are grouped by their similarity. 

Goal Completion Rate

The goal completion metrics provide insights as to how many tasks were completed in a period of time by a virtual assistant. This metrics shows all types of tasks which includes the completed tasks, abandoned tasks, incomplete tasks and failed tasks.

Listed below are the widgets that could help in providing information about these details:

Metric Description
Goal Completion Rate A scorecard which displays the percentage and the number of task executions that were successfully completed in a duration. It also displays the percentage increase or decrease in completing tasks from the last selected period.
Goal Completion Trend A line chart that plots the successful and failed task executions over a period of time.
Task Performance A table that provides insights of the number of successful and failed task executions per task for a selected duration.
Failure Point Analysis A table that displays the number of times a task has failed at various nodes.

API Execution Rate

This section of the dashboard provides the information of the number of APIs that were successfully executed and failed. While configuring a dialog task often there are needs to use a Service node that is used to make REST or SOAP requests to a third party web-services. To know more about service nodes refer here.

Below are the widgets that are used to provide information about API performance:

Metric Description
API Performance Rate A scorecard which displays the percentage and the number of service calls that were executed successfully. It also displays the percentage increase or decrease of APIs that were executed successfully from the last selected period.
Service Execution Trend A line chart that plots the trend of successful and failed service execution over a period of time.
Service Performance A table that displays the number of times a service node is executed, their status, and the average response time of executing the API.

Script Execution Rate

This section of the dashboard provides the information on the number of scripts that were successfully executed and also failed. A Script allows you to write JavaScript code in a dialog task. To know more about script nodes please refer here.

Below are the widgets that are used to provide information about Script performance.

Metric Description
Script Performance Rate A scorecard which displays the percentage and the number of scripts that were executed successfully. It also displays the percentage increase or decrease of Scripts that were executed successfully from the last selected period.
Script Execution Trend A line chart that plots the trend of successful and failed script execution over a period of time.
Script Performance A table that displays the number of times a script node is executed, their status, and the average response time executing the script.

Script Performance

The following information on the Service Node execution is displayed in the Script Performance widget:

Metric Description
Task Name The name of the task executed for the preprocessor, service node, or postprocessor scripts.
Node Name The name of the preprocessor, service script, and postprocessor nodes.
Status The script execution status, Success or Failed.
Count The task execution count.
Avg. Response Time The average response time of the script or service in the total number of runs. For a Service Node, the Platform tracks and displays the Avg. Response Time separately for the execution of the Preprocessor script, service script, and Postprocessor script nodes.

Filter Criteria

The Performance Analytics Dashboard data can be viewed based on specific filter criteria that can be selected. Learn more.
