Kore.ai 대화형 플랫폼
챗봇 개요
자연어 처리(NLP)
봇 개념 및 용어들
빠른 시작 가이드
봇 빌더 접근 방법
사용 고지 사항 (영어)
Kore.ai 봇 빌더로 작업하기
봇 구축 시작하기
릴리스 정보
현재 버전 (영어)
이전 버전 (영어)

대화 작업
Using the Dialog Builder Tool
노드 유형
사용자 의도 노드
대화 노드
엔티티 노드
양식 노드
확인 노드
서비스 노드
봇 조치 노드
Service Node
WebHook 노드
스크립트 노드
노드 그룹화하기
Agent Transfer Node
사용자 프롬프트
음성 통화 속성
대화 관리
노드 및 전환
구성 요소 전환
컨텍스트 개체
이벤트 기반 봇 조치
지식 그래프
지식 추출
지식 그래프 생성
봇에 지식 그래프 추가
그래프 생성
지식 그래프 작성
FAQ 추가
작업 실행
기존 소스에서 FAQ 구축
특성, 동의어 및 불용어
변수 네임스페이스 관리
용어 편집 및 삭제
용어 편집 및 삭제
질문과 응답 편집
Knowledge Graph Training
지식 그래프 분석
봇 온톨로지 가져오기 및 내보내기
지식 그래프 가져오기
지식 그래프 내보내기
지식 그래프 생성
CSV 파일에서
지식 그래프 생성
경고 작업
스몰 토크
Digital Skills
디지털 양식
Digital Views
봇 성능 향상 – NLP 최적화
기계 학습
모델 검증
기초 의미
지식 그래프 학습
순위 및 해결
고급 NLP 설정
NLP 설정 및 지침
봇 인텔리전스
컨텍스트 관리
컨텍스트 관리
대화 관리
다중 – 의도 탐지
엔티티 수정
기본 대화
정서 관리
어조 분석
Test & Debug
봇과 대화
발화 테스트
배치 테스트하기
대화 테스트
채널 활성화
봇 게시
봇 분석하기
Conversations Dashboard
Performance Dashboard
사용자 정의 대시보드
맞춤형 메타 태그
사용자 정의 대시보드 생성 방법
Conversation Flows
NLP 지표
Containment Metrics
사용량 지표
스마트 봇
범용 봇
범용 봇 정의
범용 봇 생성
범용 봇 학습
범용 봇 커스터마이징
범용 봇용 추가 언어 활성화
Manage Assistant
플랜 및 사용량
Usage Plans
Support Plans
플랜 관리
봇 인증
다국어 봇
개인 식별 정보 삭제하기
봇 변수 사용
IVR 통합
일반 설정
봇 관리

간단한 봇 생성하기
Design Conversation Skills
뱅킹 봇 생성
뱅킹 봇 – 자금 이체
뱅킹 봇 – 잔액 업데이트
Knowledge Graph (KG) 구축
스마트 경고를 예약하는 방법
Design Digital Skills
디지털 양식 설정 방법
디지털 보기 설정 방법
데이터 테이블에 데이터를 추가하는 방법
데이터 테이블 내 데이터 업데이트 방법
UI 양식에서 데이터 테이블에 데이터를 추가하는 방법
Train the Assistant
특성 사용 방법
의도와 엔티티에 대한 패턴 사용 방법
컨텍스트 전환 관리 방법
Deploy the Assistant
상담사 전환을 설정하는 방법
봇 기능 사용 방법
콘텐츠 변수 사용 방법
전역 변수 사용 방법
Kore.ai 웹 SDK 튜토리얼
Kore.ai 위젯 SDK 튜토리얼
Analyze the Assistant
사용자 정의 대시보드 생성 방법
사용자 지정 태그를 사용하여 봇 메트릭을 필터링하는 방법

API 참조
Kore.ai API 사용
API 목록
API 컬렉션
koreUtil Libraries
SDK 참조
상담사 전환을 설정하는 방법
봇 기능 사용 방법
콘텐츠 변수 사용 방법
전역 변수 사용 방법
Kore.ai 웹 SDK 튜토리얼
Kore.ai 위젯 SDK 튜토리얼

봇 관리자 콘솔
사용자 관리
사용자 관리
그룹 관리
역할 관리
봇 관리 모듈
사용자 초대
사용자 등록을 위한 대량 초대 보내기
사용자 및 사용자 데이터 가져오기
Active Directory에서 사용자 동기화
보안 및 준수
싱글 사인 온 사용
보안 설정
Kore.ai 커넥터
봇 관리자용 분석
Billing (지원하지 않음)
  1. Docs
  2. Virtual Assistants
  3. What's New
  4. 10.x Release Notes

10.x Release Notes

This document provides information on the various releases and the corresponding feature updates and enhancements introduced in version 10.x of the platform.

v10.0.5 April 1, 2023

Patch Release

This update includes bug fixes and feature enhancements.

Feature Enhancement
Leverage Generative AI to Rephrase Bot Responses

You can now leverage Generative AI to rephrase bot responses based on conversation context and users’ emotions, resulting in more empathetic and natural responses that enhance user experience and engagement.

When the OpenAI or Azure-OpenAI integration is enabled, you can see a new setting to rephrase responses at the node level for Message, Entity, and Confirmation Nodes. The messages added as User Prompts, Error Prompts, and Bot Responses are rephrased during runtime using the integration. Learn more.

Improved Messaging Channel Support Support for ‘Basic’ authorization for the Sunshine Conversations channel is deprecated, and Zendesk-recommended Oauth-based authorization is now available. Learn more.
Configure Shorter Timeouts for Service Nodes You can now configure a shorter timeout for service call termination under the Service Node Component Properties. The Timeout drop-down range now starts from 1 second instead of 5 seconds earlier. Learn more.
Linked Bots filter in the Custom Dashboard The Custom Dashboard now allows you to set the Linked Bot Name filter to view the linked bots’ data for the Analytics dataset in Universal Bots. Learn more.
Change the Owner of Unpublished Bots The Platform now allows the workspace owner or admin to transfer ownership of unpublished bots from one user to another. Learn more.

v10.0.4 March 19, 2023

Patch Release

This update includes bug fixes and feature enhancements.

Feature Enhancement
Enhanced Support for LLM and Generative AI Technologies

Fast-track your bot development and significantly enhance the conversational experience for your end-users with our latest features powered by LLM and Generative AI technologies. Seamlessly integrate pre-trained models using our OpenAI or Azure OpenAI connector and unlock the following new capabilities:

  • Automatic Dialog Generation: Automatically generate dialogs based on a brief description of the task. Preview the conversation design and fine-tune the intent description before creating the dialogs. Learn more.
  • Training Data Suggestions: Quickly generate high-quality training data using suggested utterances for each intent. Review and add the utterances to create a robust training set for your bot. Learn more.
  • NLP Batch Test Case Suggestions: Automatically generate NLP test cases for every intent, including the entity checks. Use the generated utterances to quickly create test suites in the builder. Learn more.
  • Conversation Test Cases Suggestions: Get simulated user inputs covering end-user scenarios at every test step. Use the suggestions to create test suites instantly. Learn more.
Azure OpenAI Integration You can seamlessly integrate with pre-trained models using our new Azure OpenAI connector. It helps you take advantage of the latest LLM and Generative AI features introduced on the XO Platform. Learn more.
Enhanced Bot Creation Journey with Use Case Suggestions Create Virtual Assistants faster with the new bot creation process that lets you generate use cases automatically. Dialog Tasks are auto-created along with the bot, providing you with the base framework to fast-track your VA creation journey. Learn more.
Few-Shot as the Default Network Type All the Universal Bots using NLP V3 now use Few-shot Model as the default Network Type to qualify the linked bots. Learn more.
Analytics for Answer from Docs Feature The Intents Identified section of the NLP Insights provides the details of utterances that are responded to using the ‘Answer from Docs’ feature. Learn more. You can also view the details of the document from which the answer was presented. Learn more.
Changes to Standard Plan & Usage

The following changes are introduced to the Standard workspaces/accounts on the XO Platform:

  • Free Credit Expires in 90 days: By default, a new workspace is created as a Standard Workspace and gets initial free credit of $500. The free credit expires in 90 days from the workspace creation date or the credit assignment date.
    For an existing Standard Workspace, the remaining or unutilized free credit will expire in 90 days from the release date of this policy. Learn more.
  • Free Credit Utilization: The usage deduction from the paid balance starts only after the free credits are fully utilized or expired. Learn more.
  • Conversation-based Billing: The new Conversation-based billing system treats conversations as billing units. A conversation is defined as an interaction with the bot for any length with no more than 15 minutes of inactivity. If the interaction starts again after 15 minutes of inactivity, it is considered a new conversation for billing. Learn more.
  • There is no change in how Billing Units are calculated for Enterprise accounts.
Enhanced Range Rule for the Date Period Type Entity The Data Period Type Entity accepts values that are in the range or overlapping with the range. The new Strict word in the Range rule for the Entity allows you to accept values that are strictly in the defined range. Learn more.

v10.0.3 March 4, 2023

Patch Release

This update includes bug fixes and feature enhancements.

Feature Enhancement
Genesys Chat as a new Channel The Platform now supports Genesys Chat as a new channel. When the Genesys Chat channel is enabled, the Genesys Agent System is also enabled using the configurations required from the Chat channel. Learn more.
ML Engine Now, the Few-shot model can use Bot Synonyms to provide better matches for abbreviations, enterprise-specific words, and other words during intent training. Learn more.
Entity rule for Currency Entity The new ignoreOnlyCode rule for the currency entity allows you to set whether the code/symbol AND the amount are required while entering the value. Learn more.

v10.0.2 February 18, 2023

Patch Release

This update includes bug fixes and feature enhancements.

Feature Enhancement
Pre-built Integration with Nice in Contact for Agent Transfer Kore.ai’s pre-built Agent Transfer integrations now allow you to seamlessly hand off the conversations to the Nice in Contact agent system without the need to write any custom code using the BotKit. Learn more
Feedback Survey By default, the auto-correction is disabled now, and the ‘Do not evaluate previous utterances and explicitly prompt the user’ option is selected for the ‘Descriptive Feedback’ entities for the Dialog Tasks auto-created when Feedback Surveys are created. Learn more.
Danish Language Support The Platform now supports conversations in the Danish language. Learn more.
Large Language Models
  • The Platform now sets the Few-shot Model as the default Network Type, and the system-recommended threshold for this network type to train the intent models. Learn more.
  • Zero-shot Model with OpenAI and Few-shot Model are made available only for the Virtual Assistants with English NLU. Learn more.
Channel Enablement
  • The GupShup Channel for WhatsApp business messaging now secures the integration by authorizing the Webhook Callback URL. Learn more.
  • ‘StreamId’ is now part of the Webhook URL for the following channels: Cisco Tropo, Twilio SMS, RingCentral Glip, Cisco Webex Teams, Slack, Yammer, and Twitter.

    The previous Webhook URLs without ‘StreamId’ will continue to work to ensure backward compatibility.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) For 2FA-enabled accounts, you can now switch to a different account to log in from the verification screen. You can go back to the list of workspaces from the 2FA page to switch to another workspace. Learn more.
Notification upon expiry of Authorization token The Platform now sends an email notification to all bot developers when the authorization token expires for any of the Prebuilt Action Integrations in the bot. The integration moves to an error state as soon as the token expires. Learn more.
New digits rule for Number Entity The Platform has introduced a new rule for the Number entity called digits. The rule ensures that a certain number of digits are matched. The value for digits is either a single number (for example, digits=8) where the word(s) matched are composed of that many digits after NL processing or a range of digits (for example, digits=13-17) to indicate that values only in that range are valid. Learn more.
Conversation Insights – Prompt to Mark as Reviewed The bot designers are now prompted to mark utterances as ‘Reviewed’ when the utterances are added as training examples to an existing intent, or new intents are created from the Conversation Insights module. Learn more.
Custom Dashboard Public APIs and Change Logs The ‘Get Dashboard Widget Data’ API now gives the ability to pass additional filters for querying the data. The API now supports the POST method to include the additional filters. Learn more.
Usage & Plan

Workspace Owners of ‘Enterprise Workspaces’ can now view the Billing Usage details from Bot Builder. Learn more.

Also, the Plan and Usage module includes the ability to view the usage in tabular or graphical formats and the break-up of different billing units (Sessions/Requests, Proactive Notifications, and Alert Notifications).

v10.0.1 February 5, 2023

Patch Release

This update includes bug fixes and feature enhancements.

Feature Enhancement
Context Object Size Limit

The platform now notifies the bot designers when the size of the context object exceeds 1024 KB. We recommend you review these notifications and modify the bot definition to keep the context object size under the 1024 KB limit. Learn more.

In the upcoming releases, the platform will discard conversations when the context size exceeds the limit.

v10.0 January 21, 2023

Major Release

The v10.0 of the Kore.ai XO Platform comes with various innovative features that enable enterprises to continuously improve IVAs on auto-pilot and extend our open platform architecture. The release also includes exciting new ways to train your virtual assistants using Large Language Models and Generative AI technologies. Experience the future of automation with this release.

For more information on key features and enhancements introduced in the release, see What’s new in v10.0.

10.x Release Notes

This document provides information on the various releases and the corresponding feature updates and enhancements introduced in version 10.x of the platform.

v10.0.5 April 1, 2023

Patch Release

This update includes bug fixes and feature enhancements.

Feature Enhancement
Leverage Generative AI to Rephrase Bot Responses

You can now leverage Generative AI to rephrase bot responses based on conversation context and users’ emotions, resulting in more empathetic and natural responses that enhance user experience and engagement.

When the OpenAI or Azure-OpenAI integration is enabled, you can see a new setting to rephrase responses at the node level for Message, Entity, and Confirmation Nodes. The messages added as User Prompts, Error Prompts, and Bot Responses are rephrased during runtime using the integration. Learn more.

Improved Messaging Channel Support Support for ‘Basic’ authorization for the Sunshine Conversations channel is deprecated, and Zendesk-recommended Oauth-based authorization is now available. Learn more.
Configure Shorter Timeouts for Service Nodes You can now configure a shorter timeout for service call termination under the Service Node Component Properties. The Timeout drop-down range now starts from 1 second instead of 5 seconds earlier. Learn more.
Linked Bots filter in the Custom Dashboard The Custom Dashboard now allows you to set the Linked Bot Name filter to view the linked bots’ data for the Analytics dataset in Universal Bots. Learn more.
Change the Owner of Unpublished Bots The Platform now allows the workspace owner or admin to transfer ownership of unpublished bots from one user to another. Learn more.

v10.0.4 March 19, 2023

Patch Release

This update includes bug fixes and feature enhancements.

Feature Enhancement
Enhanced Support for LLM and Generative AI Technologies

Fast-track your bot development and significantly enhance the conversational experience for your end-users with our latest features powered by LLM and Generative AI technologies. Seamlessly integrate pre-trained models using our OpenAI or Azure OpenAI connector and unlock the following new capabilities:

  • Automatic Dialog Generation: Automatically generate dialogs based on a brief description of the task. Preview the conversation design and fine-tune the intent description before creating the dialogs. Learn more.
  • Training Data Suggestions: Quickly generate high-quality training data using suggested utterances for each intent. Review and add the utterances to create a robust training set for your bot. Learn more.
  • NLP Batch Test Case Suggestions: Automatically generate NLP test cases for every intent, including the entity checks. Use the generated utterances to quickly create test suites in the builder. Learn more.
  • Conversation Test Cases Suggestions: Get simulated user inputs covering end-user scenarios at every test step. Use the suggestions to create test suites instantly. Learn more.
Azure OpenAI Integration You can seamlessly integrate with pre-trained models using our new Azure OpenAI connector. It helps you take advantage of the latest LLM and Generative AI features introduced on the XO Platform. Learn more.
Enhanced Bot Creation Journey with Use Case Suggestions Create Virtual Assistants faster with the new bot creation process that lets you generate use cases automatically. Dialog Tasks are auto-created along with the bot, providing you with the base framework to fast-track your VA creation journey. Learn more.
Few-Shot as the Default Network Type All the Universal Bots using NLP V3 now use Few-shot Model as the default Network Type to qualify the linked bots. Learn more.
Analytics for Answer from Docs Feature The Intents Identified section of the NLP Insights provides the details of utterances that are responded to using the ‘Answer from Docs’ feature. Learn more. You can also view the details of the document from which the answer was presented. Learn more.
Changes to Standard Plan & Usage

The following changes are introduced to the Standard workspaces/accounts on the XO Platform:

  • Free Credit Expires in 90 days: By default, a new workspace is created as a Standard Workspace and gets initial free credit of $500. The free credit expires in 90 days from the workspace creation date or the credit assignment date.
    For an existing Standard Workspace, the remaining or unutilized free credit will expire in 90 days from the release date of this policy. Learn more.
  • Free Credit Utilization: The usage deduction from the paid balance starts only after the free credits are fully utilized or expired. Learn more.
  • Conversation-based Billing: The new Conversation-based billing system treats conversations as billing units. A conversation is defined as an interaction with the bot for any length with no more than 15 minutes of inactivity. If the interaction starts again after 15 minutes of inactivity, it is considered a new conversation for billing. Learn more.
  • There is no change in how Billing Units are calculated for Enterprise accounts.
Enhanced Range Rule for the Date Period Type Entity The Data Period Type Entity accepts values that are in the range or overlapping with the range. The new Strict word in the Range rule for the Entity allows you to accept values that are strictly in the defined range. Learn more.

v10.0.3 March 4, 2023

Patch Release

This update includes bug fixes and feature enhancements.

Feature Enhancement
Genesys Chat as a new Channel The Platform now supports Genesys Chat as a new channel. When the Genesys Chat channel is enabled, the Genesys Agent System is also enabled using the configurations required from the Chat channel. Learn more.
ML Engine Now, the Few-shot model can use Bot Synonyms to provide better matches for abbreviations, enterprise-specific words, and other words during intent training. Learn more.
Entity rule for Currency Entity The new ignoreOnlyCode rule for the currency entity allows you to set whether the code/symbol AND the amount are required while entering the value. Learn more.

v10.0.2 February 18, 2023

Patch Release

This update includes bug fixes and feature enhancements.

Feature Enhancement
Pre-built Integration with Nice in Contact for Agent Transfer Kore.ai’s pre-built Agent Transfer integrations now allow you to seamlessly hand off the conversations to the Nice in Contact agent system without the need to write any custom code using the BotKit. Learn more
Feedback Survey By default, the auto-correction is disabled now, and the ‘Do not evaluate previous utterances and explicitly prompt the user’ option is selected for the ‘Descriptive Feedback’ entities for the Dialog Tasks auto-created when Feedback Surveys are created. Learn more.
Danish Language Support The Platform now supports conversations in the Danish language. Learn more.
Large Language Models
  • The Platform now sets the Few-shot Model as the default Network Type, and the system-recommended threshold for this network type to train the intent models. Learn more.
  • Zero-shot Model with OpenAI and Few-shot Model are made available only for the Virtual Assistants with English NLU. Learn more.
Channel Enablement
  • The GupShup Channel for WhatsApp business messaging now secures the integration by authorizing the Webhook Callback URL. Learn more.
  • ‘StreamId’ is now part of the Webhook URL for the following channels: Cisco Tropo, Twilio SMS, RingCentral Glip, Cisco Webex Teams, Slack, Yammer, and Twitter.

    The previous Webhook URLs without ‘StreamId’ will continue to work to ensure backward compatibility.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) For 2FA-enabled accounts, you can now switch to a different account to log in from the verification screen. You can go back to the list of workspaces from the 2FA page to switch to another workspace. Learn more.
Notification upon expiry of Authorization token The Platform now sends an email notification to all bot developers when the authorization token expires for any of the Prebuilt Action Integrations in the bot. The integration moves to an error state as soon as the token expires. Learn more.
New digits rule for Number Entity The Platform has introduced a new rule for the Number entity called digits. The rule ensures that a certain number of digits are matched. The value for digits is either a single number (for example, digits=8) where the word(s) matched are composed of that many digits after NL processing or a range of digits (for example, digits=13-17) to indicate that values only in that range are valid. Learn more.
Conversation Insights – Prompt to Mark as Reviewed The bot designers are now prompted to mark utterances as ‘Reviewed’ when the utterances are added as training examples to an existing intent, or new intents are created from the Conversation Insights module. Learn more.
Custom Dashboard Public APIs and Change Logs The ‘Get Dashboard Widget Data’ API now gives the ability to pass additional filters for querying the data. The API now supports the POST method to include the additional filters. Learn more.
Usage & Plan

Workspace Owners of ‘Enterprise Workspaces’ can now view the Billing Usage details from Bot Builder. Learn more.

Also, the Plan and Usage module includes the ability to view the usage in tabular or graphical formats and the break-up of different billing units (Sessions/Requests, Proactive Notifications, and Alert Notifications).

v10.0.1 February 5, 2023

Patch Release

This update includes bug fixes and feature enhancements.

Feature Enhancement
Context Object Size Limit

The platform now notifies the bot designers when the size of the context object exceeds 1024 KB. We recommend you review these notifications and modify the bot definition to keep the context object size under the 1024 KB limit. Learn more.

In the upcoming releases, the platform will discard conversations when the context size exceeds the limit.

v10.0 January 21, 2023

Major Release

The v10.0 of the Kore.ai XO Platform comes with various innovative features that enable enterprises to continuously improve IVAs on auto-pilot and extend our open platform architecture. The release also includes exciting new ways to train your virtual assistants using Large Language Models and Generative AI technologies. Experience the future of automation with this release.

For more information on key features and enhancements introduced in the release, see What’s new in v10.0.
