Fetches the conversational messages between the bot and user in reverse chronological order. This API supports pagination. You can provide offset/skip and limit to get a certain number of messages at a time.
This is a newer version of the old API which will soon be deprecated. This revised API addresses the limitation of the older version on enabling BotKit or Agent Transfer.
To use this API, app needs the Bot Builder API scope of Chat History.
OR the Admin API Scope of Chat History under Bot Analytics.
A POST API call can also be used to include Session-Id and MetaTags in the retrieved Conversation History.
POST https://{{host}}/api/public/stream/{{BotID}}/getMessages
and https://{{host}}/api/public/getMessages
for Bot Admin Console
Parameter | Description |
BotID (optional) | Bot ID. You can access it from the bot’s General Settings page. |
userId (mandatory for GET call
optional for POST call) |
The ID of the user whose conversation history to access. Can be user email id or enterprise assigned unique id. |
skip/offset (optional) | The number of messages to be skipped. |
limit (optional) | The number of messages to be shown on each page. |
forward (optional) | Takes boolean values true/false. Specifies the direction of the messages to be retrieved.
dateFrom (optional) | Takes the date format yyyy-mm-dd (or) yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.msZ eg:2019-04-01 (or) 2019-04-01T13:25:58.515ZIf not provided, calculated as 7 days behind dateTo. |
dateTo (optional) | Takes the date format yyyy-mm-dd (or) yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.msZ eg:2019-04-01 (or) 2019-04-01 T13:26:05.598ZIf not provided, calculated as 7 days from dateFrom. If dateFrom is also not provided then set to Today. |
channelType (optional) | Name of the channel of whose conversation history is needed, default is ‘rtm’ .
Accepted channel types are “skypeforbusiness”, “msteams”, “twitter”, “spark”, “rtm”, “facebook”, “slack”, “skype”, “kore”, “email”, “sms”, “wfacebook”, “ringcentral”, “jabber”, “yammer”, “alexa”, “twiliovoice”, “telegram”, “ivr”, “ivrVoice”, “line”, “liveperson”, “googleactions”, “hangoutchat”, “mattermost”, “rcs”. Note: In case of multi-webhook channel configuration, “ivr” will give the conversations for the first WebHook instance. For those related to other instance, specify the |
msgId (optional) | A specific Message-Id if known. |
direction (optional when msgId is given) |
sessionId (optional) | A specific Session-Id if known. Refer here to obtain the session id |
tags (optional) | Meta tags to filter the conversations. |
Note: The duration between dateTo and dateFrom should be less than 7 days, else an error will be thrown.
Invoke the API with JWT in the header with the following syntax:
auth: {{JWT}}
Response content type
Sample Request
curl -X GET \ 'https://bots.kore.ai/api/public/stream/{{BotId}}/getMessages?userId=u-XXX-XXX& channelType=facebook&dateFrom=2019-04-01&dateTo=2019-04-05' \ -H 'auth: {{YOUR_JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN}}'
Sample Request for POST call
curl -X POST \ https://bots.kore.ai/api/public/getMessages \ -H 'auth: {{YOUR_JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN}}' \ -d '{ userId : u-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx skip : 0, limit : 100, dateFrom : “2019-04-01” (or) “2019-04-01T13:25:58.515Z”, dateTo : “2019-04-01” (or) “2019-04-01T13:25:58.515Z”, channelType : “rcs”, sessionId : [“5eadxxxxxxxxxxxxx”,”5ebxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”], tags : { and : [ { “name” : ”tagname”, “values” : [“tagvalue1”,”tagvalue2”], “type” : “tagtype” // user/message/session }, { “name” : ”tagname”, “values” : [“tagvalue1”,”tagvalue2”], “type” : “tagtype” // user/message/session } ] } }
Sample Response
{ "total": 1, "moreAvailable": false, "messages": [ { "_id": "ms-e172XXXXXX9a492cd2", "type": "outgoing", "status": "pending", "lmodifiedOn": "2019-04-01T13:25:58.512Z", "createdBy": "u-dfb0a15XXXXXXXXX6afa4c74d", "channels": [ { "type": "rcs" } ], "components": [ { "_id": "cp-4fbXXXXXXXXXX6ebdd586531", "cT": "text", "data": { "text": "Thanks! I now have access to your Kore Assistant account. Don’t worry, I never access your account without you asking me to do something for you." }, "thumbnails": [] } ], "botId": "st-fe7XXXXXX6e115e94c", "orgId": "o-5a64XXXXXXXXXa58cd43460c3", "accountId": "5c9c95bXXXXX23c523dbc", "isBB": 1, "ms": 1, "chnl": "rcs", "createdOn": "2019-04-01T13:25:58.515Z", "timestampValue": 1554125158515, "__v": 0, "resourceid": "messagestore", "tags": { "messageTags": [], "userTags": [ { "value": "+919346804623", "name": "RCSID" } ], "sessionTags": [] } } ] }
Sample Response from POST call:
{ "total": 1, "moreAvailable": false, "messages" : [ { "_id": "ms-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "type": "incoming", "status": "sent to cs", "createdBy":"u-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "lmodifiedBy": u-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "lmodifiedOn": "2019-04-10T10:21:45.103Z", "channels": [ { "type": "rtm" } ], "botId":"st-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "orgId": “o-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "accountId": "5xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "isBB": 0, "ms": 1, "channel": "rtm", "components": [ { "_id":"cp-xxxxxxxxxxx", "cT": "text", "data": { "text": "23" }, "thumbnails": [] } ], "createdOn": "2019-04-10T10:21:45.106Z", "timestampValue": 1554891705106, "__v": 0, "sessionId": "5cadbefc6a81a71559f6bece" } ] }