This API retrieves the conversation sessions created. The API details are available in the Bot Builder and Bot Admin Console (BAC) app scopes.
Method | POST |
Endpoint | https://{{host}}/api/public/bot/{{BotID}}/getSessions?containmentType={{containmentType}} and https://{{host}}/api/public/getSessions?containmentType={{containmentType}} for BAC |
Content Type | application/json |
Authorization |
API Scope |
OR |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
host | Environment URL, for example, |
BotID | Bot ID or Stream ID. You can access it from the General Settings page of the bot. |
containmentType (introduced in ver9.0) |
Use to filter the results based on the type of the session i.e Self-service vs. Drop-off vs. Agent Transfer Valid values:
Sample Request
- Without a body
curl --location --request POST '{{host}}/api/public/getSessions?containmentType={{containmentType}}' \ --header 'auth: {{YOUR_JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN}}' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw ''
- With a body
curl --location --request POST '{{host}}/api/public/getSessions?containmentType={{containmentType}}' \ --header 'auth: {{YOUR_JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN}}' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "skip" : 0, "limit" : 100, "dateFrom" : "2020-02-11", "dateTo" : "2020-02-12" }'
- For Specific Bot
curl --location --request POST '{{host}}/api/public/bot/{{BotId}}/getSessions?containmentType={{containmentType}}' \ --header 'auth: {{YOUR_JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN}}' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "skip" : 0, "limit" : 100, "dateFrom" : "2020-02-11", "dateTo" : "2020-02-12" }'
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Description | Required/Optional |
userId | The ID of the user whose conversation history to access. Can be a user email id or enterprise assigned unique id. | Optional |
skip/offset | The number of messages to be skipped. | Optional |
limit | The number of messages to be shown on each page. | Optional |
dateFrom | Takes the date format yyyy-mm-dd (or) yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.msZ eg:2019-04-01 (or) 2019-04-01T13:25:58.515Z. If not provided, calculated as 7 days behind dataTo. |
Optional |
dateTo | Takes the date format yyyy-mm-dd (or) yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.msZ eg:2019-04-01 (or) 2019-04-01 T13:26:05.598Z. If not provided, calculated as 7 days from dateFrom. If dateFrom is also not provided then set to Today. |
Optional |
tags | Meta tags to filter the conversations. | Optional |
sessionType (introduced in ver8.0) |
Type to filter the conversations – can be:
Optional |
Note: The duration between dateTo and dateFrom should be less than 7 days, else an error will be thrown.
Sample Response
- for dropOff sessions
{ "total": 1, "moreAvailable": false, "sessions": [ { "sessionId": "xxxxaxxexxxaxexdxxxdxxxe", "botId": "st-ffeffxxx-xxxc-xexa-axxx-cxxabxxxxcxx", "channel": "rtm", "userId": "u-xxfexxxd-xxex-xdxe-xaec-xeaxbxxxxfxx", "start_time": "2021-04-26T11:27:25.977Z", "end_time": "2021-04-26T11:27:26.145Z", "session_lang": [ "en" ], "sessionType": "interactive", "containmentType": "dropOff", "isDeveloper": false, "tags": { "userTags": [ { "value": "newuser", "name": "regular" } ], "sessionTags": [] }, "noOfMessagesExchanged": 1, "noOfTasksExecuted": 0 } ] }
- for selfService sessions
{ "total": 2, "moreAvailable": false, "sessions": [ { "sessionId": "xxxxaxxexxxaxexdxxxdxxxe", "botId": "st-ffeffxxx-xxxc-xexa-axxx-cxxabxxxxcxx", "channel": "rtm", "userId": "u-xxfexxxd-xxex-xdxe-xaec-xeaxbxxxxfxx", "start_time": "2021-04-26T11:27:25.977Z", "end_time": "2021-04-26T11:27:26.145Z", "session_lang": [ "en" ], "sessionType": "non-interactive", "containmentType": "selfService", "isDeveloper": false, "tags": { "userTags": [ { "value": "newuser", "name": "regular" } ], "sessionTags": [] }, "noOfMessagesExchanged": 6, "noOfTasksExecuted": 0 }, { "sessionId": "xxxxaxxexxxaxexdxxxdxxxe", "botId": "st-ffeffxxx-xxxc-xexa-axxx-cxxabxxxxcxx", "channel": "rtm", "userId": "u-xxfexxxd-xxex-xdxe-xaec-xeaxbxxxxfxx", "start_time": "2021-04-26T11:27:25.977Z", "end_time": "2021-04-26T11:27:26.145Z", "session_lang": [ "en" ], "sessionType": "non-interactive", "containmentType": "selfService", "isDeveloper": false, "tags": { "userTags": [ { "value": "newuser", "name": "regular" } ], "sessionTags": [] }, "noOfMessagesExchanged": 8, "noOfTasksExecuted": 0 } ] }
- for agent sessions
{ "total": 1, "moreAvailable": false, "sessions": [ { "sessionId": "xxxxaxxexxxaxexdxxxdxxxe", "botId": "st-ffeffxxx-xxxc-xexa-axxx-cxxabxxxxcxx", "channel": "rtm", "userId": "u-xxfexxxd-xxex-xdxe-xaec-xeaxbxxxxfxx", "start_time": "2021-04-26T11:27:25.977Z", "end_time": "2021-04-26T11:27:26.145Z", "session_lang": [ "en" ], "sessionType": "interactive", "containmentType": "agent", "isDeveloper": false, "tags": { "userTags": [], "sessionTags": [] }, "noOfMessagesExchanged": 7, "noOfTasksExecuted": 2 } ] }
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Description |
total |
The total number of records identified as per the API request parameters. The response will include a maximum of X records. If more than X records are identified, then the ‘moreAvailable’ field in the response will have the value as ‘True’. It is recommended to programmatically iterate the request by dynamically updating the values of the ‘skip’ and ‘limit’ parameters in the request. |
moreAvailable | Indicates if the API has returned all the records or if more are available, based on the pagination criteria. True if more records are available. False if there are no more records to be retrieved. |
sessions | Contains complete information about the session. |
sessions.sessionId | The unique identifier for the session record. |
sessions.botId | Bot ID or Stream ID. | | The channel in which the end user is having the conversation: sms, email, rtm, slack, skype, twitter, msteams, api, kore, facebook, or skypeforbusiness. |
sessions.userId | The user Id of the end user who is having a conversation with the bot. |
sessions.start_time | The start time of the session. (ISO Date format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.mmmZ) |
sessions.end_time | The end time of the session. (ISO Date format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.mmmZ) |
sessions.session_lang | All the languages in which the conversation happened during the session. | sessions.sessionType |
The type to filter the conversations:
sessions.containmentType | Used to filter the results based on the type of the session: selfservice, dropOff, or agent. |
sessions.isDeveloper | Informs whether the session was initiated by a developer; 1 for Yes, 0 for No. |
sessions.tags | Meta tags to filter the sessions. |
sessions.tags.userTags | User tags object; custom tags added to the user’s profile information. |
sessions.tags.userTags.value | Tag’s value. | | Tag’s name. |
sessions.tags.sessionTags | Session tags object; custom tags added to the conversation session. |
sessions.tags.sessionTags.value | Tag’s value. | | Tag’s name. |
sessions.noOfMessagesExchanged | The number of messages exchanged in the session. |
sessions.noOfTasksExecuted | The number of tasks executed in the session. |