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Form Creation1 min read

A Digital Form includes a definition and various components to capture the user input. You can access Digital Forms from the Forms tab. 

To create a form, follow the below steps:
1. Click the Forms tab on the top.

2. On the Forms page, click New Form .

3. On the New Form dialog box, enter the following details:

  • Name – Enter a name for the form
  • Display Name – Enter a display name for the form
  • Description – Enter a brief description of the form

4. Click Create and you can find the newly created form.

5. As soon as a form is created, a default form instance is also created and displayed on the UI.

Note: All the changes or edits are done at the default instance level.

6. You can create a new instance by clicking Add New Instance. To configure this instance, do the following:

  • Provide the Instance Name.
  • Select either Default Instance or another instance name from the dropdown list for Inherit Attributes From to inherit the attributes of the instance.