BotKit SDK Tutorial – Blue Prism

The integration of bots with Blue Prism helps you drive business process automation using conversational flows. bots execute conversation flows by understanding user intents, entities, context, and sentiment. Blue Prism RPA services can consume the contextually relevant information and effectively automate business processes. Integration Approach’s Blue Prism…

Mobile SDK Push Notification supports sending push notifications to mobile devices over the Mobile SDK channel. Kore mobile SDKs get embedded with the native host mobile application, which is responsible for managing push notification subscriptions with APNS and GCM provider. The Host Mobile application server needs to host a webhook to receive updates…

Message Formatting and Templates SDK allows you to override the default message formatting using markdown and apply templates to display custom formatted bot messages to users. This topic describes the following: Supported template types Template implementation details The default formatting for the Web SDK Supported markdown to customize messages Template Types The SDKs…

Installing the BotKit SDK

The BotKit SDK runs as Node.js application. You can add your own reverse proxy, firewall, and load balancer to meet your functional requirements for availability, scalability, and performance. This section provides a high-level overview of BotKit SDK installation and configuration. For a detailed end-to-end tutorial on installation and setup…

Functions for the BotKit SDK

The BotKit SDK provides functions that you can use for greater control of your bot and provide a better user experience. The following functions are supported by the BotKit SDK. sdk.sendUserMessage sdk.sendBotMessage sdk.AsyncResponse sdk.respondToHook sdk.saveData sdk.registerBot sdk.getSavedData sdk.getMessages sdk.resetBot sdk.startAgentSession sdk.clearAgentSession sdk.extendRequestId sdk.sendUserMessage This function sends the message to the…

Events for the BotKit SDK

You can use the BotKit SDK to capture and handle events in the Bots Platform for better control and customization of the bot experience for users. The following events are supported by the BotKit SDK: onMessage onWebhook onAgentTransfer onEventNode onAlertNode onVariableUpdate onMessage This event consists of the following two…

Using an External NLP Engine

While has a state-of-the-art natural language processing engine, you may still want to plugin a third-party or proprietary NLP engine for your enterprise users. Using the BotKit SDK, you can add and configure bots to run using your choice of NLP engine external to the Bots Platform…

BotKit SDK Tutorial – Agent Transfer

This tutorial is an end-to-end walkthrough for setting up and running an instance of the BotKit SDK which is a collection of libraries that you can use for more control of the messages and webhook events for bots for your web service. For this tutorial, you will use…

BotKit SDK Tutorial – Flight Search Sample Bot

This tutorial is an end-to-end walkthrough for setting up and running an instance of the BotKit SDK which is a collection of libraries that you can use for more control of the messages and webhook events for bots for your web service. For this tutorial, you will use… Web SDK Tutorial

This tutorial is an end-to-end walkthrough for setting up and running an instance of the Bots Web SDK which is a collection of libraries that you can use to integrate bots with your own web applications. Web SDK Tutorial Overview In this tutorial, you will install a…