
Knowledge Ontology Knowledge Graph helps you turn your static FAQ text into an intelligent, personalized conversational experience. It goes beyond the usual practice of capturing FAQs in the form of flat question-answer pairs. Instead, Knowledge Collection enables you to create an ontological structure of key domain terms and associate them with…

How to use Global Variables

In this How-To, we will explore a scenario in a Banking Bot, where Bot Variables can be used. We will see how Global Variables can be used to pass API endpoints and change them easily when migrating from development to testing to production environments. For details on what Bot Variables…

How to Schedule a Smart Alert

In this How-To, we will explore a scenario in a Bot, say traveling Bot, where the user needs to be provided with weather updates daily for a preferred location. We will be using an Alert task to achieve the same. We will also see how auto subscription can be enabled…

How To Configure Agent Transfer

One of the frequently asked questions is how to transfer a chat to a human agent from the Bot. This is especially necessary if your bot is in the space of customer service. Chatbots are not meant to completely replace humans. Many times chatbot will fail to answer satisfactorily or…

How to Use Traits

In this How-To, we will explore a scenario in a Banking Bot, where traits can be used to steer the conversation flow in a more natural and predictable direction. For details on what Trait is and how it is implemented in the Bots platform, refer here. Problem Statement Consider…

How to Manage Context Switching

In this How-To, we will explore a scenario in a Banking Bot, where, sharing the context across intents, FAQs helps in improving the user experience and efficiency of the Bot. Also, we will be looking at how the context can be used within a dialog flow to determine the sequence…

Working with the Confirmation Nodes

Confirmation node allows you to prompt the user for a “yes” or “no” answer. It helps in the verification or allowing users to accept or decline a choice. For example, in the Books Flight Bot, you can use a Confirmation node to prompt the user to respond if they would…

Working with the Dialog Node

Dialog node lets you start a new Dialog task within an existing Dialog task if the user intent changes. For example, let’s consider a travel bot that has the following three Dialog tasks: Flight Availability, Book a Flight, and Book a Hotel. You may want to invoke the Book a Flight Dialog…

Analytics for Bots Admin

The Analytics module provides the history of all administrative tasks with attributes such as User, Date/Time, and Description for an event. You can review the Audit Report page to analyze admin users, custom admins, and user events such as log on, log off, and changes to system settings. The following illustration shows…


Human conversations are dynamic in that they tend to switch between intents and entities, often combining multiple things into one. Bots Platform offers Sub Intents that can be defined at the task level, and are the easiest way to shape dialog without having to manage context manually. This will…