“alert+task+authorization”에 대한 검색 결과

Task Execution-Based Containment Report API

This task-wise Containment Report offers a comparative analysis of the impact of task executions on overall containment. It breaks down task-wise successes and failures by containment type, including Drop-off, Self-service, and Agent Hand-off, providing a detailed overview for better understanding and decision-making. Method POST and GET Endpoint It’s a combination…

Task Execution Logs

The Task Execution Logs feature helps you gain in-depth insights into the task execution-related data and assess your virtual assistant’s performance in executing tasks. The Analyze > Task Execution Logs page shows information specific to task execution in the following sections: Failed Task: Indicates the number of unsuccessful tasks. API…

Travel VA: Schedule a Smart Alert

In this How-To, we will explore a scenario in a Virtual Assistant, say a Travel Planning Assistant, where the user needs to be provided with weather updates daily for a preferred location. We will be using an Alert task to achieve this. We will also see how auto subscription can…

Alert Task – OAuth v2 Client Credentials

We have seen how an Alert Task can be set up in the Kore.ai XO Platform here. In this article, we will see how authorization for alert tasks can be set up using the OAuth v2 with client credentials. General Setup OAuth v2 is the new version of the open…

Conversation Details and Summary API

To fetch the conversational details and conversation summary data between the bot and the user. This API supports pagination. You can specify skip and limit parameters to retrieve a certain number of messages at a time. Method POST Endpoint https://{{host}}/api/public/bot/{{botId}}/conversationDetails Content Type application/json Authorization auth: {{JWT}} API Scope Bot Builder:…

10.1.x Release Notes

This document provides information on the various releases and the corresponding feature updates and enhancements introduced in version 10.1.x of the Platform. v10.1.24 April 13, 2024 Patch Release This update includes security updates and bug fixes. Important Security Update and Potential Impact on NLP for Spanish and Dutch Bots This…

10.x Release Notes

This document provides information on the various releases and the corresponding feature updates and enhancements introduced in version 10.x of the platform. v10.0.5 April 1, 2023 Patch Release This update includes bug fixes and feature enhancements. Feature Enhancement Leverage Generative AI to Rephrase Bot Responses You can now leverage Generative…

Test and Debug

The following sections describe how you can test and debug your Virtual Assistant to validate the working of External NLU. Talk to Bot After completing the steps in Adapter Configuration and enabling the API, to check if the intent identification is done by External NLU adapter or not, you can…

Configuring the ServiceNow Action

The XO Platform lets you easily connect the ServiceNow integration to create, view, update, search and delete incidents. You can also create, view, update, search and delete requests using the pre-built templates. Click the ServiceNow link to know more.  This article explains how to authorize and enable the ServiceNow action…

External NLU Adapters

Kore.ai has one of the best NLP engines in the market including the unique Multiengine NLP capability. However, to provide integration flexibility and let the customers use the NLU engine of their preference with other features of the platform, Kore.ai provides an ability to make an external NLU engine co-exist…