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  4. API Guide
  5. Data Insert (Bulk) API

Data Insert (Bulk) API

Used to insert bulk data into Data Table.

To use this API, the app needs to be given Write access to the Data Table from the Data Definition in DaaS (see here for details)

POST https://{{host}}/api/public/tables/{{tableName}}/bulk

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
host Environment URL, for example, https://bots.kore.ai
tableName Name of the table to insert bulk data

Body Parameters

Parameter Description
data Array of objects with the column_name: value pairing

"data": [
        "<col1_name>": "<value1>",
        "<col2_name>": "<value2>",
         "<col1_name>": "<value1>", 
         "<col2_name>": "<value2>", 


Invoke the API with JWT in the header with the following syntax:

auth: {{JWT}}

Response content type


Sample Request

curl -X POST \
  http://{{host}}/api/public/tables/{{tableName}} \
  -H 'auth: {{YOUR_JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN}}' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
      "data": [
          "First_Name": "Jane",
          "Last_Name": "Smith",
          "Gender": "female",
          "Number": 263
           "First_Name": "Mike", 
           "Last_Name": "Mike", 
           "Gender": "male", 
           "Number": 234 

Sample Response

"records": [
    "First_Name": "Jane",
    "Last_Name": "Smith",
    "Gender": "female",
    "Number": 263,
    "Updated_On": "2020-03-28T07:02:09.652Z",
    "Created_On": "2020-03-28T07:02:09.652Z",
    "Updated_By": "st-98e05480-0257-5e35-b6d2-66a323834f9d",
    "Created_By": "st-98e05480-0257-5e35-b6d2-66a323834f9d",
    "sys_Id": "sys-545dae21-8675-5a95-9c1b-a223bc6f4bc8"
  { "First_Name": "Mike", 
    "Last_Name": "Mike", 
    "Gender": "male", 
    "Number": 234, 
    "Updated_On": "2020-03-28T07:02:09.652Z", 
    "Created_On": "2020-03-28T07:02:09.652Z", 
    "Updated_By": "st-98e05480-0257-5e35-b6d2-66a323834f9d", 
    "Created_By": "st-98e05480-0257-5e35-b6d2-66a323834f9d", 
    "sys_Id": "sys-545dae21-8675-5a95-9c1b-a223bc6f4bc8" 