Bot Building

Status Tracker

There are some tasks that are performed in the background, without distracting you from the bot builder UI like exporting the bot, training the bot, etc. You will get a notification once the task is complete. You can track the status from the Status Tracker at the bottom of the…

Grouping Nodes

Grouping nodes is primarily used for defining a group of nodes and representing the same in the Dialog canvas. Note that it is not a part of the dialog flow. Adding a Group Node to the Dialog Task Open the Dialog Task in which you want to add the Group…

Working with the Logic Node

The Logic Node provides a simpler experience for developers, primarily business users to use context variables and define complex transition conditions. It’s two primary functions are: Ability to manage variables and values of variables in the context object, and Ability to define nested transitions conditions. Step 1: Adding a Logic…

Working with the Form Node

Form node lets you integrate the UI Forms into a Dialog Task. This would facilitate the presentation of form to capture user inputs for specific use cases. The primary purpose of the Form Node is to represent a UI Form in the dialog task and make the form available for…

Digital Forms

This feature was released with v7.3 of the platform and is in (beta) state. The Virtual Agents engage end-users primarily using a conversational interface that typically includes an exchange of a series of messages. But oftentimes, there is a need to gather information from the end-user to proceed further. Examples…

Digital Views

Interactions with virtual agents are typically conducted using chat / messaging tools, voice channels or digital assistants. In the majority of the cases, the virtual agents respond to the user queries only when the users have requested for some information. This works well for conducting on-demand tasks that need user…

Panels & Widgets

Interactions with virtual agents are typically conducted using chat / messaging tools, voice channels or digital assistants. In the majority of the cases, the virtual agents respond to the user queries only when the users have requested for some information. This works well for conducting on-demand tasks that need user…


Visualizing how end-users are expected to interact with the bots is a very essential exercise in building successful bots. This helps in designing engaging conversations as well as simplifies the communication between business users, conversation designers, language experts, and bot developers.Designing chatbots comes with different challenges as compared to the…

Knowledge Graph Analysis

A careful analysis of the Knowledge Graph helps in detecting errors in your questions and the path associated with the same that might hamper the user experience. Knowledge Graph Diagnosis tool will help you in identifying any inefficiencies in your knowledge graphs and suggest possible corrective actions. Note that these…

Small Talk

Small Talk refers to the casual conversations that a Bot can have with the end users. Ability to engage end-users in casual conversations helps socialize your bot and improves the recall rates. The Small Talk conversation can be designed as a series of interaction volleys between the Bot and the…