What’s New

Bots Platform v6.2

Release 6.2 introduces Chatbot-IVR integration capability that enables developers to integrate conversational bots with your existing IVR systems. Also, in this release, we've made several signification additions to the Knowledge Graph and System Entities. Kore.ai Bots Platform now also lets developers customize the NLP parameters as every use-case demands a…

Bots Platform v6.2.2

The feature enhancements in this release empower bot developers to design intelligent bots using options like context switching and improved machine learning training models. Enterprises have better control over their bot deployment strategy by taking advantage of smart bots and applying redaction techniques for information security compliance. Enhanced context switching…

What’s New

The Kore.ai Bots Platform contains many new and enhanced features. This topic lists and describes most of those new and enhanced features as release notes for each new Bots Platform major product release. Bots Platform v7.0 This section contains major and minor release information for the Kore.ai Bots Platform v7.0…