
Custom Meta Tags

While analyzing your Bot performances, you might want to give preference to or discard a particular scenario. For example, you might want to track how many people are booking tickets to Chicago. Or you might want to track how a specific user, a premium customer, requests are being catered to.…

Sessions History API

This API retrieves the conversation sessions created. This API is available in BT and BAC app scopes. To use this API, app needs the Bot Builder API scope of Bot sessions. OR the Admin API Scope of Bot sessions under Bot Analytics. POST https://{{host}}/api/public/stream/{{BotID}}/getSessions and https://{{host}}/api/public/getSessions for Bot Admin Console Parameters…

Conversation History API

Fetches the conversational messages between the bot and user in reverse chronological order. This API supports pagination. You can provide offset/skip and limit to get a certain number of messages at a time. This is a newer version of the old API which will soon be deprecated. This revised API…

ML Model

The Machine Learning Model (ML Model) graph presents an at-a-glance view of the performance of your trained utterances against the bot tasks. The ML Model graph evaluates all the training utterances against each bot task and plots them into one of these quadrants of the task: True Positive (True +ve),…


Billing section has been added to the Bot Admin Console from ver 7.0, to enable the Bot Admins to view their Invoices and plan details. Invoices The Invoice section displays the Invoice history listing the Id, validity period and amount paid. You have the option to download the Invoice. Hover…

Sentiment Management

Emotion tones are critical indicators in understanding the attitudes and opinions of users interacting with the bots. Sentiment Management allows the developer to define and trigger events based on the user’s emotion or sentiment. NOTE: This feature was introduced in ver 7.0. Negative emotion scenarios like anger or disgust would… Connector

On the Connector page, in the Security & Control module of the Bots Admin Console, you can download and configure the Connector Agent for Bots within your secure company intranet to provide secure communications between the Bots platform in the cloud and your network. Why Connector? Bots…

Using Single Sign-On

On the Single Sign-On page, in the Security & Control module of the Bots Admin Console, you can configure Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication for your managed users using the following: OpenID Connect Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) WS-Federation sign-on protocol. SSO enables easy access to the application using your existing identity provider.…

API List

Following is the list of APIs available from the Bots Platform. For details on the API functioning and usage instructions refer here. These APIs are available for testing in your Postman setup, for configuration details see here. Based on the app scope, the APIs can be categorized as: Public…

Default Standard Responses Bot Builder tool provides a few default text responses. This section lists them and gives an explanation as to when these responses will be triggered. For an overview on Standard Responses, refer here. Message Definition Statements When only field prompt is present in the oob This is a field…