Virtual Assistants

ML Utterance Train Status API

To get the ML training status.   Method GET Endpoint https://{{host}}/api/public/bot/{{BotID}}/ml/train/status?language={{lang}}&state={{state}} Content Type application/json Authorization auth: {{JWT}} See How to generate the JWT Token. API Scope Bot Builder: Train ML Admin Console: Test and Train > Train ML   Path Parameters Parameter Description Mandate host The environment URL. For example,…

ML Utterances Train API

To initiate the ML training for a bot.   Method POST Endpoint https://{{host}}/api/public/bot/{{BotID}}/ml/train Content Type application/json Authorization auth: {{JWT}} See How to generate the JWT Token. API Scope Bot Builder: Train ML Admin Console: Test and Train > Train ML   Query Parameters Parameter Description Mandate host The environment URL.…

Role Management

Roles and Permissions help in organizing the developer community based on the scope of their work. By default the roles of Master Admin, Bot Owner, Bot Developer and Bot Tester are created by the system. Each role has set of permissions allowed. You can edit the permission settings for Bot…

Event Based Bot Actions

Events are triggered when specific actions occur during conversation with the Virtual Assistant  or when specific events are triggered on any active channels. For example, when a user clicks the Get Started button to initiate a chat with your FB Messenger VA, it triggers the Facebook Welcome event. You can…

Implementing Custom Authentication

You can implement custom authentication for your VA by providing a URL from the service node to an external application that manages the authentication. The platform provides the necessary functionality to handle successful and failed authentication scenarios and manage the corresponding task flows. Implementing custom authentication involves the following steps:…

Knowledge Extraction

The Knowledge Graph Extraction service enables you to effortlessly move your enterprise’s existing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ content) into a Knowledge Graph that trains your assistant based on these questions.. The feature supports the extraction of knowledge from unstructured content such as web pages and PDF documents as well as…

Bot Variables Export API

Exports global and content variables from a bot. To use this API, app needs the Bot Builder API scope of Export Variables. POST https://{{host}}/api/{{version}}/public/builder/stream/{{BotID}}/variables/export Query Parameters Parameter Description host Environment URL, for example, BotID Bot ID. You can access it from the General Settings page of the bot. Authorization…

Bot Variables Import API

To import global and content variables into the bot.   Method POST Endpoint https://{{host}}/api/{{version}}/public/builder/bot/{{BotID}}/variables/import Content Type application/json Authorization auth: {{JWT}} See How to generate the JWT Token. API Scope Bot Builder: Import Variables Admin Console: Not Applicable   Query Parameters Parameter Description Mandate host The environment URL. For example,…

Conversation History API (old)

Fetches the conversational messages between the bot and user in reverse chronological order. This API supports pagination. You can provide offset/skip and limit to get a certain number of messages at a time. Note: This API is currently accessible only if BotKit SDK or Agent Transfer is enabled for a…

Find Intent API

To fetch the intent recognition result and the scores from NLP and ML engines. Method POST Endpoint https://{{host}}/api/v1.1/rest/bot/{{BotID}}/findIntent?fetchConfiguredTasks=false Content Type application/json Authorization auth: {{JWT}} See How to generate the JWT Token. API Scope Bot Builder: Intent and Entity Detection Admin Console: Intent Identification > Intent and Entity Detection   Path…