
Self-service Portal

Process App’s self-service portal offers information and allows users to check their request status. Process Apps that have only digital forms as a trigger will be available in the portal. Access Self-service Portal After the Admin adds end-users to the portal, an email notification is sent to end-users with the…

9.0.x Release Details

This page gives full details of the various platform releases and the corresponding features that were updated/enhanced in version 8.1.x of the platform. v9.0.00 Aug 14th 2021 Major Release Following is a list of feature enhancements addressed in this release. Feature Enhancement Bot Builder Conversation Driven Dialog Building Using the…

Conversation-driven Dialog Builder

Conversation Builder is a new dialog task editor which allows you to design and build a dialog task using conversational elements. It leverages the features of Storyboard and the Flow-based Dialog Task Builder. While the Storyboard helps in designing and visualizing the user conversations, the bot needs to be developed…

Data as Service’s Data offering lets you define Data Tables, Table Views, and manipulate them from your Virtual Assistant. This section deals with the manipulation aspect using the Service Node within a Dialog Task of your Virtual Assistant. For details on the data definition, refer here. Service Call – Table From the…

Taxonomy-based KG

The platform provides a Taxonomy-based model in the Knowledge Graph to enhance the path qualification. The default Knowledge Graph model works on a two-step model i.e. path qualification and followed by question matching. The path need not be fully qualified at all times. Even a partial path match (above…

Billing Sessions API

This API retrieves the list of individual billing sessions created for a bot so that you can review them for correctness and reconciliation. . This API is available in BT and BAC app scopes. To use this API, an app needs the Bot Builder API scope of Billing Sessions. OR…

8.1.x Release Details

This page gives full details of the various platform releases and the corresponding features that were updated/enhanced in version 8.1.x of the platform. v8.1.10 May 29th 2021 Minor Release This update was mainly aimed at addressing some minor bugs. Following is a list of few updates. Feature Enhancement Bot Store…


You can simulate the process app by selecting a trigger. The primary purpose of the simulator is to test the workflow. It displays all triggers applicable to the process app and you can select a trigger to simulate. Simulate Process App To simulate your Process App, follow the below steps:…


The Dashboard gives an overview of your Process App. It allows you to track the real-time status of your application. You can find the details of the instances, tasks, usage metrics, and task trends on the dashboard. You can also filter the data based on a period (24 hours, 7…


End users can interact with a process app only when it is published. The Publish option allows you to make your Process App available to your end-users.  Process App Status Process application goes through different stages before it is used by an end-user. It follows the life cycle as shown…