
How to Add Access Control to a Digital Form?

A Digital Form helps you to collect the required data. It allows your users to enter the data you want to process a certain request. Digital Form triggers refer to the triggers that occur through the submission of a digital form. For example, let us consider an employee expense report.…

How to Use Events for a Process App?

Events are used to pause and resume actions in the process flow. It also helps you to notify the user of actions performed in the business process. There are two types of events involved in building a process flow: Call a Subflow – This event allows you to invoke an…

How to Use Stencils to Define a Logic for a Process App?

In general, Logic refers to the method that deals with rules and processes used in reasoning. A Logic in a Process App is used to direct the workflow to different branches with or without conditions in the workflow. It also helps you repeat actions or unify the branches created in…

How to Define Trigger for a Process App?

Triggers are specific events that drive a specific process application based on conditions defined. There are different triggers that you can use to trigger a process flow based on the requirement. The following are the types of triggers: Conversational – Conversational Triggers refer to the triggers that occur through a…

How to Define a Flow for a Process App?

To use the Process App, you must design a process with the flow. The process builder acts as a designer that helps you to define the process flows. The following are the basic components of the process builder: Triggers – Triggers are specific events that help start the process apps…

How to Publish a Process App?

End users can interact with a process app only when it is published. The Publish option allows you to make your Process App available to your end-users.  Process App Status Process application goes through different stages before it is used by an end-user. It follows the life cycle as shown…

How to Add Channels to a Process App?

A channel is a line of communication between your process app and its users. You can use channels for various purposes such as notifying users of important updates, delivering alerts, or sending data to users. By default, the Process App supports three channels. They are as follows: Email Bot API…

How to Share a Process App with Co-developers?

The Members and Roles option allows you to invite new users, manage users and their roles so that they can contribute to your project. For example, let us consider you are creating a Process App. There are a few tasks involved in the creation of a Process App and you…

How to Import & Export a Process App?

The Import & Export option allows you to import a Process App and to export a published or latest version of your Process App. Import App To import a Process App, follow the below steps: Click the Settings tab on the top. By default, the General Settings page is displayed.…

How to Create a Process App?

You must have a platform account to get started with the Process App. To access and set up the Process App, follow the below steps: Go to Log in to the Process App with valid credentials. On the landing page, you can set up your process app by…