
Get Analytics API

To extract the metrics data related to the intent detection and task performance using API. It can be used to retrieve metrics information related to Intents Found, Intents not Found, Failed Tasks, Successful Tasks, and Performance Logs To use this API, the app needs the Bot Scope of Metrics. POST…

Conversation Session Closure API

This API In-activates current active session based on session Id and bot Id. This API is available in the BT app scopes. To use this API, the app needs the Bot Builder API scope of Bot sessions. PUT https://{{host}}/api/public/bot/{{BotID}}/session Query Parameters Parameter Description host Environment URL, for example, BotId Bot…

How to Add Data into Data Tables from Digital Forms

In this How-To, we will explore a scenario in a Banking Bot, where the user can create an additional account. We will see how data collected from the Digital Forms can be used to create the account in a Data Table. For details on what Digital Forms are and how…

Adding Data into Data Tables from UI Forms

In this How-To, we will explore a scenario in a Banking Bot, where the user can create an additional account. We will see how data collected from the UI Forms can be used to create the account in a Data Table. For details on what UI Forms are and how…

Updating Data in Data Tables

In this How-To, we will explore a scenario in a Banking Bot, where the account-related data for a customer is stored in a Data Table. We will see how the data can be updated by a request from the user. For details on what Data Tables are and how it…

Adding Data to Data Tables

In this How-To, we will explore a scenario in a Banking Bot, where the account-related data for a customer is stored in a Data Table. We will see how the required information gathered from the user can be stored. For details on what Data Tables are and how it is…

Adding the Google Assistant channel

Important: The Google Assistant Conversational Actions will be sunsetted on June 13, 2023. For details, see Conversational Actions sunset. Requirements Google Assistant as a channel should ideally be enabled for VAs that are specifically built to work on voice-based channels. Ensure to review the following before you enable Google Assistant…

Data Insert (Bulk) API

  Used to insert bulk data into Data Table. Method POST Endpoint https://{{host}}/api/public/tables/{{tableName}}/bulk Content Type application/json Authorization auth: {{JWT}} See How to generate the JWT Token. App Access Write access to the Data Table from the Data Definition in DaaS. For more information, see app assignment for accessing the data…

Configuring Digital Forms

In this How-To, we will explore a scenario in a Banking Bot, where the user can create an additional account. We will see how Digital Forms can be used to gather all the required information from the user and create the account. For details on what Digital Forms are and…

Bots Platform v7.2

This section contains major and minor release information for the Bots Platform v7.2 released on Feb 8, 2020. New Features Widgets & Panels Enhance your bots to proactively present relevant information to your end-users using interactive widgets. End-users can view the widgets either on mobile devices or on the…