Advanced Topics

Defining a Universal Bot’s Universal Bots facilitate a scalable, modular approach to bot building by linking several standard individual bots into one. Modularity: Build separate bots that address domain-specific issues and then integrate them to optimally interoperate. Scalability: Start building bots that address key use cases and keep adding additional bots to address…

Getting Started with Multilingual Virtual Assistants

Consumers are more likely to engage with virtual assistants that communicate in their preferred language. The XO Platform supports enabling multiple languages within an assistant without having to rebuild the definitions. The platform supports over 100 languages and you can choose to enable any of these languages for your…

Tone Analysis

The XO Platform Natural Language Processing (NLP) interpreter can parse user utterances for specific words and phrases, and then provide an average tone score based on the connotation, word placement, and any added modifiers. You can use the score to help assess the user input and direct the flow of…

Setting Up Authorization using an API Key

An API key can act as both a unique identifier and a secret token for identification as well as authorization to provide a set of access rights on the associated API. Instead of prompting the end-user for both a username and password for access, the user is prompted only for…

Setting Up Authorization using OAuth v2

OAuth v2 is the new version of the open protocol to allow secure authorization via a standard method from web, mobile, and desktop applications. To use oAuth v2, you must first register an account with the web application as you will need the sign in credentials for that application to…

Setting Up Authorization using OAuth v1

OAuth v1 is an open protocol to allow secure authorization in a simple and standardized method from web, mobile, and desktop applications. To use OAuth v1, you must first register an account with the web application, as you will need the login credentials for that application to configure the settings…

Setting Up Authorization using oAuth v2 password grant

Setting Up Authorization using oAuth v2 password grant type OAuth v2 is the new version of the open protocol to allow secure authorization in a standardized manner from web, mobile, and desktop applications.  To use this authorization method, you must first register an account with the web application as you…

Setting Up Authorization using Basic Auth

When basic authorization is used for a task, the XO Platform automatically prompts the user for login credentials to access the web application or web service, as shown in the following illustration. After the end-user is authorized, the settings are saved using the following naming syntax: {{ First Name }}…

Bot Authorization Overview XO Platform’s Enterprise Integration Framework provides support for multiple authentication models that can be configured at a task level for each assistant, to use both authenticated and unauthenticated tasks in the same configuration. Developers can build custom authentication profiles for virtual assistants by defining subdomains through tenancy URLs, adding…

Collaborative Development allows cross-domain Bot sharing. You can share your Bot with one or more developers from the same or different enterprises enabling them to edit the shared Bot tasks, channels, and other settings. Sharing Bots There are two ways of sharing a Bot with your co-developers - from Bot Builder…