
Entity Rules

Validating user input before processing these values goes a long way in improving the bot’s efficiency and user experience. While the entity type does impose some basic restrictions, these are not always sufficient and does not cater to the specific business requirements. Entity rules can be used for additional processing…

Managing Namespace

(This feature was introduced in ver8.0) Chances are you have defined tens or hundreds of (Global or Content) variables and used them in the bot definitions. These variables could have been used in defining text prompts or messages, JavaScript, transitions, and service call definitions. Loading all these variables for every…

Status Tracker

There are some jobs that are performed in the background, without distracting you from the bot builder UI like exporting the bot, training the bot, etc. You will get a notification once the task is complete. You can track the status from the Status Tracker at the bottom of the…

Get FAQs – KG

To get a list of questions and nodes under the Knowledge task. To use this API, the app needs the Admin API Scope of KnowlegdeGraph. GET https://{{host}}/api/public/stream/{{botId}}/faqs?ktId=&limit=&offset=&parentId=&withallchild=&type=&language=en Path Parameters Parameter Required/Optional Description host Required Environment URL, for example, botId Required Bot ID. You can access it from the General…

Add Questions from Extract – KG

To add specific questions to Knowledge graph. To use this API, app needs the Admin API Scope of KnowlegdeGraph. POST https://{{host}}/api/public/stream/{{streamId}}/faqs/bulk?language=en Path Parameters Parameter Required/Optional Description host Required Environment URL, for example, streamId Required Bot ID or Stream ID. You can access it from the General Settings page of…

Get KnowledgeTasks – KG

To get a listing knowledge Tasks with the nodes. To use this API, app needs the Admin API Scope of KnowlegdeGraph. GET https://{{host}}/api/public/stream/{{streamId}}/knowledgeTasks?language=en Path Parameters Parameter Required/Optional Description host Required Environment URL, for example, streamId Required Bot ID or Stream ID. You can access it from the General Settings…

Get Extraction Questions – KG

To get a Get KG Extraction Questions. To use this API, app needs the Admin API Scope of KnowlegdeGraph. GET https://{{host}}/api/public/stream/{{streamId}}/qna/{{ExtractionId}}/questions?limit=&offset= Path Parameters Parameter Required/Optional Description host Required Environment URL, for example, streamId Required Bot ID or Stream ID. You can access it from the General Settings page of…

Get Extractions History – KG

To get a list of KG Extractions history. To use this API, app needs the Admin API Scope of KnowlegdeGraph. GET https://{{host}}/api/public/stream/{{streamId}}/qna/history?language=en Path Parameters Parameter Required/Optional Description host Required Environment URL, for example, streamId Required Bot ID or Stream ID. You can access it from the General Settings page…

Extraction from file or URL – KG

To import the extract using file or URL. To use this API, app needs the Admin API Scope of KnowlegdeGraph. POST https://{{host}}/api/public/stream/{{streamId}}/qna/import?language=en Path Parameters Parameter Required/Optional Description host Required Environment URL, for example, streamId Required Bot ID or Stream ID. You can access it from the General Settings page…

How to Add Data into Data Tables from Digital Forms

In this How-To, we will explore a scenario in a Banking Bot, where the user can create an additional account. We will see how data collected from the Digital Forms can be used to create the account in a Data Table. For details on what Digital Forms are and how…