
Conversation History API (old)

Fetches the conversational messages between the bot and user in reverse chronological order. This API supports pagination. You can provide offset/skip and limit to get a certain number of messages at a time. Note: This API is currently accessible only if BotKit SDK or Agent Transfer is enabled for a…

Find Intent API

Fetches the intent recognition result and the scoring from NLP and ML engines. To use this API, app needs the Bot Builder API scope of Intent and Entity Detection. POST https://{{host}}/api/v1.1/rest/streams/{{BotID}}/findIntent?fetchConfiguredTasks=false Query Parameters Parameter Description host Environment URL, for example, BotID Bot ID. You can access it from the…

Using APIs Bots Platform provides access to bot development using secured APIs. All key developer activities like bot creation, bot import and export, training, and publishing are available using these APIs. Key account management activities like managing Bot Builder access, managing admin, and bot roles can also be performed via secured…

Bot Functions

Custom Script file enables you to collate and manage reusable utility JavaScript functions that can be used by different tasks, nodes, and other bot elements. Once you upload a custom script file to the bot, it reduces the redundant development efforts by making all the functions in the file accessible…

Dialog Management

Human conversations are characterized by twists and turns, and no two directions are ever the same. Natural conversations often tend to go beyond linear intent resolution paths defined in the bots. Ideally, a user allows the bot to take a user intent to its logical conclusion before initiating another, but…

NLP Settings and Guidelines

Intent Naming Guidelines Follow the below guidelines when naming your task (intent identifier): Use an action verb, an object, and possibly a modifier (placed before or after the object). Typically, an intent name consists of 2 to 4 words. Use less than 5 words to convey the purpose of the…

Bot Metrics records and presents all the information as part of the Bot Analyze section. Developers can gain in-depth insights into their bot’s performance at identifying and executing tasks. It lets you view necessary information for user utterances that matched and didn’t match with intents. The Analyze > Metrics section contains…

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

The key for a conversational bot to understand human interactions lies in its ability to identify the intention of the user, extract useful information from their utterance, and map them to relevant actions or tasks. NLP (Natural Language Processing) is the science of deducing the intention (Intent) and related information…

IVR Integration

When it comes to automating customer interactions, IVR systems have proven to be among the top choices for organizations. But if you are using an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system for your customer service, odds are you might have encountered these two issues quite often: Non-Intuitive Interface: IVR systems do…

Adding WebHook as a channel

Webhook channel provides a generic webhook integration to connect your bot with any external communication systems. platform provides standard request and response APIs to send and receive text messages. End user’s input through a voice, keypad, or any other means must be converted to plain text before it is…