API Guide

Query Data (View) API

Used to get data from Table View. To use this API, the app needs to be given Read access to the Table View from the Data Definition in DaaS (see here for details) POST https://{{host}}/api/public/views/{{viewName}}/query?sys_limit={{limit_value}}&sys_offset={{offset_value}} Query Parameters Parameter Description host Environment URL, for example, https://bots.kore.ai viewName The table view form…

Query Data (Table) API

Used to get data from Data Table. To use this API, the app needs to be given Read access to the Data Table from the Data Definition in DaaS (see here for details) POST https://{{host}}/api/public/tables/{{tableName}}/query?sys_limit={{limit_value}}&sys_offset={{offset_value}} Query Parameters Parameter Description host Environment URL, for example, https://bots.kore.ai tableName Name of the Table…

Data Delete API

Used to delete data from Data Table. To use this API, the app needs to be given Read and Delete access to the Data Table from the Data Definition in DaaS (see here for details) DELETE https://{{host}}/api/public/tables/{{tableName}} Query Parameters Parameter Description host Environment URL, for example, https://bots.kore.ai tableName Name of…

Data Update API

Used to update data into Data Table. To use this API, the app needs to be given Read and Write access to the Data Table from the Data Definition in DaaS (see here for details) PUT https://{{host}}/api/public/tables/{{tableName}} Query Parameters Parameter Description host Environment URL, for example, https://bots.kore.ai tableName Name of…

Data Insert API

Used to insert data into Data Table. To use this API, the app needs to be given Write access to the Data Table from the Data Definition in DaaS (see here for details) POST https://{{host}}/api/public/tables/{{tableName}} Query Parameters Parameter Description host Environment URL, for example, https://bots.kore.ai tableName Name of the table…

Get Admin Console Audit Logs API

To get admin console audit logs. To use this API, app needs the Admin API Scope. GET https://{{host}}/api/public/auditlogs?size=50&offset=0&fromDate={{timestamp}}&toDate={{timestamp}}&fetchAfter={{AuditLogId}} NOTE: This feature was introduced in ver7.2 of the platform. Query Parameters   Parameter Description host Environment URL, for example, https://bots.kore.ai size Number of records to be fetched upto a maximum of…

Get Dashboard Widget Data

To get the data result of a widget from a specific Custom Dashboard added to a bot. To use this API, app needs the Bot Builder API scope of Custom Reports. GET https://{{host}}/api/public/bot/{{BotID}}/dashboard/{{dashboardName}}/widget/{{widgetName}}?startDate={{startDate}}&endDate={{endDate}}&limit=-1 Path Parameters Parameter Required/Optional Description host Required Environment URL, for example, https://bots.kore.ai BotID Required Bot ID or…

Remove Users from Account

To remove users from an account. This API requires JWT generated by an application created only from Bot Admin Console. To use this API, app needs the Admin API Scope of User Management under Security & Control. DELETE https://{{host}}/api/public/users NOTE: This feature was introduced in ver7.1 of the platform. Query…

Update User API

To update user details. This API requires JWT generated by an application created only from Bot Admin Console. To use this API, app needs the Admin API Scope of User Management under Security & Control. PUT https://{{host}}/api/public/users NOTE: This feature was introduced in ver7.1 of the platform. Query Parameters Parameter…

Create User API

To add users to an account. This API requires JWT generated by an application created only from Bot Admin Console. To use this API, app needs the Admin API Scope of User Management under Security & Control. POST https://{{host}}/api/public/users NOTE: This feature was introduced in ver7.1 of the platform. Query…