
Get User Information

To retrieve the user details. This API requires JWT generated by an application created only from Bot Admin Console. To use this API, app needs the Admin API Scope of User Management under Security & Control. POST https://{{host}}/api/public/usersInfo NOTE: This feature was introduced in ver7.1 of the platform. Query Parameters…

Delete Customer Data Status API

Used to get the status of the Customer Data Delete request. This API requires JWT generated by an application created only from Bot Admin Console. To use this API, app needs the Admin API Scope of Delete Users Data under Bot Analytics. GET https://{{host}}/api/public/bot/eraseUsersData/status/:reqId NOTE: This feature was introduced in ver7.1…

Delete Customer Data API

Used to delete customer data. This API requires JWT generated by an application created only from Bot Admin Console. To use this API, app needs the Admin API Scope of Delete Users Data under Bot Analytics. DELETE https://{{host}}/api/public/bot/eraseUsersData NOTE: This feature was introduced in ver7.1 of the platform. Delete User will…

Knowledge Graph Analysis

A careful analysis of the Knowledge Graph helps in detecting errors in your questions and the path associated with the same that hamper the user experience. Knowledge Graph Diagnosis tool helps you to identify any inefficiencies in your knowledge graphs and suggest possible corrective actions. Note that these are just…

Security Settings

Apart from the sign-on, and other security settings, you can modify default account security & control settings like data retention period, context persistence, and IP address access. Data Retention All the end-user interaction data is removed from the system, by default, after a period of 7 years. However, it is…

Small Talk

Small Talk refers to the casual conversations that a bot can have with the end-users. The ability to engage end-users in casual conversations helps socialize your bot and improves the recall rates. The Small Talk conversation is designed as a series of interaction volleys between the bot and the user.…

Custom Dashboard

Custom Dashboards allow you to design your own reports and dashboards to meet business needs using a combination of built-in metrics as well as custom KPIs based on user demographic or context information. Custom Dashboards are in addition to the out-of-the-box dashboard reports available in the Bot Builder. See here…

Generation of Knowledge Graph

The performance of’s Knowledge Graph is based on the proper organization of the Knowledge Graph-based upon key domain terms and establishing a hierarchy. Building the FAQs is easy when you start fresh with the Knowledge Graph, but in case you have a list of questions-answer pairs converting the same…

RCS Business Messaging

RCS Business Messaging is the evolution of mobile messaging, increasing and improving the ways in which people and businesses communicate. It provides brands with the opportunity to increase their engagement with customers by making use of business messaging using chatbots and artificial intelligence (AI). Google RBM allows companies to send…

Knowledge Graph’s Knowledge Graph helps you turn your static FAQ text into an intelligent, personalized conversational experience. It goes beyond the usual practice of capturing FAQs in the form of flat question-answer pairs. Instead, Knowledge Graph enables you to create an ontological structure of key domain terms and associate them with…