
Storyboard FAQs

FAQs are one of the primary data sources for your VA and they work as part of both the Storyboard and the Knowledge Graph. They provide a question-answer approach to detecting and addressing user intents. Since the Storyboard is the central location for intents management, it includes a section that…

Conversation-driven Dialog Builder

Conversation Builder is a new dialog task editor which allows you to design and build a dialog task using conversational elements. It leverages the features of Storyboard and the Flow-based Dialog Task Builder. While the Storyboard helps in designing and visualizing the user conversations, the bot needs to be developed…

Data as Service’s Data offering lets you define Data Tables, Table Views, and manipulate them from your Virtual Assistant. You can also view the definition of the data table or table view assigned to the VA and provide correct data mappings based on the data types for the table columns. This section…

Taxonomy-based KG

The platform provides a Taxonomy-based model in the Knowledge Graph to enhance the path qualification. The default Knowledge Graph model works on a two-step model i.e. path qualification and followed by question matching. The path need not be fully qualified at all times. Even a partial path match (above…

Dialog Task – Legacy Builder

In a bid to improve useability and user experience, the dialog builder was given a makeover. You are given a choice to upgrade to the new builder or continue with the legacy builder, though we encourage you to go for the upgrade. This document deals with using the legacy dialog…

Bot Action Node

The Bot Action Node can be used for any action that the bot is expected to perform without interaction with the user. It can be used as a container for service, script, webhook, logic and process nodes. This node type has been introduced in v. 9.0 of the XO Platform.…

Alert Task – Advanced Settings

In the Advanced Settings section, you can define alert task settings for enabling and limiting the initial set of alert messages displayed to the end-user when the task is set up, define alert message reminders, and if required, prevent duplicate messages sent to the user. Learn more about Alert Tasks.…

Alert Task – Configuring the Schedule

As seen here, alert tasks only reach out to a web service for data when the VA makes a request. For each task, you need to define when, and how often the web service is queried for data for an alert message. You can define the scheduling options presented to…

Alert Task – Defining Filters

You can define filters for end-users to limit the results of an alert task to the results an end-user needs. For example, you can define a filter for the name, or account, or business. When the alert is set up by the end-user, and the filter applied, only alert messages…

Alert Task – Message Definition

For some Alert tasks, as seen here, you can define the look and feel of the data presented to the end-user when the alert is displayed, based on the payload delivered by the webhook. Message Definition Overview To define the messages shown to a user when displaying an Alert Task,…