Virtual Assistants Overview
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Concepts and Terminology
Quick Start Guide
Accessing the Platform
Navigating the XO Platform
Building a Virtual Assistant
Help & Learning Resources
Release Notes
Current Version
Recent Updates
Previous Versions
Conversation Designer
Dialog Tasks
Mock Scenes
Dialog Tasks
Navigate Dialog Tasks
Build Dialog Tasks
Node Types
Intent Node
Dialog Node
Dynamic Intent Node
GenAI Node
GenAI Prompt
Entity Node
Form Node
Confirmation Node
Message Nodes
Logic Node
Bot Action Node
Service Node
Webhook Node
Script Node
Process Node
Agent Transfer
Node Connections
Node Connections Setup
Sub-Intent Scoping
Entity Types
Entity Rules
User Prompts or Messages
Voice Call Properties
Knowledge AI
Knowledge Graph
Build a Knowledge Graph
Manage FAQs
Knowledge Extraction
Import or Export Knowledge Graph
Prepare Data for Import
Importing Knowledge Graph
Exporting Knowledge Graph
Auto-Generate Knowledge Graph
Knowledge Graph Analysis
Answer from Documents
Alert Tasks
Small Talk
Digital Skills
Digital Forms
Digital Views
Session and Context Variables
Context Object
Intent Discovery
NLP Optimization
ML Engine
Model Validation
FM Engine
KG Engine
Traits Engine
Ranking and Resolver
Training Validations
NLP Configurations
NLP Guidelines
LLM and Generative AI
LLM Integration XO GPT Module
Prompts & Requests Library
Co-Pilot Features
Dynamic Conversations Features
Event Handlers
Contextual Memory
Contextual Intents
Interruption Management
Multi-intent Detection
Amending Entities
Default Conversations
Conversation Driven Dialog Builder
Sentinment Management
Tone Analysis
Default Standard Responses
Ignore Words & Field Memory
Test & Debug
Talk to Bot
Utterance Testing
Batch Testing
Conversation Testing
Conversation Testing Overview
Create a Test Suite
Test Editor
Test Case Assertion
Test Case Execution Summary
Health and Monitoring
NLP Health
Flow Health
Actions Overview
Azure OpenAI
Google Maps
Microsoft Graph
Open AI
Agent Transfer Overview
Custom (BotKit)
NiceInContact(User Hub)
Configure Tokyo and Lower versions
Configure Utah and Higher versions
External NLU Adapters
Dialogflow Engine
Test and Debug
Dashboard Filters
Overview Dashboard
Conversations Dashboard
Users Dashboard
Performance Dashboard
Custom Dashboards
Custom Meta Tags
Create Custom Dashboard
Create Custom Dashboard Filters
LLM and Generative AI Logs
NLP Insights
Task Execution Logs
Conversations History
Conversation Flows
Conversation Insights
Feedback Analytics
Usage Metrics
Containment Metrics
Universal Bots
Universal Bot Definition
Universal Bot Creation
Training a Universal Bot
Universal Bot Customizations
Enabling Languages
Manage Assistant
Team Collaboration
Plan & Usage
Usage Plans
Support Plans
Conversation Sessions
Multilingual Virtual Assistants
Get Started
Supported Components & Features
Manage Languages
Manage Translation Services
Multiingual Virtual Assistant Behavior
Feedback Survey
Masking PII Details
IVR Settings
General Settings
Assistant Management
Manage Namespace
Data Table
Table Views
App Definitions
Data as Service
Build a Travel Planning Assistant
Travel Assistant Overview
Create a Travel Virtual Assistant
Design Conversation Skills
Create an ‘Update Booking’ Task
Create a Change Flight Task
Build a Knowledge Graph
Schedule a Smart Alert
Design Digital Skills
Configure Digital Forms
Configure Digital Views
Train the Assistant
Use Traits
Use Patterns
Manage Context Switching
Deploy the Assistant
Use Bot Functions
Use Content Variables
Use Global Variables
Use Web SDK
Build a Banking Assistant
Design Conversation Skills
Create a Sample Banking Assistant
Create a Transfer Funds Task
Create a Update Balance Task
Create a Knowledge Graph
Set Up a Smart Alert
Design Digital Skills
Configure Digital Forms
Configure Digital Views
Add Data to Data Tables
Update Data in Data Tables
Add Data from Digital Forms
Train the Assistant
Composite Entities
Use Traits
Use Patterns for Intents & Entities
Manage Context Switching
Deploy the Assistant
Configure an Agent Transfer
Use Assistant Functions
Use Content Variables
Use Global Variables
Intent Scoping using Group Node
Analyze the Assistant
Create a Custom Dashboard
Use Custom Meta Tags in Filters
Migrate External Bots
Google Dialogflow Bot
API Reference
API Introduction
Rate Limits
API List
koreUtil Libraries
SDK Reference
SDK Introduction
How the Web SDK Works
SDK Security
SDK Registration
Web Socket Connect and RTM
Widget SDK Tutorial
Web SDK Tutorial
BotKit SDK
BotKit SDK Deployment Guide
Installing the BotKit SDK
Using the BotKit SDK
SDK Events
SDK Functions
BotKit - Blue Prism
BotKit - Flight Search Sample VA
BotKit - Agent Transfer
  1. Home
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  3. Virtual Assistants
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  5. Knowledge Graph
  6. Knowledge Graph Terminology

Knowledge Graph Terminology

This article explains the terminology for building a Knowledge Graph within the XO Platform. This terminology applies to both the Few-Shot and the Ontology KG Models unless otherwise specified. Learn more about Knowledge Graph Types.

Terms or Nodes

Terms or Nodes are the building blocks of an ontology and are used to define the fundamental concepts and categories of a Knowledge Graph.

You can organize the terms in a hierarchical order to represent the flow of information in your graph. You can create, organize, edit, and delete terms and set term types to facilitate intent identification 

The Knowledge graph is limited to 20 thousand nodes/terms and 50 thousand FAQs.

Node/Term Hierarchy

For easier representation, we identify node/term hierarchy using the following names:

Root Term/Node

The Root Term/Node forms the topmost term of your Ontology. A Knowledge Graph contains only one root node, and all other nodes in the ontology become its child nodes. The Root node takes the name of the VA by default, but you can change it as needed. In an Ontology-based KG, this node is not used for path qualification or processing. Path qualification starts from first-level nodes. 

For Ontology-Based graphs, it is best to organize your FAQs into a clear structure, so we don’t recommend adding them at the Root node. You can, however, add a maximum of 100 FAQs if required. 

First-level Term/Node

The immediate next-level nodes after the Root node are known as First-Level Term/Node. There can be any number of first-level nodes in a graph. We recommend using first-level nodes to represent high-level terms, such as the names of departments, functionalities, etc. For example, in a Travel Assistant, you might have a first-level node called Reservation, which can be structured by functionality into subnodes such as: Cancel and Update.

Leaf Term/Node

Any node at any level starting with the 2nd is called a Leaf Term/Node.

Note: This hierarchical organization of nodes is for your convenience to keep related questions together. The Knowledge Graph Engine does not consider any parent-child relation while evaluating the questions for a match. The hierarchy does not influence the FAQ matching process since all the nodes are considered the same way, irrespective of their position.

Term/Node Types

Functionally, there are three types of Terms/Nodes.

  • Default: Default terms do not have any particular considerations in shortlisting qualified paths in Ontology-based KGs. 
  • Mandatory: When you mark a term as Mandatory, paths associated with it are shortlisted for ranking only if the user’s utterance includes the mandatory term or its synonyms.
  • Organizer: This term type can be marked as part of the Knowledge Graph to organize the ontology and help qualify FAQs even when they don’t contain the specific terms.


For each term/node, you can add custom tags. Tags work exactly like terms but are not displayed in the Knowledge Graph ontology to avoid clutter. You can add synonyms and traits to tags as you do to terms.


The Knowledge Graph allows you to add Synonyms for terms to include all possible alternative forms. Adding synonyms reduces the need for training the VA with alternative questions.

For example, the reservation node in our previously-mentioned Travel Assistant may have the following synonyms added to it: booking, order, purchase, etc. 

Synonym Types

When you add a synonym for a term or a tag in the Knowledge Graph, you can add it as a local or global synonym. Local synonyms (or Path Level Synonyms) apply to the term only in that particular path, whereas global synonyms (or Knowledge Graph Synonyms) apply to the term even if it appears on any other path in the ontology.

After v. 7.2 of the XO Platform, you can also use Bot Synonyms inside the Knowledge Graph engine for path qualification and question matching. With this setting, you need not recreate the same synonyms in Bot Synonyms and KG Synonyms.


A trait is a collection of typical end-user utterances that define the nature of a question. Learn more.

A trait is applied to multiple terms across your Bot Ontology.

Note: Traits also help you filter nodes based on associated user utterances. So, if the user types an utterance that is present in a trait, the assistant only searches the nodes to which the trait is applied. If the utterance is present in any other node to which the trait is not applied, the node is ignored.


A VA can respond to a given question with an FAQ or the execution of a Dialog Task.

  • FAQ: The question-answer pairs must be added to relevant nodes in your ontology. A maximum of 50k FAQs is permissible. A question is asked differently by different users, and to support this, you must associate multiple alternate forms for each question. Preceding an alternate question with || will allow you to enter patterns for FAQs (after the v.7.2 release).

  • Task: Linking a Dialog task to a KG Intent helps leverage the capabilities of the Knowledge Graph and Dialog tasks to handle FAQs that involve complex conversations.

Notes on the Few-Shot Knowledge Graph

  1. For Few-Shot graphs, you can add all your FAQs to the Root node because the LLM does not require an ontology.
  2. Default terms are not available in Few-Shot Knowledge Graphs. The only exception is when you switch from an Ontology Graph, in which case existing Default terms are stored as such until updated. Afterward, Default terms become Organizer terms and can be set as Mandatory.
  3. Path Level Synonyms are only supported for Mandatory Terms and for Tags.

Knowledge Graph Terminology

This article explains the terminology for building a Knowledge Graph within the XO Platform. This terminology applies to both the Few-Shot and the Ontology KG Models unless otherwise specified. Learn more about Knowledge Graph Types.

Terms or Nodes

Terms or Nodes are the building blocks of an ontology and are used to define the fundamental concepts and categories of a Knowledge Graph.

You can organize the terms in a hierarchical order to represent the flow of information in your graph. You can create, organize, edit, and delete terms and set term types to facilitate intent identification 

The Knowledge graph is limited to 20 thousand nodes/terms and 50 thousand FAQs.

Node/Term Hierarchy

For easier representation, we identify node/term hierarchy using the following names:

Root Term/Node

The Root Term/Node forms the topmost term of your Ontology. A Knowledge Graph contains only one root node, and all other nodes in the ontology become its child nodes. The Root node takes the name of the VA by default, but you can change it as needed. In an Ontology-based KG, this node is not used for path qualification or processing. Path qualification starts from first-level nodes. 

For Ontology-Based graphs, it is best to organize your FAQs into a clear structure, so we don’t recommend adding them at the Root node. You can, however, add a maximum of 100 FAQs if required. 

First-level Term/Node

The immediate next-level nodes after the Root node are known as First-Level Term/Node. There can be any number of first-level nodes in a graph. We recommend using first-level nodes to represent high-level terms, such as the names of departments, functionalities, etc. For example, in a Travel Assistant, you might have a first-level node called Reservation, which can be structured by functionality into subnodes such as: Cancel and Update.

Leaf Term/Node

Any node at any level starting with the 2nd is called a Leaf Term/Node.

Note: This hierarchical organization of nodes is for your convenience to keep related questions together. The Knowledge Graph Engine does not consider any parent-child relation while evaluating the questions for a match. The hierarchy does not influence the FAQ matching process since all the nodes are considered the same way, irrespective of their position.

Term/Node Types

Functionally, there are three types of Terms/Nodes.

  • Default: Default terms do not have any particular considerations in shortlisting qualified paths in Ontology-based KGs. 
  • Mandatory: When you mark a term as Mandatory, paths associated with it are shortlisted for ranking only if the user’s utterance includes the mandatory term or its synonyms.
  • Organizer: This term type can be marked as part of the Knowledge Graph to organize the ontology and help qualify FAQs even when they don’t contain the specific terms.


For each term/node, you can add custom tags. Tags work exactly like terms but are not displayed in the Knowledge Graph ontology to avoid clutter. You can add synonyms and traits to tags as you do to terms.


The Knowledge Graph allows you to add Synonyms for terms to include all possible alternative forms. Adding synonyms reduces the need for training the VA with alternative questions.

For example, the reservation node in our previously-mentioned Travel Assistant may have the following synonyms added to it: booking, order, purchase, etc. 

Synonym Types

When you add a synonym for a term or a tag in the Knowledge Graph, you can add it as a local or global synonym. Local synonyms (or Path Level Synonyms) apply to the term only in that particular path, whereas global synonyms (or Knowledge Graph Synonyms) apply to the term even if it appears on any other path in the ontology.

After v. 7.2 of the XO Platform, you can also use Bot Synonyms inside the Knowledge Graph engine for path qualification and question matching. With this setting, you need not recreate the same synonyms in Bot Synonyms and KG Synonyms.


A trait is a collection of typical end-user utterances that define the nature of a question. Learn more.

A trait is applied to multiple terms across your Bot Ontology.

Note: Traits also help you filter nodes based on associated user utterances. So, if the user types an utterance that is present in a trait, the assistant only searches the nodes to which the trait is applied. If the utterance is present in any other node to which the trait is not applied, the node is ignored.


A VA can respond to a given question with an FAQ or the execution of a Dialog Task.

  • FAQ: The question-answer pairs must be added to relevant nodes in your ontology. A maximum of 50k FAQs is permissible. A question is asked differently by different users, and to support this, you must associate multiple alternate forms for each question. Preceding an alternate question with || will allow you to enter patterns for FAQs (after the v.7.2 release).

  • Task: Linking a Dialog task to a KG Intent helps leverage the capabilities of the Knowledge Graph and Dialog tasks to handle FAQs that involve complex conversations.

Notes on the Few-Shot Knowledge Graph

  1. For Few-Shot graphs, you can add all your FAQs to the Root node because the LLM does not require an ontology.
  2. Default terms are not available in Few-Shot Knowledge Graphs. The only exception is when you switch from an Ontology Graph, in which case existing Default terms are stored as such until updated. Afterward, Default terms become Organizer terms and can be set as Mandatory.
  3. Path Level Synonyms are only supported for Mandatory Terms and for Tags.