
Conversations History

The Conversation History module allows you to review the transcripts of past conversations and label certain conversations for follow-up or further action. The Advanced Conversation Analytics feature provides a more detailed view of the conversation, including events and custom tags, which can help you better understand the interaction between the…

Adding the Sunshine Conversations Channel

Virtual Assistants built on the XO Platform can be deployed on the Sunshine Conversations platform. This channel integration supports conversations with virtual assistants and provides a seamless hand-off to agents on Zendesk. Authorizing the Integration to Sunshine Conversations To enable the integration, you need to provide authorization using…

Sharing Data Tables or Views

The XO Platform allows you to share Data Tables or Data Views by assigning them to bots, process apps or apps. To learn more, see the following posts: Data Tables Table Views Note:In the Shared Tables tab, you can view only the tables and views that are shared with…

Users Trend Analysis

Once you have implemented a virtual assistant, you can gain actionable insights on the type of users it handles, including unique, new, and returning users, and the user trends for a given period for different conversation types, conversation statuses, channels, languages, and custom conversational tags on the Users Dashboard. The…

Analytics Overview Dashboard

The Overview dashboard gives a snapshot of the Virtual Assistant’s conversations, user analytics, and performance over time. You can filter the information by date, conversation type (interactive and non-interactive), conversation status, and more. To view the Overview dashboard, click the Analyze tab on the top menu and then click Overview…

9.2.x Release Details

This page gives full details of the various platform releases and the corresponding features that were updated/enhanced in version 9.2.x of the platform. v9.2.4 May 7th 2022 Patch Release This update was mainly aimed at addressing some minor bugs. Following is a list of few updates. Feature Enhancement Virtual Assistant…

How to View Process App Errors?

You can view all the Process App errors categorized step-wise using the Dynamic Error Console that appears on the property panel of the Flow Designer. The system displays the error warnings and highlights the number of errors against each step. The system also displays the node for which unresolved errors…

Performance Dashboard

After you publish a Virtual Assistant (VA), you can monitor its performance using the Performance dashboard. The dashboard provides insights into metrics such as the number of intents identified, tasks completed successfully, and any service or script failures that occur during interactions. You can use these insights to identify areas…

Conversations Dashboard

The Conversations Dashboard provides insights into how conversations are handled by your virtual assistant (VA). It shows how many conversations were successfully answered by the VA, how many were transferred to agents, and how many were incomplete. You can also view other metrics, such as the trend of conversation sessions,…

What’s New in XO v10.1

Learn about the new features and enhancements included in v10.1 of Experience Optimization Platform, released on April 16, 2023. The v10.1 of the XO Platform focuses on leveraging the power of Large Language Models and Generative AI to enable enterprises to create intelligent conversational experiences. The release offers…