Virtual Assistants

Taxonomy-based KG

The platform provides a Taxonomy-based model in the Knowledge Graph to enhance the path qualification. The default Knowledge Graph model works on a two-step model i.e. path qualification and followed by question matching. The path need not be fully qualified at all times. Even a partial path match (above…

Billing Sessions API

This API retrieves the list of individual billing sessions created for a bot so that you can review them for correctness and reconciliation. Method POST Endpoint https://{{host}}/api/public/bot/{{BotID}}/getBillingSessionsDetails For Bot Admin Console: https://{{host}}/api/public/getBillingSessionsDetails Content Type application/json Authorization auth: {{JWT}} See How to generate the JWT Token. API Scope Bot Builder: Billing Sessions…

8.1.x Release Details

This page gives full details of the various platform releases and the corresponding features that were updated/enhanced in version 8.1.x of the platform. v8.1.10 May 29th 2021 Minor Release This update was mainly aimed at addressing some minor bugs. Following is a list of few updates. Feature Enhancement Bot Store…

Dialog Task – Legacy Builder

In a bid to improve useability and user experience, the dialog builder was given a makeover. You are given a choice to upgrade to the new builder or continue with the legacy builder, though we encourage you to go for the upgrade. This document deals with using the legacy dialog…

App Definition

You can define apps to securely access the data from data tables and data views. These apps can be used for: Accessing the data tables and views over public APIs; Accessing the export and import API for the definition of data tables and views. App definition includes entering the App Name…

Table Views

Table Views let you create custom datasets by joining one or more Data Tables. These definitions get converted to queries to extract data from one or more data tables by using the required joins. Definition Steps to create a table view: Go to the Data tab in the Home page…

Data Table

You can create a data table and share it with virtual assistants, apps and process assistants. Step to create a new table: Go to the Data tab in the Home page and select the Data Tables option and click Create Data Table. Alternatively, click New Table to create a new…

Where to find what

This document is aimed at giving you an overview of the virtual assistant platform as a guide to the various feature offerings. Legacy UI The legacy Bot Builder has the left navigation menu which slides out on hover. New UI The new Bot builder has the elements categorized into main…

Subscription Plans

The Platform supports e-commerce journeys for subscriptions to various plans. It supports a pay-as-you-go model where you can start using the platform with free sessions. After the free sessions, you can reload your accounts with reasonable amounts (starting from $100), and be charged only for the consumed sessions.  Usage…

Bot Action Node

The Bot Action Node can be used for any action that the bot is expected to perform without interaction with the user. It can be used as a container for service, script, webhook, logic and process nodes. This node type has been introduced in v. 9.0 of the XO Platform.…